Last Sunday, after the liturgy, Yvonne and I stayed on for coffee and, of course, cakes. We met a bright little Greek girl – Penelope, the granddaughter of Kyria Ioanna. She told us she had spoken both English and Greek since she was a baby. I said I was giving this talk today with the title ‘It’s all Greek to me’. Straightaway, she told me ‘It was Shakespeare who said that. He wrote 36 plays.’ We were so impressed with Penelope. The next generation of well-educated Greeks!
CASCA: Ay, he spoke Greek.
CASSIUS: To what effect?
CASCA: … those that understood him smiled at one another and shook
their heads; but, for my part, it was Greek to me
skin cutis subcutaneous δέρμα derma dermatitis, dermatology
brain cerebrum cerebral ενκέφαλο (κεφάλι)encaphalo encephalitis
nose nasum nasal ρις (or ρινος) rhinitis (also rhinoceros - nose + horn)
eye oculus ocular οφθαλμός ophthalmology
Democracy literally, the rule of the people; and
A talk at the Greek Orthodox Church, Bristol
31 March 2024