Showing posts with label pet portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet portrait. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Once In A While cat painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Once In A While cat painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan 
I loved painting this small snack of a painting 4x4 oil on canvas.  

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Cool Chilly pet portrait by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Cool Chilly pet portrait by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
The reference photo was given to me by a student at a pet portrait class. This has tons of thick rich paint. Oil on 6x6 stretched canvas. $48

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Cow Painting Precious Amber by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Cow Painting Precious Amber by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
I painted this as a Demo at JC Morgan Art Gallery in Oxford Al.
This cow turned out so beautiful that I named her Precious Amber. It is oil painted on 20x20x1.5 gallery wrapped canvas.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wide Awake at Nap Time pet portrait by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Wide Awake at Nap Time pet portrait by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
The most adorable pup!!! I really enjoyed painting him. 8x8 oil on canvas panel.
Pet portrait animal painting.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sammy dog painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Sammy dog painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
A dog. No dog is just a dog I say. They all have such spirit and hope. I have never met a dog who did not have love somewhere deep in their heart. And that tongue...that drippy wet tongue. How could anyone resist that. 
Animal painting 8x10 oil on canvas panel

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Milk Maid cow painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Milk Maid cow painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
Again, again, I just can't paint enough cows. They are my absolutely love them. The are slow or at least I think they are. I won't be climbing over any fences to find out. I really liked painting the pink udders on this one. This cow was staked out in someones yard in Amish country for their personal use of milk I think. Her udders were full and she was just happily munching on the green grass. She was behind a chain link fence which I promptly left out. 
oil on 6x6 gallery wrapped canvas.animal painting

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Just Watching dog portrait by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Just Watching dog portrait by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
I saw this dog just basking in the warm sun on a rather cool day. He was laying in a field in Amish
country. I couldn't resist. I really love painting animals. 6x6 oil on gallery wrapped canvas.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Guinea Goodness guinea pig painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Guinea Goodness
I just thought I would paint an animal that I have never painted before. This is the cutest little guy with all of the underlying pinks. He is painted on a 5x7 canvas panel.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Porker pig painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Porker pig painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
I just had to paint one more pig. 5x7 oil on canvas panel. animal painting

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Whiskers cat painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Whiskers cat painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
So I decided to paint a few cats. Why? I don't know except that really everyone should
paint at least one cat in their lifetime.
5x7 animal oil on canvas panel.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Almost Naptime cat painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Almost Naptime cat painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
I really love painting animals. There is just something about them. Some people say they don't go to heaven. How can anyone say that? Anyway I love painting them. 
5x7 animal painting oil on canvas panel.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Snow Dog painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Snow Dog painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
Some dogs just love playing in the snow and this is one of them.
7x5 oil on canvas panel.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ringo cow painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Ringo cow painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
As I continue my quest for a better painting I have been concentration on a few things. Not only paying close attention to the subtle value changes but also I added intentional perspective detail by
graduated color changes and the fence in the background and that one lone power line. I am painting slower these and paying particular attention to detail. Can I say once again that I love to paint cows. For some reason I am having trouble with photographing. I have tried several different methods but still I continue to get glare.
5x7 cow painting oil on canvas panel

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

May Belle cow painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

May Belle cow painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
For some reason I want to name every cow painting I do Bessie. Well I resisted today so May Belle it is. 5x7 oil painting on canvas panel. animal