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Showing posts with the label Estonian Kringle

Nutella Crown

Don't Judge Me Cos I Ran out of Cinnamon, should have been the blog title. While I was blog hopping yesterday I found this link to a really good looking cinnamon scroll with a twist (excuse the pun). I started the dough part this morning and didn't realise I threw out some expired cinnamon last week until I got to the mixing part. The first thing that popped into my head was Nutella.Ok,it was the second. The first was a much healthier apple filling. Moving on, I am glad it turned out and it had a really nice crunch on the bottom. Nothing better than quenching a summer thirst with a 5min banana smoothie in a Bonne Maman jar. I like my smoothies with vanilla ice cream, one small banana, milk and a dollop of honey. And this little sweetie agrees.