Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Goings on

Lately a quote from Ocean's 11 has been running through my head.

"Don't use seven words when four will do."

In my quest to become a better blogger, I know I need to shorten things. And keep it on the light side. Sometimes this is hard. Especially when I feel like there is a lot to say. Today isn't one of those days. I don't really have much to say. I'm struggling to even find anything to write about. So I'll let the pictures do the talking.

We had a wonderful Thai dinner with Sloan, Sonna, and Ruthie. Ruthie thought the cord from the wok was a phone. Naturally. Then we snuck into the Heineken Open just down the street and watched some awesome tennis.

We had a sleepover with the Grace kids. They were so fun and behaved so well for Auntie Aly and Uncle Jon (dad gave them strict orders to call us that. So nice to be considered family.) They even slept in for us! Woohoo! We went swimming at our pool, then met up with Sonna and Ruthie for a picnic at the beach and played at the pirate park. I gave the kids the option of making sandwiches to take to the beach, or just getting Fish & Chips there. Hot salty greasiness always wins. However, 2 of the 3 neglected to tell me they don't actually eat fish. So I fed them a lunch of fries and rice krispy treats. Go team. Later we followed it up with marshmallows, ice cream, popcorn, and a trip to the arcade. Best. Adult. Supervision. Ever.

I couldn't tell if they were actually asleep in the back of my car when I dropped them off, or just in a sugar coma....either way, it's the joy of being an Aunt - you can always send them back! :)

Cute kids. But I was so exhausted! I don't know how moms do it every day! After a near melt-down while cooking dinner because my knives weren't sharp enough, this thought crossed my mind "well, if this is who you become when you have kids, maybe it's best you don't have any right now." A good lesson for me to learn in advance I guess. I'm amazed at how many positive and happy moms are out there! Cheers to you!


kate said...

even "happy, positive" moms really lose it sometimes. at least i do. i'm sure when the time comes, you will be a wonderful mom. love your posts! long, short, light, or heavy.

Anonymous said...

How fun for you! I bet those kiddos loved you guys to death! I'm glad you are enjoying the Kiwi life, Aly :) Always fun to hear about :)

Bundy Family said...

You are always so fun. That what makes you a great Aunt and these lessons you learn will help you in the future with your own some day. My sister just arrived to New Zealand last week. They spent the week on the upper island and now are on the south island. My heart is in New Zealand with all of you.

LeShel said...

Aunts ROCK! Those kids were lucky to have such great supervision. I love being an Aunt and spoiling my nieces and nephews!
If you can only be a mom when you perfectly happy all the time then I'm throwing in the towel. I messed that one up.

sara and wade said...

auntie aly is the best auntie we could ever ask for. and we are fully aware that you are the sugar addict of our family and that our kids will be well taken care of by auntie aly and uncle jonny... and since you always compare me to aunt emma jean, i'm going to start calling you marilee.. the sugar supplier! sure love you lots. can't wait to chat.

Em said...

sounds like my kind of day Al! Highs and lows included...