Showing posts with label wedding entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding entertainment. Show all posts

Sep 20, 2010

A story of Islamic Wedding ~ ringkas menurut syariat..

Alhamdulillah.. semalam saya berpeluang pergi ke satu majlis perkahwinan..
Ayah pengantin tu somebody I know sebab he's from a related department to my office.. Setahu saya, anak - anaknya pelajar tahfiz.. Mereka belajar sampai ke luar negara. Wife dia pun bertudung labuh berfurdah.. anak dia yang kahwin tu nampak sangat muda, It seems like his age is around 18 or 19 camtu .. sudah bergelar ustaz.. Alhamdulillah. Bagus rasenya terbuka hati, bertemu jodoh dalam usia muda.. hidup sentiasa terpelihara..

Ok, what so unique about this wedding..

Tenang sangat.. Muhasabah diri sebentar saya.. Ringkas tapi memenuhi kehendak syariat untuk adakan kenduri kahwin.. Tetamu yang datang pun kebanyakannya orang alim.. Insya Allah ada barakahnya.. Sampai - sampai disambut sendiri oleh tuan rumah dan pengantin perempuan.. Cantik sangat berjubah labuh lace.. bertudung tiga segi labuh dengan veil dan tiara.. dan dia menutup muka dengan furdah ala arab.. berseri - seri sangat nampaknya.. walaupun saya cuma nampak mata. Cantik sangat..

Bersalam dengan pengantin sendiri, dia yang menjemput tetamu masuk.. tiada pelamin.. hanya satu jamuan di bawah khemah berscallop biase.. hidangan sama seperti majlis lain.. penanggah yang mengemas comel sangat.. anak - anak daripada sekolah tahfiz shah alam..
Konsep asalnya, meja diasingkan mengikut lelaki dan perempuan.. teringat saya dengan majlis perkahwinan dulu di kampung.. tempat tetamu lelaki dan perempuan di asingkan.. tapi sesetengah keluarga pilih untuk makan bersama.. Majlisnya pun tidak lah senyap sunyi.. tetapi tidak bingit.. mereka pilih entertainment ala Islam.. feel same macam dengar radio IKIM.. lagu yang diputarkan banyak berupa nasyid.. diselang seli dengan pesanan - pesanan indah mesej yg islamic.. siapa yang minat boleh refer blog ni..

Tak tahu pulak saya ada jugak entertainment begini.. 1st time experience saya.. Bila dah selesai makan, salam semula tuan rumah.. Saya suka door gift yang diberi oleh mereka kepada tetamu lelaki.. sebuah CD dengan bacaan ayat - ayat Al -Quran oleh ustaz, pengantin lelaki tu sendiri.. simple saje tapi alhamdulillah, boleh jugak dibawa dengar di dalam kereta kan.. :) 

Subhanallah.. rasa indah sangat kalau semuanya bersyariat begitu.. banyak barakahnya.. I admit that masih tak sampai saya ke tahap itu.. hopefully, mereka bahagia sampai bila - bila.... Mudah - mudahan saya dan bakal hubby juga boleh jadi lebih baik lepas kahwin nanti.. Amin.

Feb 10, 2010

EL and A Journey To Batu Pahat

Well it's wednesday.. Sangat la semangatnya wake up early and start cooking ayam masak merah with thoughts that today.. I'm going to bring my own bekal instead of kirim food dr orang lain.. Then, on the way to office my Mom start having this kind of weird and worst head ache.. and she wants me to bring her straight to clinics.. ( we usually go to SALAM) so I just go straight to SALAM.. I thought it won't takes too long but my Mom condition is not good that she needs some rest before she really can stand.. So I wait her there.. After 2 times cucuk and she rest.. doctor comes back and ask if she wants to get warded (private hospital which UiTM tak cover.. and my mom don't have insurance since die keje government.. so she said no.. and ask what's wrong with her health.. then doctor kata he's afraid my mom got infection in ear that trigger head ache.. so he refer her to Pakar Telinga that only come at 11.00.. then it's 11.00 so I decide to take EL.. dh lebih 2 hours la.. My dad is away in Sabah.. so I have to accompany my Mom since she didn't drive.. So I think I just stay home today if she needs anything urgent..and she's resting now..

So here am I trying to update my blog again.. :) Ok last Sunday I went to Batu Pahat.. with my fiance and his family.. His cousin punye wedding.. Batu Pahat is his late grandma's on his dad's side punye kampung.. Honestly, I hardly go to south since my kampung both in Perak..and I did my matriks in Penang.. and my brother study in Kedah.. so we just go to Utara.. The last time I went to Johor is when I study in UiTM shah alam.. and we did this assignment called Development Order..and my lecturer don't want us to just pick Local Authority in Selangor.. Since my friend Najwa hometown in Muar so we decide to go to Muar.. I think I've been to Johor for only 3 times before in my whole life.. When my aunt kahwin like 13 years ago.. when I go to Tioman via Johor in Form 3 and the one with Najwa.. So, I'm kind of like excited with the thoughts of Journey to The South.

So, the first thing my fiance said to me is.. In Batu Pahat.. they usually cook themselves Nasi Beriyani since almost everyone tahu masak..Well.. Nasi Beriyani Johor. So, to my dearest Iwan.. the best Nasi Beriyani apart from JM yg kat tesco shah alam yg ktorang slalu makan tuh.. is cooked by his own aunt.. and yes it's delicious coz I've taste that last time when his sister got married. But since this one kenduri at her own house so someone else cook for her.. it's not perfect but at least better than some caterers' here.. So, maybe Johor the best place to eat Nasi Beriyani :)

Apart from Nasi Beriyani..  this simple kenduri ade several jenis kueh.. meriahnye. Of course caterer sini tak  bagi camtu.. I actually tag along with him because I think I need to get to know his family as well since we're getting married. So everything goes good.. We also singgah at his another uncle's house.. and she plant many edible plants as oppose to my dad yg banyak tanam pokok landscape.. hehe.. I pick some Rosselle flower from her..

This is the pelamin..  cover whole dinding

Iwan's mom, his sister hand me.. with the bride in front.
Iwan said that she looks so different than she is before make up.

Iwan's aunt, little myra and her mama

cute lil myra with her grandma and another Iwan's aunt

little myra 1st time meniarap sendiri.. I think she likes the green bright mattress

Iwan's dad actually bring his entertainment team for this kenduri in Johor.. for his sister..A bit on promotion.. Iwan's dad actually buat service for PA system.. he got his own team.. he good at playing keyboard and has one lady and one man attach with him for wedding  singing performance.. ( listening to them like listening to CD) He has been hired by hotel and VIP's for their function as well.. He has been long in industry, previously work with YAMAHA... An old man with passion in music.. His name is Abdul Rahman Sulaiman. If anyone interested for a quotation.. let me know. :)  He got team for Muzik Asli as well..