Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A day in the life

We live a charmed life. I know it. I admit it. I mean, we get to travel the world, have the freedom to just up and go whenever and wherever we want, and for the next few months get to live in paradise. Don't hate. It's just our life path. Don't think we wouldn't trade it all in a heartbeat to have the joy of children in our lives. To hear their laughter daily, cradle them in our arms to rock them to sleep each night, and pass on our traditions and love for life. (Well, maybe I wouldn't trade it all cause I have learned some really important things, but man that life sure sounds nice!)

That said, this is my life now and I love it. I thought I'd welcome you all in a give you just an example of what I've been up to for the past 2 months here in Auckland. This is our delicious bed. Each morning Jon sneaks out around 6:30 or 7:00 to go work, leaving me to dream for just a few hours more. {And I do dream. And I remember them all. It's a Storey thing. My sisters and I even have our own dream blog where we post our dreams from the night and get to laugh/cry/share in each others subliminal craziness. Fun. Times.}

I usually wake up around 8:00, when my body tells me the risk for seizure is over and I can properly function. (Didn't know I was epileptic, did you? Happened my first year at Dixie. Triggered by stress and a lack of sleep. Supposed to be on medication, but would much rather listen to my body for what it needs rather than rely on the meds. So I sleep for 8-9 hours a night. Mmmm. Definitely enjoying that while I can.) But at 8 am I wake up mid-dream and usually insist on falling back asleep so I can let my mind finish it's awesome storytelling.

Once 9:00 am hits, I'm up. After making the bed and taking care of business, I go see this man in his 'office' where we exchange pleasantries and make sure the other slept well. It's all very cute. Sometimes I tease him about his crazy hair and bug him about his work. I manage to throw some clothes on - most likely the clothes I donned the previous night as Jon and I cuddled up on the couch for some movie time. Then I find myself in this spot. I think my butt is creating permanent marks here.

I sign onto Skype first in case any of my awesome family members want to chat it up with me. (Because being out of touch with family and friends has been the hardest part of this move for me!) I spend the next 3-4 hours here checking email, updating the blog, editing pictures, and doing 'research' on different projects swimming around in my mind. I take mini-breaks whenever Jon comes in to get a drink or eat.

I get sick of looking at a computer screen (okay, really I start feeling guilty about wasting time. shhh.) around lunch time so I'll get up and make us lunch, then 1 of 2 things could happen. I could be feeling really ambitious and decide to go work out with Jon or join him for his daily run, or I could totally ignore the voice inside that says I should be doing that and instead head down to Queen Street for a little retail therapy. Hey, at least I'm walking everywhere!

Jon and I will eventually rendezvous back at our little apartment in the Precinct Building and then head out to explore this great city. Sometimes if we're lucky we get together with our great friends here and stuff like this happens:

Katie and Sonna. So thug.

mmm. real pizza.

Sonna's little monkey, Ruthie. Our substitute niece.

LOVES climbing on us. And not scared of Jon in the least bit.

Probably because she is a mini-Zohan with foot-fighting tactics.

Since most things shut down here around 6 pm, we're usually back home for dinner and then we'll pop in one of the movies I pleaded with Jon to bring back from the states with him. So far we've burned through the Arrested Development series, watched Napoleon Dynamite, Talladega Nights, Count of Monte Cristo, Oceans 13, and all 3 of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. It's been heaven!

So like I said, it's a charmed life. But this is only an example of one day. Occasionally I clean (like yesterday when I organized my entire closet and gave away a bunch of shoes and clothes) and most nights I cook (which I've been having a lot of fun with) and we enjoy a meal out on our balcony over looking the harbour.

That's our life. And I won't make apologies for it. Jon has worked INCREDIBLY hard to be where he is today. I am so proud of all of his hard work and determination. And we've both gone through hell and back to be at a point where we can accept the infertility and reality of being biologically childless. We are happy in our lives, happy in our marriage, and happy in the knowledge we have of the Gospel and our Heavenly Father's eternal plan for us. We're enjoying this time we have, realizing that it won't last forever.

And now I'm up against my time limit and needing to get lunch ready. Where we'll discuss what each of us would like to do. Maybe the library. Maybe the beach. I might even run today...


Wendy said...

You rock! This post made my night. :) Thanks for sharing your wonderful adventures with all of us. Dream big!

kate said...

i just LOVE getting a glimpse into a real day in your life! so fun, so refreshing. so glad you're blogging. it does sound like a charmed life and you deserve to enjoy every minute. and how great that you'll have a record of it to look back on.

Bundy Family said...

That was a great post. I loved every line of it. You mentioned work with LDS services when does that come into your day?

Heather B said...

I loved reading this. Your room is so cute. Your life looks amazing, and I think you have a great perspective on it. I know you'll be a mom eventually, and there's no going back, so I'm just glad you get to have such amazing experiences. I almost wish I could go back and re-live our childless years so I could take better advantage of that kind of time and freedom. I know we had Hawaii for awhile, but I could have made more of it, you know?

Heather B said...

Oh and p.s. that dream thing and blog is so cool, I love that you guys do that.

Marleepatts said...

It is always so nice to hear other peoples point of view, that is what I love most about all this social networking-you always think that you have it so bad or want what other people have and I think that this gives everyone the perspective to be happy and find the things in your life that make you happy.

Rockin' Rowes said...

Glad you are happy and doing well. Thanks for sharing the fun times.

LeShel said...

love you! love this post and your honesty... you rock!

Josie said...

Wow, sound fun to me. Ya, enjoy it while you can. Have you moved forward at all with the adoption process?

Abby said...

I love you Ally and very proud of where you are at. I love that I have such adventerous and successful friends to brag about!! I think that a lot of us just take motherhood for granted and probably don't enjoy it like we should, but i know that when you have your chance you will embrace it knowing that you have REALLY worked hard to be a mother. I envy you for that.

Anonymous said...

Aly, I can't tell you how much I love you to death :) I miss being closer, but I am so glad we can still stay in touch. Even via internet :) I appreciate all your honesty, I love knowing what your life is like, I love seeing all your adventures :) I always wonder why Americans try to cram so many things into life and then forget what's truly important. It almost makes me laugh. I envy the time you have with your loving hubby, but most of all, I think you're class Aly. You've got it together, you know what is important, and I admire you so much for that :) Keep up the blogging my friend! Love it! :)

Lori said...

i think it's fabulous. absolutely fabulous. you deserve all the happiness that comes your way.