Sweatshirt: Made by Me; Flannel Shirt: Land's End; Leggings: LC Lauren Conrad (under $15);
Heels: Ann Taylor (similar/under $50); All Jewelry: Stella & Dot
It's a New Year, and just like any new year, I always think it's going to be my year. Well this year, I'm saying it out loud (or in writing anyway) that this year is going to be my year! Do you want to know why? Because I took a leap!
I took a leap about a year ago by not going back to work. In October of last year I took another leap by starting my own business as a Stylist for Stella & Dot and I haven't looked back! It's the biggest leap I've taken to date (aside from having a baby) and I've decided it's my moto. "Leap...so she did." And I'm telling you to take one as well! Whatever you've ever thought about doing, do it! Take the leap! It could be totally worth it.
Because I've taken a leap, I decided to put it in glitter. On a sweatshirt. That I'm wearing! It's my prototype, some kinks need to be worked out, but they will be for sale soon on Etsy. But, if you want to get in line for one, email me for all the details. I'm loving it!!
So what does one wear with a glittery white sweatshirt? A plaid flannel button down, faux leather leggings, and animal print heels. And, you add gobs of gold jewels and a bright lip! I'm pretty sure it's glam all the way!
What is on your agenda for 2016? Big life goals? Small items that you've wanted to tackle for a while but haven't? Any major leaps you've finally decided to take? Repeat to yourself "Leap....so she did." It has totally worked for me!
Happy 2016 Fashionista's! Let's make this the shiniest year to date!