Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2011


SNL was awesome last night!
And I'm reminded why I have such a crush on Justin Timberlake.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Realtiy TV Rant

A few weeks ago Seth and I started watching "Last Comic Standing". We both love a good comedian and this show seemed to be great. But, as the weeks went on it became so obvious that this "reality" show was totally fixed.
I was so bugged!
Maybe I was naive to think it wasn't fake.
I really don't watch a lot of "reality shows", so I don't know much about them. Are they all fake? What makes a show a reality show?
Seth loves American Pickers and Pawn Stars on the History Channel. I've watched them and I've actually learned a lot. But, it seems unfair to call those shows "reality shows" and put them in the same bracket as "The real housewives of wherever".
I don't get it.
I know so many people love Jersey Shore. It's like a guilty pleasure or something, I guess. Since I've never seen it, I shouldn't judge, but I have seen interviews with the people on it and all I can say is, Are you kidding me? They're making more money in one year than we do and all they is "GTL". Did I say that right?
I've also never watched an episode of The Bachelor or the Bachelorette.
I hear they're addicting. Someone described it to me like watching a car crash. You want to turn away but you can't.
Believe me, I'm all for a guilty pleasure. (I can't get enough of Chelsea Lately).
But I don't get what's so great about watching people yell and fight. And hearing that bleep sound every time someone swears gets a little annoying.
It seems to take no talent or skill to be on some of these reality shows.
Am I missing something? Will someone please tell me what the deal is with all these reality shows and which ones are worth watching. I'm so confused.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lovin' It

I started watching this show "Jessica Simpson's: The Price Of Beauty". I have to say that I really like it.
I think it's called a reality show, but I'd almost call it a documentary.
If you haven't seen it she goes around the world to different countries to see what they think is beautiful. I can't believe I'm about to say this about a Jessica Simpson show, but I think it's fascinating. Seth just rolls his eyes when I say that. But seriously I've learned so much. When she was in Uganda she met with a woman who was about to get married. The culture teaches that a woman is more beautiful the heavier she is. So she stayed in a tent for 2 months and only drank milk and was rubbed with butter. She gained over 80lbs!! But she was so honored to be in the marriage tent and be like her mom and aunts.
Anyway I highly recommend this show if you haven't seen it already.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Good times

Hi, I'm Amy and I'm addicted to American Idol.
It's true. I can't get enough!
I love it!
In fact I just downloaded a song from one of the contestants from last year. Brooke White. Remember her? She was the Mormon from Arizona. Anyway she did this amazing version of Jolene and I just had to have it. I don't even like country music that much.
Last week I laughed out loud when the general sang his "Pants on the Ground" song. Seth just rolls his eyes, because he thinks he's just another William Hung. He may be right, but I don't care.
So just a warning, over the next few months I'm sure I'll be blogging about my favorites and least favorites. Please give your two cents if you get as wrapped up in this show as much as I do.
I am getting a little worried about the shows fate, though. I never cared much for Paula's dumb comments but I loved the banter between she and Simon.
And I LOVE Ellen! She's so funny. But as a judge? Hmmm..not sure yet what I think. Then there's the issue of Simon leaving after this season. I can't think of anyone who will do as good a job as he does. His judgements are usually spot on and he's so funny!
So bring it on American Idol! I can't wait to see what this season holds!
*Oh and for anyone who guessed on my last post it was Sydney on the left and Breanna on the right

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Look who turned 40!!

Sesame Street has been on the air for 40 years! What a great show. I'm a huge fan and so are my kids. I feel like now days it's hard to find kids shows that really teach something and send a good message. But Sesame Street does just that. I remember watching it as a kid and I love that my kids can watch it as well. I think Santa might be giving the 40th anniversary DVD to Claire.
A few years ago I tried to convince Seth that we should take a family vacation to Pennsylvania to go to the amusement park, Sesame Place. But, he didn't go for that.
I was listening to an interview with some of the people from the show and I learned a few new things. For instance, did you know Maria's name isn't really Maria? Of course I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. The minute I heard her voice on the radio, I knew it was Maria. I also learned the Oscar was orange in the first season.
So here's to you Sesame Street and 40 more years!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Loving It

Oh man I am loving American Idol this year! I love the judges, I love the talent. Okay so I don't really love the judges. I think Simon is the only one who knows what he's talking about. Although I did find myself in total agreement with Randy once tonight. Weird, I know. Every week I check blogs to see if anyone has posted anything. I am so addicted I almost want to see the tour when they come to Salt Lake. I say almost because a few years ago I looked into buying tickets for Seth and myself and they were $65. I felt like that was a rip off, but what do I know about concert ticket prices anyway, I can't remember the last concert I went to.
Anyway back to Idol. I have been a huge fan of both Adam and Kris from the start and if they don't make the 2 top tonight there is a serious problem. Although it should be noted that I've never actually voted. I say care so much but then never vote. I'll just cross my fingers my 2 favorites make it.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Are You Kidding Me #11

The other day I was flipping through the channels and came across "Full House". I'm so sick of Dora and Clifford that I thought I would record one and see if Bella liked it.
She didn't just like it, she LOVED it. Are you kidding me? Seth and I watched it with her and kept giving each other the same look. Did we really used to like this show? It is soooo cheesy!
Although, I can totally remember thinking Candace Cameron was the coolest!! Did anyone else love this show when they were little?
Seth and I were saying how we remember thinking the show was so funny, but as adults watching it, it's so corny. But, Bella seemed to think it was really funny. She laughed at everything. She especially loved Stephanie and Michelle.
It's so funny to me that I used to watch this and now years later my little girl is watching it and loving it. The 80's really had some good TV.
As cheesy as it is, it seems like they always end with a lesson. The one we happened to watch was about being nice to others.
I guess if she's going to watch something I'm glad it's a wholesome show and not something trashy with Jamie Lynn Spears or something. But if she says "you got it dude, how rude, or cut it out" I'm in trouble.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Did you hear?

Scrubs will be on for another season, but on ABC. A little strange to be switching networks, but whatever. Hopefully they'll clear up all the things they didn't before. Did anyone see the last episode? I stopped watching it, because it got so weird and I was bugged that was supposed to be the last one. I'll cross my fingers season 8 is good.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Are You Kidding Me #6

For the past few nights I have begun to get back to somewhat of a normal schedule. I still get up at 6:30am to go to the gym, but I don't need a nap during the day to function anymore and I can stay up until 10:00pm. This is progress for me. Anyway, now that I'm such a night owl, I can watch TV with Seth. Here's the problem: I want to find something we both like. I really don't watch that much TV, so I don't know where to start. Some of you might be saying "are you kidding me? You're blogging about what to watch?". The answer is yes. I need some suggestions. I love winding down at the end of the day and being together, but I can only take so many episodes of "Flip this house" and re-runs of "Scrubs". (Seth's 2 favorite shows). We love Jon & Kate Plus 8, but we save that to watch with Bella, because she loves it. I'm looking for something that we can get hooked on. I've been told it's too late for "Lost", because we didn't start from the beginning, and "The Office" doesn't start again until the fall. If you have any suggestions, please pass them along.
P.S. I refuse to watch "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" so don't even suggest it (you know who I'm talking to)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

American Idol Fan

Tonight I should be at the Delta Center, but I'm not. For those of you who don't know and aren't big geeks like myself, tonight is the American Idol concert here in Salt Lake. I know I'm such a nerd, but I really wanted to go. I even convinced Seth that it would be something fun to do since we actually watched the whole season. But sadly we are not there tonight and the reason comes down to one thing...Price. I looked up tickets and they were $67! Are you kidding me? For American Idol!! That's just crazy!To be fair I can't remember the last time I went to a concert, so I guess I'm not familiar with pricing. That's probably cheap. I know Scott just went to the Police and paid triple that so I should stop complaining. But that just seemed like way too much. So although I thought I was a big fan, I guess I'm not. But Gina and Blake you rock!! (That's what my sign would have said).

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

goodbye, favorite show!

I'm not much of a TV watcher. In fact I can think of only 3 shows that I currently watch and one of them is now over. Sadly last night was the last episode of the Gilmore Girls. I've been hooked for the last 3 years, so this is hard for me. (It's been on for 7 years, it just took re-runs for me to fall in love with it). So now I must find a new show. Any ideas?