Showing posts with label Focus in 2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Focus in 2009. Show all posts

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summertime = more fun time

I wanted to prepare ahead for all the "I'm bored" comments, so I stocked up on craft projects. They have lots of great craft kid projects for a dollar at Michaels.

With all the rain this week, we decided to get out our craft projects.

Instead of the craft kits, Kalin asked me to buy this wood block and paint from our local craft store. Mostly because her brother had a block and she wanted one too.

She just wanted to paint the block pink and purple, but she's lucky enough to have a mom with a craft room full of eye candy that doesn't get used enough.

We pulled out the ric rac, stamps, buttons, flowers and of course, some bling and this is what she came up with...

I just love it when they use their creativity and make something beautiful! She had me take a picture of each side of the block, but you get the idea.

Ethan loves to work with these pom pom/pipe cleaner kits and they were only $1 at Michaels. The kit makes something like 5 animals.

I helped with the glue gun 'cause you know how that glue gets everywhere and you get burned no matter how hard you try not to.

This is pond pal #1, Mr. Frog.

And Pond Pal #2, Mr. Snake. Ethan actually told me what type of snake it was, 'cause he knows those kinds of things, but his "not so book smart" mom already forgot what that was :)

I had to get in on the action too. This is a magnet board I've been meaning to finish now for over a year--oops! I always start things and they sit around waiting to be finished. I should set that as my new goal--finish all started projects!!!! I'll have to show you the finished product when I get to that :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Scrapbook Shopping

Thanks to this great store, I got to spend a $20 gift certificate! Lexi and I had a great time shopping yesterday and these are my Scrapalicious spoils! Check out this store, it's awesome!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Right now, I am doing this"

Today I had lunch with my friends and we talked about a discussion I had with Matthew the other day about how sometimes I feel like I'll never be able to do all those things that are required of me in addition to motherhood. My friend sent me this link to an article which helped me put it all into perspective. Don't we need a little perspective sometimes? Thanks Lynne! :)

perspective #1

perspective #2

perspective #3

Although motherhood is the hardest job I've ever had, it makes me sad to think one day these beautiful little people will grow up. One day they will no longer need their mommy to tuck them in at night; to kiss their owies; to listen to stories about bugs and Portuguese man of wars; to make them breakfast, lunch and dinner; or even to do their laundry. Just like Tiffany says in the above article, I chose this. In all truthfulness, there was NOTHING I wanted more. So again, thanks for the reminder and the perspective.

"I can do it all, I tell myself. But, right now, I am doing this" Tiffany Gee Lewis
*above pictures were taken in Boise during April 2009 spring break. With Auntie Mashaide at IOU sushi.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Hunting We Will Go

Easter Egg Hunt - April 2009

How is it that I forgot to buy me some yummy chocolate? I guess I'll have to go eat the kid's chocolate while they're sleeping! j/k :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Cute Pigtails

This is the little girl who was insisting that I call her Snow White instead of Lexi. I tried to ask her to do something and she kept telling me that her name was not Lexi, but Snow White. As soon as I called her Snow White she was willing to listen. Silly girl!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Reading Month

This year our PTO sponsored a reading month. It was a lot of fun for the kids. We had different people dress up as characters and read to the kids during the month. We had prizes for reading minutes turned in. We passed out treats. I say "we" as in the PTO, but all that I did was cut out 200 die cuts for our fairy tale week where every kid got giant pixie stick wands. Anyway, we ended reading month with a parade. Each class read a book and decorated their own mini float. They also dressed up as characters from their book and paraded around the school. Ethan and Kalin were so excited and couldn't wait!

This was Ethan's class float. They read the book Sideways Stories from Wayside School.

This was the character that Ethan dressed up as.

Can you see Ethan?

This was Kalin's class. They read the book The Little Engine That Could.
She was dressed up as a stuffed animal and she got to lead her class in the parade.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Food Storage

Monday night for FHE we decided to teach a lesson on self reliance. As little kids do, they had an attention span of about 1 minute. We talked about food storage and why we have it, then we let them help put our almost 80lbs. of sugar in storage buckets. They had a lot of fun with the sugar. It was all we could do to keep them from putting their hands in and tasting it!

They were all sad when all the sugar bags were empty.

I had to add this picture so you wouldn't think that Lexi was standing on the counter all by herself!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's dinner

This year the food wasn't green (except for the cupcakes), but everything else was. The kids just love having green incorporated into their meal on St. Patricks day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Early Morning Beauty

I just thought it was so beautiful this morning that I had to snap a few pictures! I just love it on the rare occasion that I am out during sunrise and it's a clear sky!

This is the early morning, not so beautiful photo! I was freezing this morning!


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