Check out my newest Tumblr site dedicated to Ralph: FUCK YEAH RALPH BAKSHI!"Jeaux I have looked at your illustrations and with out any pandering on my part think its GREAT ORIGINAL PUREST CARTOON DRAWING IVE SEEN IN A LONG TIME IT HARKS BACK TO THE 30s AND FORWARD TO THE FUTURE----its not watered down UPA you’re a real talent and if I can be of any help let me know ralph"This is the luckiest Friday the 13th I've ever had!
This morning I received
a GREAT THE GREATEST email from my cartoon hero, the one and only
Ralph Bakshi! Who uses
CAPS LOCK LIKE A BOSS! Wow! It completely made my day and had me grinning ear to ear like a damn goon all day long. I'm going thru a pretty big bad rough patch right now in life, so this note of encouragement from Ralph came at just the right time.
Like a beacon of animated hope.
Thanks Ralph! I sincerely appreciate this more than you'll ever know...
I think I'm gonna get the email
hand-stitched and framed!
Jeaux JanovskyLabels: caps lock, email, friday the 13th, fuck yeah, fuck yeah ralph bakshi, fyrb, hand-stitched, Ralph Bakshi