Sneakers: Converse; Handbag: Kooba; Jewels: Stella & Dot
Did you think I had forgotten I had blog? Well, I haven't, I just haven't been well enough to blog. Or get dressed. Or even care about anything fashion related. I apologized to my husband last night that I have been looking like pure crap for about two weeks. In all honestly, I've been sick for two months, but I had learned to live with it. Then the sinus infection settled in and I was down for the count. Or as down as a mama can be. We took full advantage of spring break last week, taking a trip to the zoo, having lunch at Chuck E. Cheese, and spending an afternoon at the mall. We even took a long weekend and went down to my parents house at the river. It was nice to get away for a few days.
So Fancy That.....I'm back! I told my mom that today was the first day I actually felt well. I didn't feel great, but I felt well enough to do my hair, add a little makeup, put on actual clothes, and finally take some blog pictures. I would say things are looking up!
Here's the other thing. I'm completely uninspired right now. I feel like I ebb and flow with this blog. I feel like I grow weary of taking daily photos that aren't all that fashionable. I'm excited about bringing Friday Beauty back into the mix. And I think I might bring back some DIY stuff. I'm completely obsessed with the Hallmark Channel daily Home and Family show. And, I'm even more obsessed by Orly Shani and all of her amazing fashion DIY segments. I've gotten the point where I tape the show when I know she's going to be on. I don't want to miss a segment.
With that being said, look for an amazing DIY coming soon. Maybe even this week. She completely inspired me by this jacket and I've recreated my own. I can't wait to share it with you!
What else would you like to see? What do you like to read about? What things do you think I'm lacking on this little blog? I would love to hear your ideas. Your thoughts. Feedback is what keeps up going. Keeps us growing, right?