Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

Friday, 14 February 2014

I'm famous! Well kind of...

This is so exciting for me I just had to share it with you!  My #filophotofriday challenge was mentioned in this fab video by Alexis aka Miss Trenchcoat.  

I really enjoyed watching her set up but if you don't have a spare half an hour you can skip to 12:00 to see the bit I'm talking about and watch the rest later.  It is only about a minute long, blink and you'll miss it but I still think it's so cool!  

If you want to join in with #filophotofriday the prompt for today is I adore... and then share your picture with the tag on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Oh and happy valentines day!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

My friend at Never mind Suzi is celebrating her first blogiversary with a giveaway!

Never Mind Suzi is a fantastic blog about nail polish and it is one year old today.  She does the most amazing nail art and designs every day so please pop over and take a look here if you would like the chance to win some lovely nail polish related prizes! 

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Snow day!

So I had been toying with the idea of writing a new post every Friday (I like a routine) and I had a few ideas written down that I was going to chose from, but then yesterday the most wonderful thing happened..... it started to snow! It continued to fall for over 24 hours and this resulted in the area I live in coming to a standstill, schools and shops closed early and I have spent this afternoon outside playing! I'm a big kid when I see snow, I can't help but get excited. Lets face it we hardly ever get snow in the UK and its even rarer that we get enough to have fun in, so when it happens we have to make the most of it. I know it affects people's days and getting about is so much harder than usual and when it melts the ice underneath is deadly but if you can I really think you should try to get outside and enjoy it while it's here.
We pulled on our hats and scarves, gloves and boots and put on as many layers as we could fit under our coats and trudged over to the park. You have to walk down a long pathway between the houses to get there and when you reach the bottom you find yourself in a large open area that follows a river for quite a distance. Now to me there's nothing quite as beautiful as a vast expanse of freshly fallen snow, gleaming and white, the most mundane sights become transformed with a layer of it and this was the view that greeted us today.

Anyway we had a great time having snowball fights, chasing each other around, shrieking and laughing and making snow angles in all shapes and sizes. We stayed until our gloves soaked through and our noses started to hurt, sodden but happy we made our way home.
It has started to snow again this evening and our coats are only now finally dry but I think we will spend tomorrow out in it too because by next weekend there will probably be none left and who knows when we will get the chance to do it once more!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The scary first post

Hi and welcome to my first post.  I guess a good place to start would be to explain the title of my blog.  Part of it comes from being a play on words to She's electric by Oasis.  If I had to pick a sound track to my teenage years it would consist of a lot of Oasis songs.  Any time I hear one of their songs I can recall that time, the ups, the downs and the pure joy of being with friends with the music up high and singing along as if no one was listening!  Eclectic is also how I imagine this blog will be. I don't want to write just about beauty or books or music etc, I want to write about all things that interest me when the mood takes me.  I did think of calling it Confessions of a drama queen or something along those lines but although I do love a bit of drama, my life is thankfully not usually at the center of any and therefore the title would have been misleading.  

I don't know how many people will actually read this but I have been reading quite a few blogs recently and really enjoying them.  I also find myself editing my inner monologue a lot during the day so I may as well choose a nice font and type some of it up. 

Well I think that is it for now, the scary first post is out of the way and I can start thinking about what I want to write about next! Thanks for reading and I'm not sure if it is too late to say now but happy new year too!