Showing posts with label baju kahwin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baju kahwin. Show all posts

May 3, 2011

Fall in Love with Kate Middleton dress..

Seeing her awesome dress.. nak wedding lagi skali boleh? :p Kate's dress design is definitely one of my dream wedding dress actually.. been thinking of such design.. full gown ngan lace top.. cumanya.. tak tau la camne in Malay wedding to make such things comes true.. lagipon budget untuk dress tak la banyak sangat :D so, can't really have such big dreams..

So, take a look at her wonderfull dress.. To me it's simple, sweet, well cut, touch of both classic and modern concept.. Certain people maybe tak suke because lack of drama.. but I love how it looks like.. and for us Muslim, rasenya possible to copy the design and sesuaikan untuk pakai ngan tudung.. been thinking of soft pink and white lace.. :) sebab nak lining the lace part but still naik kan lace design.. hehe.

Anyway, good luck to all bride to be.. my time dah lepas.. :) Got secret to reveal.. :D

the veil is simple and nice too :)

Dec 1, 2010

Year End Sale n X-mas Season Shopping

I know most of you tahu kan pasal this year end sale.. :) Most kedai buat offer time ni.. so why not go shopping a bit.. hehe.. Yesterday I did some shopping.. Some je ek.. My cousin is getting married this June so I thought that I give a help to her by belikan die punye kain baju nikah kat Jakel.. ( she's staying in Ipoh) Jakel is having offer tau.. I think it's pretty good price.. chiffon beaded fan can get kain set together with lelaki n sampin at price less than RM500.. ok what.. I just bought laces for my cousin.. Simple saje 2 metre lace, 4 meter kain for girl and 4.5 for guys.. with sampin for price around RM300 set. It's quite a good price to me.. then nak bagi nampak matte sikit.. another 2 metre chiffon RM19 semeter.. I'm not so sure kalo different chiffon but last time plain chiffon silk yang kite beli RM22 per meter..nampak same je.. hehe.. She told me yang die nak wat baju kurung biase je.. hopefully those kain will turn out great..

It's PinK! and bright sikit.. :) Satin in lighter shade for girl pastu chiffon silk yg lebih pekat and guy punye satin yg pekat so nampak la cam lebih kurang bile dah gabungkan tak.. :) Samping kale itam pink so it will suit songkok in black kan..

Lebih kurang camni la patutnya . I hope she like it !

Apart from that, X-mas season is the best time to purchase many things from the counter.. Holiday gift set yang comei2.. add with all the gift.. macam Estee usually buat promo macam beli harga RM200++ then bleh purchase set make up besar with price RM200++ camtu.. so, bleh dapat 2 hantaran.. 1 untuk perfume and 1 set make up.. which is quite good offer.. If tak pon beli set pape pon usually got extra item at this x-mas season..

Sbenarnye.. gedik2 nak try pitera SKII.. pe la yang besh sangat.. semua gara - gara stock penjagaan muka KOSE yang beli mase e-day dah nak abes sangat.. gile.. 12 bulan baru nak abes.. Oh, haritu they cost me RM350 laa.. lebih kurang untuk toner, pencuci ngan krim.. so aku pon pakai setaun.. rasenya RM350 setaun boleh ditolerate lagi.. RM30 camtu sbulan tuk muka.. kire ok la tu.. sehari sengget.. dlu pon gara - gara nak kahwin.. nak la pkai set yang besh ckit.. (heard of good review about KOSE - japan brand) and it's true la bagi aku.. Besh..

Skarang dah teracun nak try brand2 camni. Japanese skin care product yang besh.. So, about Pitera.. I finally bought starter set pitera.. tak tau la.. she told me that at this X-Mas season ni de offer.. Instead of beli satu RM195 camtu.. Pitera set boleh bli harga RM206.. tapi pitera tu kecik je.. 75 ml camtu je.. nak yang besar RM300++ tak silap... tapi kalo korang gedik - gedik jugak cam aku.. kat hantaran nampak cantik pe.. huhu..

So, ni la yang die bagi lam box tu.. pitera, toner kecik, trial cleaser, mask ngan box yang de facial punye kapas tu..

Mungkin boleh masuk list hantaran korang.. sebab aku dah kawen dah.. so just nak try jaga muka je ni.. hehe..Harap - harapnya shopping sakan ni akan abes bulan ni.. next year mase untuk blanje berhemah la.. :p

Nov 19, 2010

Only a piece of my nikah day..

Hello.. haven't post anything yet about my nikah day.. anyway.. takde gambar yang chanteq lagi.. Since I've post at least a pic of my reception belah sy and hubby.. (silver n purple dress).. so this is Unaisah's one.. I love it so much.. I hope u guyz too.. nanti kite post pic lebih chanteq k.. and yes, this is pelamin from rass deco..

Oct 19, 2010

Ckit je lagi... :)

3 days , Rabu.. Khamis.. Jumaat..

Weekend lepas memang penat.. Sabtu pagi - pagi bangun siap - siap trus pegi amek kad kahwin yg additional tu kat Jalan Pudu. Everything ok.. tapi warna tema dh habes so amek yg warna gold.. chanteq jugak.. :)

Then pegi beli barang ckit kat Semua House.. quite rushing sebab kol 4 dah janji ngan my friends untuk bachelorette party huhu.. tak party pon tapi lagik besh dari tu.. They actually book a white room with photographer for us.. then diorang siap beli bunga tangan lagi as prop for that session.. Dah tengok dh raw.. chanteq.. tapi still waiting for yang editted.. nanti dh amek from my friend bleh la wat post untuk that session.. really love it.. and thanx lots to my bestie.. ijan, afra and fiza..

After that shoot.. kitorang pon siap - siap pergi wedding my friend kat putrajaya.. Joziera's wedding.. actually sy tak plan pon nak pergi tapi diorang yang ajak pergi skali so pergi je la... since after this dah kahwin jadi lain la sikit kan.. Dia buat kat Dewan Sri Siantan.. It looks great.. but seating event tak bleh la ajak ramai - ramai.. but still a great one..

Ahad pagi - pagi bangun siap - siap dengan misi nak beli ape lagi yang blom habes beli.. another trip to Semua House and Wedding City.. but today ngan Rainie skali.. since Rainie will help me do the deco for my hantaran.. and this trip mission pon untuk settlekan deco hantaran..  dapat la beli riben, potpuri, polistrin and etc. Lepas dah beli barang - barang kat Semua house.. gik plak wedding city untuk beli tiara.. ok la.. got it for a price of RM150.. I like this kedai compare to brightsail because ade variety of design. and I choose a really simple one.. Bleh plak en abang sy terjumpa pin yang bulan bintang tu tapi besar.. sebab die suke sangat pin tu lastnye beli la jugak.. tapi memang chanteq :)

Lepas selesai semua.. ktorang terus pegi bangsar untuk tengok floristika.. waa.. really love this place.. belum masuk dalam dah ade bau bunga yang sangat sedap.. bleh jadi gile masuk sini.. Time pergi tu local rose dah habes.. yang ade semua imported rose with color yang sangat cantik.. macam - macam color.. even side flower pon diorang jual macam - macam jenis.. Here, you can book your choice of roses dan bunga lain.. So, stock diorang sampai on khamis then dia bleh reserve your flower.. but you have to pay for deposit... if nak local roses lagi la kena book kot.. sebab cepat habes rasenya.. But mind you the price ikut market.. Ade china rose yang I dpt for price RM1.00 skuntum.. means satu pek 20 kuntum RM20 la.. but another flower yang I pilih cost me RM27 per pek.. so divide with 20.. RM1.35.. satu.. but choice of color memang nice sangat.. banyak choice.. and harga pon beza ikut color and stok bunga.. but that person cakap if mase I pick up harga die turun.. die akan kurang kan balik harga if mase book tu mahal ckit.. Actually memang bleh beli terus tapi.. diorang ade bgtau yang sometimes ade hotel yang besar - besar suddenly nak bunga banyak so diorang datang pick up banyak.. chances are you don't get the color that you want.. that's why she suggest us to book.. honestly, bleh je terover ckit bajet bila tengok bunga cantik - cantik ni, hehe... wait nanti rainie deco kan.. die yang choose the flower for me.. 

Pas settle task kat floristika.. kitorang pon balik shah alam jalan - jalan gik cari tudung yang suit to my baju nikah.. pusing - pusing kat seksyen 7.. lastnye masuk ariani gak.. kebetulan plak teserempak ngan Unaisah.. mintak die yang pilihkan color tudung nikah tu :) and it's a perfect color to me.. seb baik Unaisah tolong.. Lagipun, memang dah janji nak pick up baju nikah that night.. so, done! dah pick up dah baju nikah from Unaisah... and I'm so in love with it.. nanti kite tunjuk pas settle smue ek.. or nak dtg tgk kite nikah, let me know..

Actually, sbelum gik rumah Unaisah tu singgah jap kat Romantika.. suke - suke.. macam - macam ade.. price pon affordable.. de la beli satu dua barang untuk deco - deco :) So berakhir la hari ahad begitu.. Monday sy pergi keje.. n just settlekan kad kahwin for my officemate.. smue dh edar dah.. Alhamdulillah.. n request for button badge from cetakbaju.

Today will proceed buat tanda jalan.. and settle kan bunga manggar lagi sikit je .. sok rase bleh collect button badge.. tudung dari vispera n maybe meet kak la untuk finalized.. rini cam tak sempat je nak jumpe die.. so, ckit je lagi.. hehe.. 

Everything akan ready nanti.. Insya Allah.. :) Sok cuti..

Sep 27, 2010

Teaser Baju - utk Hana Yoriee

Hehe.. Hana ade request sy teaserkan ckit baju kahwin saya haritu..
Baju kahwin saya biase saje.. but I do like them :)
Hopefully, I'll look good bile pakai baju tu..
Stakat yg dah fitting kire ok la.. 

Anyway untuk sikit teaser..

Baju Bertandang

Baju Bersanding

Sorry la kite tak brape pandai amek gambar.. jenuh jugak pk camne ek.. nak wat teaser.. :D
Baju nikah still in the making.. Smalam dah try baju ngan Unaisah.. Baju tu memang ok tapi skirt blom siap lagi.. but I think I'll love the veil more .. :)

Ok.. yang full version will be uploaded after kahwin.. :D

Sep 17, 2010

Bridezella Mood : Ada Idea X ?

Few things ade kat kepala saya...

1) Aksesori kahwin.. Nak pakai tiara.. tapi, which one worth it.. beli or sewa saje.. Include jugak ngan yang en abang sy punye rantai n kerongsang kat tanjak tuh.. Mungkin saya patut survey kat brightsail ngan pengantinmelayu tak?

Cantik Tiara Ni

common tiara yg ade..

2)  And walaupun baju n veil dh siap.. tudung bagaimanakah? Mahu tudung yg nampak macam ni.. mungkin anak tudung yg cantik ngan selendang chiffon kat luar.. Veil saya simple saje... Camne nak dapat tudung camni?

cantik kan tudung Era ni..

3) Lagi satu... di manakah boleh dapat inner yg shining ckit... mama tamo sy pakai korset kat luar plak sbb ikat2 kat blakang tuh.. ump...

Ok... mahu jumpa ekhwan catering... serious stress.. 5 weeks to go.. cam helpless saje feel nye..

Sep 3, 2010

Cuti Lima Hari Yang Lalu..

Hello, few days been away..  Dapatlah bercuti 5 hari berjumpa dengan opah tercinta.. Buka puasa sama – sama. Ada sehari dapat berbuka dengan family mak lang skali.. ade sehari lagi dapat berbuka dengan family pak uda.. Alhamdulillah.. Bulan puasa ni betul – betul merapatkan ukhwah.. Bila buka beramai – ramai ni.. masak sendiri semuanya betul – betul rasa sedap.. nyum2.. Suke sangat  dapat makan rendang ayam, ikan belah belakang dengan desert special dadih home made.. Dapat jugak sambut besday kami semua sekali.. saya, adik, abah dan mama, Saya kongsi dengan along beli kek.

Pejam celik, pejam celik dah tinggal lebih kurang seminggu kan nak beraya.. Sekejap je masa berlalu.. Wedding saya pon dah makin hampir tapi saya pun dah makin cuak.. hehe..

Hari pertama sampai, hari jumaat.. Mama ajak singgah di pekan kampar, pergi ke bazaar berbuka.. memang macam – macam ada.. kebetulan bazaar tu di depan butik pengantin yang saya tempah baju kahwin, tanpa pikir panjang, saya terus naik ke atas. Seb baik Ain, sedara saya tu ade lagi kat kedai.. saya pon cepat – cepat fitting dan suruh die snap gambar saya.. Masa tak panjang sebab die pon nak balik dh.. tengok kat cermin nampak ok je smue.. baju bertandang dah perfect in shape.. tapi baju bersanding perlu sikit alteration..  Ok.. masa untuk balik berbuka..

Sampai rumah opah belek2 gambar.. baju bertandang memang nampak ok.. tapi baju bersanding  tu.. ump.. kenape saya nampak pendek.. datang mood bridezella, risau je.. ok ke, tak ok ke.. tunjuk pada mak lang die tak komen pape.. tunjuk pada mama, die cakap, tak pe la.. memang banyak baju labuh – labuh skarang.. tension je.. telefon en abang die plak risau.. serius rase nak nangis.. ye la.. baju dah siap perfect ngan beading.. boleh alter ke.. telefon along die cakap sok malamnya baru die balik.. ok.. mungkin salah mata saya kot.. buat – buat diam then start buat bunga untuk bunga manggar.

Hari sabtu mak uda datang.. Mak uda saya memang pandai bergaya.. baju kahwin die, die yang patternkan sendiri cam mane.. sruh die tengok kan baju saya kejap.. die cakap, ‘baju ni dah cantik dah.. tapi nampak labuh sikit.. labuh takpe.. tapi kena ke tepi sikit cutting die.. and fit kan sikit.. mungkin die boleh alter, try la tanye.. pastu pakai kasut tinggi sikit.. 3 – 4 inci mesti boleh balance kan’ tak tau nak sejuk hati ke tak tapi still nampak ade sikit option kan.. sampai satu tahap malam tu memang pikir.. takpe la.. if tak bes sangat tukar kan je baju sanding tuh jadi baju nikah.. baju nikah tu jadi baju sanding.. nikah banyak duduk je, takpe baju labuh pon.. lagipun nikah elok labuh2.. macam – macam dah pikir.. tapi, bunga manggar tetap still buat gak.. hehe..

Hari Ahad, pagi – pagi dah cakap ngan along nak pergi butik tu jugak.. haritu gik try sensorang, mane nak tau elok tak.. sendiri2 je tengok.. mungkin if along tengok ok kot.. yang bijak sangat lagi satu, camera bawak, memory kad tinggal kat shah alam.. haha.. lastnye kena amek gambar ngan handfon.

Sampai – sampai butik, fitting lagi skali.. siap pakai baju smue.. orang butik tu bagi kasut skali untuk try.. posing2 skit depan along sruh die tengok and snap gambar.. pastu die cakap  ‘Ok.. je.. Tadi tak pakai kasut memang nampak pendek.. dah pakai kasut ok la..’ hahaha.. haritu try baju bertandang pakai kasut, try baju sanding tu tak pakai kasut.. lawak gile.. dua malam dah pikir macam2.. pastu tanye kat orang butik tu.. fit kan sikit baju boleh.. die cakap boleh.. boleh je alter walaupun dah beading.. die simpan kat dalam.. seb baik.. pastu janji ngan die hari selasa nak amek..

Pastu baru la lega sikit.. hehe.. then baru semangat ikut along pergi Ipoh sebab die nak shopping baju raya.. dalam kepala memang dah set.. nak try carik baju kaftan tu.. if murah, nak sambar je.. pusing – pusing.. memang rezeki sebab jumpa satu baju tu.. memang tinggal satu.. memang saiz saya.. huhu.. bagus2.. harga RM145 je skali ngan inner labuh cam jubah.. yes2.. dapat gak baju kaftan.. tak la grand gile tapi ok la.. :) kebetulan along memang nak belikan hadiah besday saya, die nak bagi tudung.. time kasih, tudung warna coklat memang matching ngan baju tuh.. terus je tinggalkan baju tu kat rumah opah sebab minggu depan kan nak balik raya balik..

Hari Isnin sbenarnye plan nak pergi potong rambut je.. tapi along ajak gik Jusco Ipoh dlu.. so ikut la die pergi.. tapi tak beli pape pon.. die shopping baju raye Zafran.. tengok2 kat situ ade satu kedai name Chadstone.. ade jual kasut tinggi yang ade stone – stone sikit.. cantik jugak.. leh wat kasut kahwin kalo nak.. :)  dah settle hal – hal kat Jusco terus gik pekan Kampar.. gik terus ke saloon rambut favourite kitorang. Ala.. bukan la saloon yang grand pon.. tapi yang kitorang suke.. bayar RM25.00 trim ngan cuci rambut.. Yang beshnya.. suke la die cuci sambil picit kepala ngan bahu skali.. lame plak tu :) tak gik spa pon leh rilex2 sikit..

Skejap je mase berlalu.. then sampai la hari Selasa.. Selasa just siap – siap balik, singgah kat Kampar, fitting balik baju bersanding.. ump.. dah ok dah cuma takut tergemuk la pas raya.. hahaha.. nanti tak muat plak.. tapi dah cakap ngan ain.. if rase kecik, leh alter balik besarkan sikit..  Begitulah berakhirnya cuti 5 hari saya.. Hopefully weekend ni kad kahwin dah bleh pick up.. then nak call vendor yang wat souvenire, nak tanye if boleh amek mase hari raye kedua.. or if tak boleh.. kenalah mintak spupu tolong amek kan..  Bulan depan je lagi wedding.. tak lame tu.. hopefully smue ok.. Last minute ni banyak plak idea baru datang nak wat.. hopefully menjadi la if betul2 nak wat..  Ok.. will update later :)

Aug 27, 2010

Cuti 5 hari..

Salam.. dah masuk hari ke 17 kan berpuasa..

Smalam saya di office, ada satu department sudah mula menghias ruang office dengan lampu raya.. huhu.
Department kami pon ape lagi.. tak sabar nak menghias.. :)

Mula hari ni saya akan bercuti 5 hari.. Alhamdulillah. Ambil masa sikit berehat, lagipun nak menjenguk opah di kampung yang keseorangan. Tak pernah lagi buka bersama sejak awal puasa.. Since baju kahwin saya pon kat sana.. jadi minggu ini InsyaAlah saya akan fitting.. hehe..

Smalam buka puasa dengan en abg sy.. nanti 5 hari tak jumpa.. sbenarnya jatuh cinta dengan bunga manggar kak shaja.. xora punya pun cantik warna silver dan kuning.. tunjuk pada en abang minta pendapat die dan die sangat menggalakkan saya mencuba.. jadi, weekend ini akan jadi mood nak mencuba buat bunga manggar.. is looking to modified sikit.. jika boleh.. smalam tengok kat kedai tu bunga cam bunga manggar tapi macam kristal sikit.. chanteqnya.. tapi sebatang je dh RM 30 rasenye.. the one yg dalam pic kak shaja sangat la cantik bila siap... Beli barang kat sayang ku sek 9 tu.. orang kedai siap pelik je tengok saya sibuk2 cari bunga ni.. ye la.. skarang smue buat bunga stokin dan dip.. macam susah nak cari bunga camni.. mungkin boleh ajak along carik kat kampung nanti if tak cukup..

Lepas tu dah lewat, jadi berbuka di Pelita Nasi Kandar... then jalan - jalan di Shah Alam Mall.. nampak sangat lame tak pergi.. banyak kedai sudah berubah... yang pastinya tengah banyak jual baju raye.. :) Jumpa booth kedai yang jual sampin... cantik - cantik sampin die yang berkualiti.. Ingat hari tu Iwan pening - pening dah nak bli yang macam mane sebab kami bukan tau kualiti sangat... yang RM50 pon ade kan musim - musim raya ni.. Tapi bila pikir2... tak pernah die ada sampin yang elok.. Lagipun office die memang kadang - kadang ade majlis hari jumaat.. jadi, bagus gak kalau ade sampin yang elok untuk function office yang besar2.. Sebab sampin smalam tu memang menawan hati... jadi, dia pon ambil juga.. saya tak risau sangat sebab warna die ade banyak.. combination yg ok tapi boleh matching ngan banyak baju.. hopefully all ok jadi tu la sampin nikah die.. :)

Satu lagi benda dah settle... :) Alhamdulillah.. Ok, Slamat bercuti semua...

Jul 27, 2010

Design Baju Nikah by Unaisah

Ump.. sudah jumpa Unaisah Rabu lepas sebenarnya..
A 2nd meeting.. so this is design baju yang di proposed

Ok, it is a simple one tapi saya sangat suka.. I only have 2m lace so my lace will be my top.. I prefer the plain one.. without too much detail at the neck area.. and the bottom one will be skirt with chiffon and beads detail... all the above are option from Unaisah untuk saya pilih but I prefer the last two.. 

I like the design of this first skirt, so soft.. tapi... afraid that I'll look smaller sbb sy tak tinggi.. so I choose the last one sebab the beads in vertical so an illusion of height maybe.. :) Unaisah also said that this one will look good when jalan - jalan so was thinking that it looks good bile slowly turun dari tangga and pergi dekat living room untuk nikah then amek gambar kat pelamin.. hehe.. :) Ok tak?  We finally decide like that... Unaisah also said that she'll do my selendang too since I prefer detail dekat scarf instead of dekat leher sebab pakai tudung tak nampak.. thinking whether I want to have simple short veil or not... what do you think.. tapi with veil baru la nampak cam kahwin x.. hehe

Overall.. sy sgt suke sbb.. I always wanted something macam skirt like in chiffon.. since my baju sanding will be variation of kebaya.. jadi.. this one a bit modern.. kind of nice too.. :)

Fitting size sudah.. (Unaisah is so nice that she makes one baju dulu untuk fitting size sahaja.. nak bagi sedap pakai...) cuma actual 1st fitting dlam bulan pose.. let's hope pas pose tak gemuk...huhu :p

Jul 14, 2010

Baju Kahwin dan Tissot

Actually these few days memang de few progress on the wedding which I'm kind of so happy about :)

I went out on Sunday too, so in mood to search for our watch and the CK jeans that Iwan so interested on.. On Saturday dah survey2 dekat few kedai including CK Jeans punya boutique nak cari one jeans yang kind of OK untuk dibuat hantaran and in the cutting yang Iwan feel comfortable with.. He's kind of like tak berape minat dengan Levi's punya cutting so kenalah carik something else..

So, we went to The Curve.. Sebab tau ade CK Jeans kat situ. Ade satu jeans yang Iwan suke tapi takde size.. So I ask the salesman other CK Jeans selain Pavillion and Curve.. Die cakap ade kat Mid Valley ngan Pyramid.. sebab ingat nak pergi Subang Parade nak beli Iwan punye jam.. Kitorang pon pergi la Pyramid.. and lucky that Pyramid still ade few pattern yang ade size untuk Iwan.. and he likes them too so finally belilah CK jeans satu.. and the price tak sampai RM300.00 pon.. sebab clearance kan.. affordable jugakla die punya price.. :) Nape tak bli baju kerja.. "tanak runtuhkan almari... hehe"

My parents also go out on Saturday.. Diorang dah belikan langsir and cadar.. I just told my mom yang I don't mind.. I just want something cotton and cream untuk cadar and langsir yang match with color dinding.. so they decide what's best for me.. tak tengok lagi langsir but that cadar is nice :) I do like it.. Sayang Mama ngan Abah.. :)

And actually on Sunday tu tak sempat pon nak pergi beli jam.. hehe.. dah lambat..

Yesterday call kak dayang then die mms gambar my silver dress.. and it looks better dari yang the first design.. so proceed je dengan baju tuh :) so mintak die completekan the whole set with veil and shoes ngan samping skali.. Plus, meet Unaisah yesterday for our first meeting.. she suggest me few design which I think nice.. She's nice like what everyone said.. we had a very good chat even though the first time.. and Thank God I decide to wait for her untuk buat baju tu :) Seb baik die agree dengan my kain and told me that she's excited because I got with me 6m chiffon and 6m satin apart from the 2m lace.. so she can play with her creativity :) I trust that I can have a pretty dress with her :) Praying that everything goes well..

Pas jumpe Unaisah.. we went to Subang Parade.. have some dinner at Sari Ratu, our fav place :)  and negotiate the watch price and guess what... We Bought Them there.. I really recommend that shop for Tissot brand.. Time2Time at Subang Parade.. :) Iwan choose the watch I'm talking about before but I change my mind.. I agree with a Tissot too.. not AX or Guess.. hehe..

Why Tissot

1) Oh, Value For Money
2) It's Swiss made.. (a watchmaker quality. so we pay for quality not design only)
3) Cermin die wat dari sepphire so die tak calar
4) And one of the important one is... tak slalu kot ade budget untuk bli jam mahal.. Tanak la pakai 2, 3 tahun dah calar2 and rosak so.. opt for something yang long lasting

And my kain batik also has been send to tailor.. sangat happy...Ok la.. till then for new update..

Jun 17, 2010

Baju Pengantin Dari Butik Andaman Dayang..

Ni pinjam dari page kak dayang nie...
To the bride.. Congratz.. sgt cantik  :)

Ingat tak dulu kite dah penah post gambar baju pengantin nie kat blog kite tapi baju kat patung so tak nampak sangat la cantik ke tak kan.. Ok.. nih kak dayang ade post gambar this bride dekat fotopages dia.. She choose this dress... Saya copy design dress ni la cuma lain sikit la kot.. My dress tak siap lagi.. So tunggu la nanti bile baju kite siap.. bukan warna ni la tapi..

Whole dress look

Closer look..

Nie pelamin dia.. sweet kan..

Sape yang kawen kat Perak boleh la merisik butik ni....  :) to me harga die ok.. and affordable..

May 20, 2010

My Thursday Story..

Waktu recess.. tapi sebuk je kat komputer orang lain :p Kak siti takde plak.. tumpang com die :) walaupun com aku lagik baru.. guna pon windows 7 :p .. tapi bilik yang tak siap - siap tuh wat aku takde mood nak wat pape pon hari ni.. sebulan lepas diorang kecikkan bilik aku.. kecik sangat.. tapi aku tak lah kisah sangat sebab bukannya bilik kat rumah..  kat office.. then bos aku suh besarkan balik sikit..dh dalam 3 minggu kot tunggu kontraktor ni datang betulkan balik.. then only hari ni dia datang.. dh hack smue and reinstall balik partition tuh.. huhu..bilik aku kembali berabuk.. :( tambah la resdung aku nanti.. tapi tak settle lagi tuh.. camne ntah aku nak masuk guna com aku ngan segala benda urgent yg aku nak settlekan dh jadi siaran tergendala.. Seb baik leh wat keja yg sampingan yang lain - lain sementara hari ini..

Tadi my dear dad call me ckp my grandpa macam sakit teruk.. :( so my mom macam nak balik awal hari ni so ktorang terus boleh balik kampung.. tapi tak confirm lagik.. but I've told my boss already.. hopefully everything ok dan takde pape yang tak baik happen to him.. my cousin lagipon nak tunang this saturday.. aku sangat la takde mood bila ada news camni.. dah la pagi tadi boleh pulak keta abah takle start.. ishk2.. abestu.. gik keja lambat sikit tunggu mekanik datang pasangkan.. seb baik abah memang kamceng ngan orang tuh. Willing je dia datang umah aku kol 8 pagi install bateri baru..

Tuh hari ini yang baru separuh hari...


Semalam aku kuar ngan en abg ku yang tercinta.. 1st pergi jakel.. sebab aku memang nak blikan 4 spupu aku kain satin.. 2 pasang untuk time nikah nanti aku nak diorang duduk kat tepi aku kat pelamin tuh.. "dayang sort of".. haha.. gurau je.. neway, aku de bace2 orang kata it's not good dok sensorang je kat pelamin tuh so better invite friends or cousin duk skali.. so aku invite 2 cousin aku untuk dok kat pelamin tuh.. tapi.. aku nak la nampak macam nice dalam gambar so.. aku blikan kain untuk diorang.. sebab kalo aku nak sponsor the whole family.. alamak.. tak termampu den.. then another 2 pasang untuk spupu aku darjah 6 dan tingkatan 3 yg macam darjah 6 :p.. aku sbenarnye takde calon flower girl buat masa ini jadi.. 2 of my cousin nih.. akan jadi pengiring together with flowers.. macam bridesmaid la kot.. ntah.. aku still nak tanye kalau anak jiran aku leh jadi flower girl..  nak harap pe org panggil yg lakinye.. bukan flowerboy kan.. kalo anak sedara aku yg umur 2 tahun lebih tu alamatnya.. pengantin jalan straight.. die jalan ke kiri.. berlari... adui... dia memang belum besar lagi..

Then.. kitorang saje - saje jalan kat anggerik mall.. rupenye.. ade kedai Bak bukak kat situ... tailoring baju melayu tuh well known kan... tailoring baju perempuan ngan kasut pengantin pon ade.. baju melayu.. expect RM120 to RM150 if korang taknak sulam.. nak sulam.. RM200.. tapi nice jugak kalo sulam :) tempah kasut RM160 tapi material kain on top tu sendiri.. beli siap cheaper.. below RM100 sepasang.. currently belum ade banyak choice lagi.. baju perempuan.. yesterday ade org hantar chiffon beaded punye baju nikah.. nice jugak for price of below RM600.. boleh dapat.. yg tuh need to ask further la..  My 1st designer pon dh contact balik so I hope I can just send the baju to her...but baju melayu.. confirm hantar situ :) that's what en abg said.. and I'm looking forward to kasut kahwin jugak kat situ.. kalo boleh bli siap cantik... tutup cite.. senang :p

So, maybe my sis will drive with me to kampung.. so aku maybe ade chance nak tengok baju kat butik dayang.. n want to snap2 the piccas of that baju.. :) Hope bulan 6 bleh siap so bleh carik kasut.. :D

May 12, 2010

Cerita Baju dan Baju Lagi..

Tak tahu lah nak cakap macam mane.. saya pon tak suka nak buruk2 kan orang.. saya tahu dia baik.. orang lain pon cakap dia baik.. hasil kerjanya bagus.. ump.. tapi masa berjalan dan saya risau.. atau pun saya terlalu risau.. entahla.. Dah bulan 5.. lagi 5 bulan.. Honestly, saya takde la budget besar sangat untuk tempah baju nikah saya.. budget yang average je.. sy kan orang biasa saje.. tapi saya nak baju yang cantik.. design yang saya suka.. dan saya telah menghabiskan amount yang besar untuk membeli kain - kain yang saya rase cukup untuk dapat design camtuh.. (which sy rase.. nasib baik..:p  tak tau la plak yg mama pon beria beli lace nak wat baju die.. ishk2 tersilap pengantin nanti susah plak.. :D adeh..:p.. oh.. saya sudah biasa dengar.. mama saya cantik.. to people's point of view.. dari kawan abah ke sepupu sepapat. hehe..) dan saya berharap sangat person yang stuju nak buat baju saya tuh akan buat baju saya since saya pon tak pergi mencari - cari option lain pon.. seriously, sy agak frust if dia tak jadi buat baju saya..

And as far as my records noted.. after the final yes.. I did send 3 other emails.. telling things like design that I like and what kain i've bought and further appointment.. nampaknya masih belum berjawab.. dan saya masih tak dapat trace dia dan saya tak ada no telefonnya.. :( ump.. en abang sudah bertanya.. sempat ke nanti baju tuh nak siap.. ngan baju raye lagi dalam stock tukang jait lain in case tak jadi..  :( ye.. saya tahu.. she gives her words so I believe her.. tapi sebab takde contact like a month dah.. maybe she's too busy kot nak reply mail.. cek kat tempat lain pon cam tak update jugak.. So I have no choice and start a ticker.. allowance of time before I start searching for new person yang nak buat baju saya.. tapi saya sedih.. 'bak tergantung tak bertali'.. :D betul ke :p

Now.. dah tak pasti kalau masih boleh berharap untuk mendapat baju secantik baju - baju designer. cam rizman ruzaini . serious aku ske baju diorang tapi.. tak pasti la kalau aku mampu nak bayar upahnya.. ump.. terbayang gak beg coach bila pikir pasal extra 500 camtuh utk upah menjahit baju.. hehe.. atau aku patut ikut je ramai b2b yang hantar kat dzull de classique yang rata2 kata puas hati tapi.. kak ina tuh dah bukak kedai snirik la.. or.. malas2 nak jauh2 anta je butik mane2 kat shah alam nih.. arituh aku tanye caj diorang 450 la jugak.. tapi cantik je baju yang dah siap tuh.. tak sukenya kalau betul nak kena wat hunting..

Ape2 pon... aku nih tak fussy gile kot.. :D baju sanding aku pon tempah kat butik kat kampar.. harga yang sangat ok.. dan kak dayang pon call tadi ckp dia baru balik dari jakarta.. baju grey dah siap tapi dia tak puas hati sebab border kat pinggang kecik.. tak meriah.. dia nak yang 4 inci.. so.. dia tempah kan aku yang lain.. tapi.. aku leh gik tengok n if berkenan.. amek yang tuh..memang size aku tapi die decide nak simpan kat butik if aku tak nak..  then dia kate.. yang baru nanti lagi cantik.. :) baju purple in beading stage.. dia kate jadi macam design prestigenair tuh..  siap dia kate dia puas hati sebab lagi extra sulam baju tuh.. but they will arrive in 2 weeks time.. so, aku nak tengok gak nanti bile balik kampung baju yang dah siap tuh.. walaupun aku rase nak tunggu yang lagi satu tuh.. baru pilih.. boleh tak? yg baru akan siap lagi 4 minggu..

Ok.. dah.. ade cadangan designer yang besh tapi affordable.. let me know :)

Apr 15, 2010

Baju Nikah, pindah office room and PD news

Iwan didn't want us to wear white during our nikah.. but the outfit has to be pastel color.. or light.. first, I thought of getting peach color. After he re-think, he wants it to be in brownish like. So, we went to gulati's shah alam and found nice satin silk with such color but spoiling his mood since no baju lelaki suit that color.. his head then spinning try to figure out another color..

We decide to go to Jakel kl since Jakel on sale.. and search for that color.. well, we've found the dusty brownish tone that we like.. yay.. I hope it will turn out to be pretty baju. Oh.. I'm so sorry for myself since I can't wait to buy the kain..  But I think it will be enough.

Today I switch room in office.. so many things to tidy up now.. :( but I like this new mood in new room.. hopefully lebih bersemangat kerja.. amin! Mama said yes to me to follow Iwan to PD.. but I will bermalam at my aunt's house, of course.. just nak ikut jalan2 je.. Iwan is with his family actually.. Can't wait for the weekend.. phew!

Apr 9, 2010

Design Baju Nikah

Hari ini sangat semangat cuba melihat - melihat design baju nikah yang ada.. cantiknya baju - baju nikah orang lain :) Well, actually I cut lots of cost untuk baju sanding.. so that I can have nice baju nikah that to me.. much important than baju sanding.. Luckily, Unaisah Azlan has agree to make my baju.. nasib baik request awal hari tuh.. So, I like simple, yet soft looks.. sweet sangat.. for baju nikah.. Actually, I want to go for baju kurung moden or variasi daripada itu... So, here are a few design which berkenan di hatiku ini..  

This one baju Unaisah yang saya suka..

Yg ni pon sgt nice.. play with cutting..

this one by Hatta Dolmat.. sweet kan

nice cuttings dengan beads je to highlight..

Well, I'm still waiting for macam mana Unaisah punya design.. maybe she has other ideas.. So, we'll fix an interview soon.. Hopefully, my dream baju can come true..

Mar 2, 2010

Tentang Baju Kahwin dan Induksi...

Teringat plak lagu 'tentang seseorang' yang me and merz, one of my best friend time skolah n matrix asyik ulang2 nyanyi. Merz always be one of the person yg boleh layan lagu at the same time with me.. :) Windu sungguh zaman - zaman remaja.. :D 

Ump.. just wants to get myself to a happy mood. Well, yesterday, I call Kak Dayang just to update the dress status. And she told me that everything goes smoothly.. Actually I forgot to tell kak dayang to make my veil as well and she said that she's expecting me to request that.. hehe. She told me a story that she search the whole Tok Abang and only found one shop with the color that I like.. I'm so thankful that she didn't give up nak buat my baju. I think I should search for my veil design as soon as possible..And, the tailor confirm to do the same design as picture for baju bertandang.. die even nak add details.. thinking of if duduk, kain pergi side.. so, belah dalam tuh still got detail.. maybe kerawang ke patch .. waa.. sangatla particular.

Anyway, she's going to Bandung again this May.. so if anyone yg nak sewa baju baru from her or buat baju baru with her.. why not try and ask her about it. To me the price that I got for new baju sepasang with groom inclusive of kain and beadings.. your own measurement.. is so affordable.. and keep in my closet.. Boutique here pon banyak jgk yang charge higher than that for sewa only. It just, she's at Kampar or Kg Gajah Perak.. So to those yang jauh maybe susah sikit.. neway, last time pattern yg krim pink punya dress tuh ade yg almost equal ngan latest Majalah Pengantin.. kan..

nih fotopages die.. so, you can view some baju and maybe, some of it would be your choice.. who knows..
well..  i heart the purple one yang meleret tuh.. she told me that my baju maybe siap this april.. waa.. awal.. but at least, maybe, I can view exactly everything.. n if ade pape tak kene.. I hope it still can be fix..

well, induction.. i'll still go next friday...I've chit chat with En Jimmy.. during my bengkel fail meja.. and he told me that I should just enjoy the time.. Well, from his story, it's not that bad.. so, it just like some old time camp.. it just it's for grown up.. well, I can relax a bit hearing the tips.. including how to easily ensure my baju all clean.. thanx! huhu.

And.. I desperately want to watch Alice in Wonderland.. Huah!!!

Feb 19, 2010

Baju Purple..

Iwan first wanted me to just rent wedding dress for Majlis Bertandang.. so I never thought about what kind of purple will suit me and Iwan.. he doesn't like soft shade.. especially the pink close like.. Gosh.. so uneasy for me.. since I always see something pinkish as beautiful.. :) Then he don't want white.. so I have to cancel my 1st color combination..Then now he's away that I can't even really discuss about whatever color that he likes.. but he did suggest me one that I'm still thinking bout.. So here, I present few shades of Purple.. that probably be what I like..

see that this color wheel present so many purple shades
(violet) the close to pink.. close to blue.. and the equal purple..

This is the various name.. (i'm not sure if this true)

This is the combination that I like..
(purple and red purple).
Drawing is owner's courtesy.. of course!

This is a nice purple combination...
something like red purple with grey - like purple tones
But I got grey as my other baju.. so trying to propose the other one

So, this is the purple that Iwan agree with me..
Kak Dayang.. any comments?
The inside layer is something  red like purple tones
The outside one will be the actual purple tone..

So, this is the color of shantung that I think will fit the abovelike color

So, the color of lace as patching on top of chiffon or net like the above pic..

So, that's my rough idea.. I know it looks bit bright but I think It's quite ok.. coz I've seen once, an actual one like this.. HOPE it goes good..

I Choose.. Butik Andaman Dayang

Ok.. I know.. it's weird sometimes when it comes to decision.. I've survey several contemporary designer.. but I'm not planning to splurge all k's that I have just to have a pretty baju.. so, if I could save some portion that I have.. I'm more than happy to do it.. I know I'm just an ordinary girl. Not some famous person.. So I'm looking for something which value for money..

Like in my previous entry, I've told the story that I suddenly feel like browsing some dress at this boutique.. so, I happen to stumble on these two design that I kind of like it.. ok, let's view the dress I'm talking about..

 I like this grey and the next one, pink cream dress..
It's indonesian design.

Ok, the look from the back.. they even got details for the back 
tak macam kat sini.. tak pentingkan sangat blakang..

Lower parts detail.. 

I'm copying the cutting of this dress.. 
but with of the grey lace yang lagi satu

I think the details for chest part nih full and interesting
then, bahagian leher is kemas as well..

Maybe it's not the type yg you all suke.. but I've been in love with Linda Rahim design.. but, to copy usually here.. you can't get manik as much as if you did the dress in Indonesia.. so, I manage to grab Kak Dayang, the owner at the time she's about to go to Jakarta.. and she's willingly let me buat baju dengan dia with the price of.. jeng - jeng - jeng.. ask me via e- mail.. I let you know.. But.. it's better for people live in area teluk intan, kampar, tapah.. maybe paling jauh pon.. Ipoh.. I don't know.. because this boutique have 2 branch Kampar and  Kg Gajah kot.. In Perak.. 

I got to know pon sebab my engagement last time.. with budget yg sikit and baju pon blasah je.. but I got pretty baju from this boutique jugak.. sewa for price like.. RM170 je untuk perempuan..

Time my engagement

full baju.. from top to toe :)
but that selendang is mine la..

If baju krim tadi dh ade.. mesti aku dh kebas.. ump.. I'm early few days..  So, few reason why I choose this boutique to make my baju..

  • I love kebaya with beads detail n patch works..
  • The price is so affordable..
  • Kak Dayang is nice and easy to work with.. banyak kali die tepon me.. to discuss bout baju
  • I got my relatives working there too.. so senang nak contact.. hehe. ( but the price the same je coz she's not the owner)
So, let's pray that my baju will turn out good.. I do my baju bersanding and bertandang as well with her.. grey, silver n a bit pink beads for my side.. and dark purple with white for Iwan's side.. I'll still do my baju nikah with Unaisah.. hopefully.. since that one will be baju kurung moden..

The design I tend to copy are by
Something like...

for bersanding.. but that kain will be different

this one for bertandang..

Ok.. wish me luck with all the baju.. :D

Feb 9, 2010

Some More Pakej Kahwin..

Last weekend is a very tiring one.. :( Saturday spend for looking around pakej kahwin.. then Sunday.. trip to Batu Pahat.. which is a day trip. Then Monday.. need to wake up early to drive to work.. So today, penat still tak hilang lagi..

Ok.. proceed.. Since Iwan live in Taman Sri Manja, which is near Taman Medan, he suggest that we both search around Taman Medan for bridal boutique.. So we went to 3 boutique that seems like bigger.. ( just to have many choices)

1) Sri Andaman Alfinaz 

Ok, this boutique kind of interesting to me.. She has quite the latest baju design (those like cosry thing..   indonesian kebaya trend) with many colors.. the latest color like grey.. Serina anak chef wan green..
It just that the size probably limited.. but to those yg takde masalah nih.. there'll be no problems.. the  boutique also very big that the owner put most of the dress at the mannequeen.. so we can actually see the dress are pretty visually.. I'm not surveying the make up.. but a customer told me that it is fine.. they got latest 3 panel pelamin as well.. but that will increase the package price.. overall it's good.

2) Nora Andaman & Catering

This is the second boutique that I have visited.. well, i don't really prefer this one (sorry!) They said that new baju will come later (patching style).. currently still not the latest one.. the pelamin also not yet the latest one.. make up.. not the type that I prefer.. But it's cheap.. if you one cheap and lots of dress for the wedding.. you can come here.   

3) JR Butik Pengantin

This is the one that Iwan prefer.. I like the owner as well.. kak Rose. Iwan's sister once use her boutique service.. The package to me is really affordable.. It's owned by Rose JR, a make up artist.. has been in bussiness for so many years.. But she's moving to Puchong sometime in March.. I think she got her own pelamin.. she got the latest panel design as well.. even though still haven't update in her blog.. she told me that new dresses come this March.. ( the old one still stunning) she made them in Jakarta and Bandung.. ( most bridal boutique like that..)  you might need to add a bit for dresses with french lace which is higher quality.. I'm quite satisfied with what she offers.. and don't mind going to puchong to look for her..

Jan 28, 2010

Che ho travato! Bellissimo..

Today, I go out with Iwan.. and we decide to just take a look at several boutique in shah alam that can do wedding gown/dress and I've found this boutique.. which i think quite ok.. They got Indonesian tailor that have working like 20 years in sewing biz.. I come in because i saw they wrote there that they provide sewing services. I ask for baju nikah at first and she told me that normally it cost like RM300.. then I ask her did they make complicated dress.. and she shows me that they still in progress in making a gown.. That person send 3 of her dress there.. they did patching as well.. you know whose design that bride wants to copy.. it's Lynda Rahim's... I always love her dress.. and the cost I think is quite affordable compare to designer.. I think the dress will look prettier if she bought higher quality material.. but overall it looks good. She also told me that.. they are good at making kebaya and gown... kurung moden is ok.. but not the one with pesak.. just like when you go to Indonesia to do your baju.. The price increase if more difficult patching and kain with lots of beads.. ( patching on net usually more expensive) Overall I'm quite satisfied with everything.. die layan dengan sangat baik :) so, i'm considering myself to make my wedding dress there.. and Iwan is satisfied too... :) Let see.. :D so I have to search a pattern to copy.. hehe.