So, I blame this one on my parents. I'm busy listening to Duran2, Cure, New Order, Punk, Hard Rock, 80s Synth, Post Punk, EVERYTHING, but late Classic Rock/Adult Contemporary. In my wildest dreams, I would've never listened to an album like this, let alone own one. But, as a teen still living with my folks, a lot of the time I was forced to listen to their music (sorta like I do to my kids now) and they both thought this was a pretty good album when it came out. For the longest time, I thought it was a 70s album, being ignorant of Fleetwood Mac in general. Why would I bother to know the facts?
So, several years back, I got nostalgic for this album. Remembering my parents listening to it, and I recalled a lot of the tunes. To learn it actually was an 80s album was somewhat shocking to me. I thought most of them were dead by then or something (even now, none of them are dead. Stupid, stupid man) To also learn, while searching for the b-side material, that there were remixes of their songs was even more surprising.
The b-side songs and remixes are rather meh. But, if you are a completist, it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure I have it all here. There might be a remix or two that didn't make the cut, I can't remember. But, there's more than enough here to make you feel like you've had enough by the time the disc is done.
It IS solid material, just not always my style. As I said, it's a nostalgia thing. But, to each his own, some of you may absolutely love this one....