Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Random Thoughts

  • Most days I find myself wondering "Where did Claire come from?"
  • Oh Chelsea Handler!! You're so bad for me yet I can't stop!
  • I'm secretly jealous of the twins. I would love that close relationship they have.
  • I can't believe I've joined the 5:30am crowd at the gym.
  • Bella wants a Jem & The Holograms birthday party....and yes it's happening. I might be a little more excited than she is.
  • At the primary program I caught myself thinking "I wish it was appropriate to record this", only to learn that exact thing was happening at my friends ward!! Are you kidding me?!!
  • Today I'm not going to think about how many calories are in my glorious cupcake from SO Cupcake. I deserve it, right?
  • Ready for a vacation. Too bad it's not in my future.
  • Is it nap time yet?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


  • Potty training the middle child is nothing like potty training the first
  • Why did I look up how many calories there were in a Dunford chocolate donut?
  • I could really use a massage
  • Am I ever going to see The Social Network?
  • I wish the weather would stay like this all year
  • Finding myself totally addicted to Alias
  • Wanting a six pack and being willing to do something about it are two totally different things
  • Afternoon Kindergarten is the best
  • I could play on the ground with the twins all day and never get sick of them
  • Why do I fantasize about winning the lottery, when I've never bought a ticket?

tHaT's AlL

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A peek inside the random thoughts in my head

  • loVe thAt the tWIns stop crying the MinUte they touch eacH oTHer
  • Will Arnett hAs a reoccurring role on Sesame Street. MakeS it tHat mUCh moRe fUn to waTCh witH ClaiRe
  • oUr neigHBor coMing oVEr to tell us she bACked inTo oUr caR
  • thE drYeR is BrokEn. niCe timIng
  • tOOk beLLa to gEt nEW shoEs. paID for It bIg timE. StupiD C-Section.
  • NAp tIme iS the bEst Time
  • FYI Dave Lettermen: iT wasN't A shocK.
  • nO moRe jOn & katE. UsEd to bE a fAn, nOt anYmoRe
  • can'T maKe it tHRough a daY withOut a tREat
  • cLaIre hoLDing mY haNd wHIle we waTCh barNEy

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Random Things

On Monday I went to the doctor. It was for a regular ultra sound. Seth and I talked and decided to see if my dad wanted to come. After all he's never seen one and Seth wasn't going. So he took me and it was fun to see him get excited. He asked lots of questions. After the ultra sound I went back for my visit with Dr. Terry and my dad stayed in the waiting room. Turns out they were scared about this thing called Twin To Twin Transfusion. They've always said it was possible, especially with identical twins, but they were nervous because one was growing at a slower rate and had a sack of fluid around it. So they sent me down to another ultra sound place, one place I hope I never have to go to again. The doctor there was great and very nice, but I could tell it was the place they send people who have problems. Anyway everything turned out fine. They'll do another ultra sound in 2 weeks and every 2 weeks after that just to keep an eye on things.

Today I went to my cousin Jane's so she could teach me how to make Bula. I thought it would be fun to make it for my dad for Fathers Day. It turned out to be very easy. Although that said I've never made it by myself. So we'll see how I do tomorrow when I try again.

Later when the kids were playing Claire got into something in Bella's room so I hurried and scooted her out and shut the door. The only problem was her little finger was in the part that got shut. It nearly broke my heart. I hurried and picked her up and held her and immediately started crying with her. Not very helpful I know but my heart was breaking knowing she was in so much pain and I had cause it. I gave her her binky and blanket and put some ice on it. She calmed down pretty fast. But I haven't been able to forget that feeling. I love my kids so much and would die if anything ever happened to them, especially if it was my fault. This little accident made me think about how fragile these little ones lives are. I feel so blessed to have healthy, smart, beautiful kids.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Weekend News

Our weekend was so full and went by so fast. We started off Friday with a visit to the doctor. I was so excited to go. I wanted another confirmation that I was having twins. Some of you know the horror stories I've been hearing. If not I'll spare you all the details. But basically after talking to some crazy people I was convinced that I was only carrying 1 and that something had happened. But I didn't need to worry. My doctor did another ultrasound and yes I am pregnant with twins. Still no idea what sex. But we do know they are identical and healthy. So that is good!
Bella had a sunshine generation performance. It was great. The picture is when they were singing a song about dogs or something, but it was cute because she really got into making the sad face. She had a soccer game where she played her friend Tanner's team. She really didn't get that they were playing against each other. So she went on the side lines to cheer him on.
I also made a stop at one of my favorite places; So Cupcake. If you haven't been there, let me just say DELICIOUS!!! Expensive, but so good! I would usually never share with kids because they wouldn't appreciate it, but this time I did get Bella a little one. I was a little bumbed because they didn't have my favorite, which is banana cream pie. Guess I'll have to go back. Oh and I know there are a bunch of other places like this, if you know the names will you please tell me.
To end the weekend my mom and I took Bella to see the movie Earth. I can't tell you how it ends because we had to leave after 45 minutes. I think it was a mix of Bella being so tired and worn out as well as just being sensitive. But, she was crying over everything. Even the things that weren't sad. One example was the baby polar bears that were learning how to walk and sliding all over the snow. Yeah, not very sad. But she thought it was sad because they couldn't walk. The music did kind of scare her and there were a few times where a bigger animal would chase a smaller animal, but other than that it was a good movie. I think we just went on the wrong day.
Oh well better luck next weekend.