
My Blog Awards 2008/2009

Showing posts with label Basic Cupcakes Decoration Class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basic Cupcakes Decoration Class. Show all posts

Friday, November 5, 2010

1st time conducting Basic Cupcakes Class

Dr Maisarah's -
kemas teliti orangya suka tgk swirl & basket wave dia :)

Kak Su's - very nice clown

Izzah's the youngest in the class good student
Kak Mira's - very creative student

my students in action
everyone is busy
preparation before start the class

group photo - student with their cert

Buat kali pertamanya saya mengendalikan kelas Basic Cupcake & Decorating class. Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.

Terima kasih atas sokongan dari kawan-kawan
Insyallah kalau ada yang berminat nak join...kita boleh buat another class :)

Happy and have fun doing class with you guys!
Hope everyone is happy & satisfy

Minta halal jika ada kekurangan semasa saya mengajar
al maklumlah 1s time mengajar org hehehehehe

Thanks to my sifu Kak Zue & Kak Lea too

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Decoration Class with Kak Lea

credit this photo to kak lea my sifu


Memang dah nekad...balik cuti-cuti Malaysia nak ambil kelas decoration kek..isi masa yang terluang dengan sebaik mungkin...

Alhamdulillah..sehari suntuk menyiapkan tugasan ni walaupon penat..

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Alhamdulillah dah complete class deco cupcakes

Gambar ehsan my sifu kak dah full memory

7 Disember 2009

Cuti-cuti Malaysia saya habiskan masa lapang yang terluang dengan attend course yang saya minat...Alhamdulillah dah selesai attend Basic Cupcakes Deco Class with my sifu kak zue. Thanks ya kak zue..happy sangat and bangga jadi your 1st sbb kak zue ajar one to one boleh concentrate dan byk ilmu yang saya dapat.
Insyallah lepas ni saya lebih bersemangat nak mendeco cupcakes bila balik Dubai nanti....kekawan Dubai kalau nak order kek boleh cari saya lah ya hehehheehe