Friday, September 14, 2012

Watch out Mitt Romney!!!

'Trickle Dickle Down' - NEW Bakshi Blues political short by the one & only Ralph Bakshi!!!

Spread the word!

I did the art direction on this as well as the Mitt Romney billboard, and co-directed the Start and End title cards w/ Moises Jimenez.

Very proud of it!


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Friday, July 27, 2012

Lloyd Kaufman IS MERMAID WIZARD!!!

And we've got our first celebrity cast in the Wee Straw-Beary animated film (when it happens)!

The one and only Lloyd Kaufman, CEO of Troma Films! He'll be playing one of my favorite characters in it, the Mermaid Wizard™!!! :D

If you wanna know who Mermaid Wizard is, you're gonna have to buy the book when I print up the next batch.

The 1st run was a Very limited edition of 20 that were all sold, traded, or gifted at Comic-con this year. This next batch will be small too.

I'll be setting up a paypal soon so you can order a copy of the soon to be Critically Ashamed Underground Classic!

I feel good, like James Brown, baby!

-Jeaux Janovsky

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

SDCC 2012 Exclusive- The Wee Strawberry

Sample page from my new SDCC 2012 exclusive mini-comic, The Wee Straw-Beary!

Not for children, btw.

It's gonna be a Very Limited print run. 20 copies or less. I'll be selling them for $5 bucks a pop, or willing to trade.

If you'd like one, now's your chance to speak up. Email me at: to reserve your copy of a soon to be Critically Ashamed underground classic!
-Jeaux Janovsky

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Welcome to 2012!

Freelance image originally blogged on June 28th, 2005!

2012 has started off with a bang for me! Literally. Laces untied, but off and running like a Muthaf*cka! I suspect it has something to do w/ the fact that it's the Year of the Dragon, and being that I was born under the Year of the Dragon (I'm a "Fire" dragon, apparently a double powerful version)... Let's just say 2012 and I have been pretty great homeys to one another thus far! Keep it up 2012!
Not only did 2012 start me off with a pretty huge freelance deal right off the bat... can't talk much about it right now save for I'm lead character designer for a rad hybrid toy/game for the iPad/iPod! But the 2nd week of January had me book-ended with 2 equally amazing Interviews on and about me!
Monday Jan. 9th, 2012 I was Person of the week for A Collection Of!

A Collection Of is run by 2 amazing girls named Stefani Greenwood & Gilda Davidian and they post all sorts of cool!
Cool stuff like this Daily Dohtrait I did of them and my awesome interview! Which you can check out, here:
Enjoy my weirdness!

Friday January 13th, 2012 I was featured on Chubstr, an online fashion resource for stylish men of all sizes! Bruce Sturgell, the guy who runs Chubstr, is an all around great guy, who has great taste, and gave me some pretty fun questions! Everything you've wanted to know about Jeaux Janovsky but were afraid to ask:

I gave Chubstr an exclusive first crack of the debut of an animated pitch promo of mine called Samurai Nanny!
The Samurai Nanny promo was animated, co-written, co-directed by my good friend Avi Tuchman, whose work graces the very bottom of this blog as well! (Scroll AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL the way down til you see a dancing computer!) Avi's an amazing animator, and I really love how the Sam Nan promo came out! Equally amazing music done by my other good pal, Brian Barrale, and great sfx by Michael Schmidt. Totally Samuradical job guys! Thank you!

Samurai Nanny from Avi Tuchman on Vimeo.

In the Chubstr article I mentioned what's going on for me in the 2012 pipeline!
2 awesome things in the horizon:

Animal Sounds!

Animal Sounds: the web comic experience coming soon from my good high-school friend Liz Ohanesian & Yours Truly!
Liz has been tracking our progress on her ultra awesome site! &
I can't wait til you see what we've got in store for you! For now, if you wanna laugh, go peep our circa 2006 Animal Sounds blog! No, really! A) cuz it's funny! And B) cause it's OLD. And that's funny!
2nd Awesome thing that you will HAVE to see in 2012...


"What is Epilogue?" Some say in whispers down darkened alleyways...
Sometimes we answer, "Post Apocalyptic Roaches.", also with a whisper.
"What's that?" they whisper back.
We answer, but with a firmer whisper than the wispy whisper we offered before, "It's sorta like Mad Max... but with cockroaches!"
And then they're all, "Whaaa?" whispering all inquisitive like.
We reply w/ a sterner whisper, "It's a graphic novel. And it's gonna be awesome!"
The "WE" is gonna be my pal Daniel Levitch and I. Daniel is a great guy, and I'm glad I connected with him via our significant others. No, not the whispering alleyway people! Ava & Amber, our lovely maidens of love and stuff!
Last year, I did some illustration work for Daniel on his film Swine that they used for the dvd packagaing and menus! Swine is amazing. Find a copy today, anywhere you can!
Here's the Swine trailer:

I have some other exciting news further down the road, but I'm keeping that mummy under wraps til I can unveil the news, so stay tuned friendletons!
2012 is gonna melt faces off with all kinds of Jeaux brand Awesome!

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Compooter Animation by Avi Tuchman based on art by JEAUX Janovsky!