Showing posts with label doodles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doodles. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


W brought home his Lifeguard training calendar.

I was so impressed that it was a cool, decorated calendar........

..... then I realized W had doodled his own calendar!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Sorry, I know I promised this on Tuesday but I had a bit of life going on yesterday!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Doodle on loan

This is a Doodle that the Doodler made for his love. It's a Doodle of their relationship. There are hidden messages about things they've experience.

She was kind enough to loan it to me for this post!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

surprise Doodle

I recently found this Doodle on the Doodler's 'to do' list

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday, August 24, 2009

Concert memories

When I was a teen I went to alot of concerts, and always had good seats to them also! My aunt Val worked for the university and was able to get tickets before they were released to the general public. I was spoiled! I've seen more than I can remember, but I do remember seeing the Carpenters, Charlie Daniels, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton (along with Freddy Fender!?!), all of these with my mom but I did Alabama with my friend LouAnn.

When I moved on to college hubby (pre marriage) and I saw "Do You Think I'm Sexy"Rod Steward, and was AMAZED at this show ... not only did he sing but there were these white umbrella type things that would open and close to the music ~ I thought it was the coolest thing. SO Lame compared to concerts today.

Then I stood 4 rows back to see George Strait that the State Fair, I could even seen his Wrangle patch on the back of his jean .... not that I was looking at his behind (!) but that's IS where the patch was!

Hubby (still pre marriage) got tickets to see Michael Jackson (along with his brothers). Not great seats but we were in the stadium! Yes, I've seen the white glove and saw MJ sit on the edge of the stage and sing BEN. Funny (or sad which ever way you choose to see it) story, I took our nephew Matt with me, we parked and started walking to the stadium before I remembered to look to see where we'd parked. When I took notice of the letter on the pole I was sure that we'd only walked a short bit. When the concert was over, we walked over to the pole and then on a few rows ....NO CAR! We walked a bit more....NO CAR! I finally went to report my car stolen (at the stadium) they encouraged me to walk further. Poor Matt and I walked further still seeing no car until FINALLY we crested a hill finding another parking lot .... there was my car sitting all alone. Guess we'd walked further than I thought! I remember that better than I do the concert.

Why am I telling you this?

Just a couple of months ago W came to me and told me about a concert he wanted to go to. W has never been to any type of concert. I told him to check it all out and get the detail for me. He came back and was amazed (more aghast) that the tickets were $80. I was more amazed that the concert wasn't sold out! After he left I started checking things out more. End result ....... W is sitting in the 3rd row, not center stage ~ (hey, I'm not a miracle worker but still 3rd row)
at a

Lil' Wayne Concert
I've requested in return for the tickets.....
#1 that I am sent at least one phone pic
#2 that I get at least one "you're the greatest mom ever" text during the night from bothW and his friend Chris
AND last but not least ..
#3 I get at least 2 "I love you MOMs" text during the concert
Who says you can't buy love?

Friday, August 14, 2009

it's about time!

It's about time for a new look!
Hope you enjoy!
I'm trying to commission a personalize piece of artwork
(sometimes called a Doodle)
for my heading, but the artist is busy working on other aspects of his life right now!