Showing posts with label Parenting Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenting Stories. Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kids Crack Me Up

My kids always keep me laughing because they say the funniest things. And they usually aren't trying to be funny, but still. This was last night's conversation...

After dinner last night:

Matthew: “I need to clean this entire kitchen before I can continue to celebrate Mother’s Day.”
Ethan: “What are you going to do, stay up till midnight making lots of noise?”
Matthew & I: Hysterical laughing
Me to Ethan: “What would we be doing?”
Ethan: “Running around the house being rambunctious.”

Now I know he was referring to the word “celebrate”, so he was thinking partying, but it was so hard not to laugh!

I love that my kids make me laugh all the time!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sneaky Girl

The other day I was sitting at my computer and Lexi comes up to me with her mouth covered in chocolate. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "Mommy, I ate chocwhate!"

I thought she was playing in the basement with her toys, I had no idea she was eating chocolate. I went downstairs to check things out and realized that I had forgotten to put the child gate back up in front of my craft room. Earlier that day I went downstairs and didn't put the gate back up thinking that I didn't need to because Lexi was sleeping. That's what I get for thinking that I'd actually remember to put the gate back up later.

Usually when she goes into my room, this is what I find on the floor.

Just a few wrappers on the floor and that's all.
Well, this time, this is what I found...
A jar full of empty wrappers!
The funny thing is that she didn't leave her wrappers on the floor. She ate all of them and put the wrappers back in the jar! What a funny little girl!

This was all that remained when I was done cleaning up--chocolate finger prints on the outside of the jar! Boy am I glad that she didn't get chocolate all over the house. Just on her cute little face and this now empty jar :)


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