Showing posts with label Converse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Converse. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Fancy That....

Jacket: Banana Republic (cute option); Tee: Target; Jeans: Loft (similar);
Sneakers: Converse; Handbag: Kooba; Jewels: Stella & Dot

Did you think I had forgotten I had blog? Well, I haven't, I just haven't been well enough to blog. Or get dressed. Or even care about anything fashion related. I apologized to my husband last night that I have been looking like pure crap for about two weeks. In all honestly, I've been sick for two months, but I had learned to live with it. Then the sinus infection settled in and I was down for the count. Or as down as a mama can be. We took full advantage of spring break last week, taking a trip to the zoo, having lunch at Chuck E. Cheese, and spending an afternoon at the mall. We even took a long weekend and went down to my parents house at the river. It was nice to get away for a few days.

So Fancy That.....I'm back! I told my mom that today was the first day I actually felt well. I didn't feel great, but I felt well enough to do my hair, add a little makeup, put on actual clothes, and finally take some blog pictures. I would say things are looking up!


Here's the other thing. I'm completely uninspired right now. I feel like I ebb and flow with this blog. I feel like I grow weary of taking daily photos that aren't all that fashionable. I'm excited about bringing Friday Beauty back into the mix. And I think I might bring back some DIY stuff. I'm completely obsessed with the Hallmark Channel daily Home and Family show. And, I'm even more obsessed by Orly Shani and all of her amazing fashion DIY segments. I've gotten the point where I tape the show when I know she's going to be on. I don't want to miss a segment.

With that being said, look for an amazing DIY coming soon. Maybe even this week. She completely inspired me by this jacket and I've recreated my own. I can't wait to share it with you!

What else would you like to see? What do you like to read about? What things do you think I'm lacking on this little blog? I would love to hear your ideas. Your thoughts. Feedback is what keeps up going. Keeps us growing, right?

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Play on Camo

Jacket: Levi's (similar); Sweater: Loft (cute option); Cami: Loft (similar);
 Pants: J.Crew Factory (cute option); Sneakers: Converse; Jewelry: Stella & Dot

McKinley and I spent the entire day on Tuesday at Crown Center doing exactly what he wanted. In the words of my husband, we did everything in one day that most people in about a month. We went to the aquarium, Crayola Cafe for lunch, spent some time in the Animal Tails and Trails exhibit where he made some new friends, headed to Kaleidoscope for the first time, and then over to Union Station to spend time in the model train exhibit. By the time 3:00 rolled around, I was exhausted. And McKinley was too. He took a little backseat nap on the way home. I would definitely say a fun time was had by all!

I knew we would be indoors for most of the day, but would need to head outdoors to walk back and forth from the aquarium back to Crown Center. I wasn't expecting to do it twice! Instead of a heavy coat or sweater, I opted for layers. I haven't worn my camo sweater in about a year and decided it was time to bring it out again. It's a great light weight sweater that can be easily layered and a denim jacket was the perfect pairing piece. I thought olive green pants would be a fun play on the gray camo and sneakers were the best shoe option for a day of being on your feet!

The Sweater: Before and After


Can we just talk about this face for a minute? He melts my heart!

I am still tired and this outing was Tuesday afternoon! Here's hoping that the weekend brings a few naps and possibly later mornings! One can wish, right!

Can you tell that this mama is looking forward to the weekend?

Friday, January 15, 2016

A Day with McKinley

Poncho: Tahari (cute option/60% off), T-Neck: Kohls; Jeans: Loft (similar); Sneakers: Converse;
Hat: J.Crew; Scarf: My Mom Made; All Jewelry: Stella & Dot; Lip Color: NARS Shanghai Express

Yesterday McKinley and I took total advantage of a January day that reached the upper 50s! We spent four hours at the zoo and enjoyed every minute of it. The animals were out in full force and some were out to play! And it was so quiet. There were several families out, but we never seemed crowded at any of the exhibits. McKinley and I were able to spend time where we wanted, discussed the animals he had questions about, and just spent quality time with one another on a truly beautiful day. It was simply the best day! 

Because the day started out in the low 40s, I went with tons of layers! I am literally wearing three tops! A long sleeved white tee, a cashmere turtleneck, and the wool striped poncho. I added the long scarf at the last minute and so glad I did! I was comfortably warm all day! I love the pop of color with the burgundy hat and sneaker. And let's be honest, just because I was at the zoo doesn't mean I can't be chic, so I added my new chandalier earrings and leather bracelet from the new Stella & Dot spring line. Aren't they fab?

The Sweater: Before and After


Happy Friday, Fashionista's! I hope you have a grand weekend planned. See you all back here next week!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Hello 2016

T-Shirt: Boden; Button Down: J.Crew Factory (similar); Jeans: Loft (similar); 
Sneakers: Converse (similar); Shades: Karen Walker via Gilt; Necklace: Stella & Dot
Lip Color: Chanel Jean

Saying Hello to 2016! This is what I wore for the first day of the New Year and I was ready to say hi! As you know from earlier in the week, I'm taking a Leap, but I'm also saying Hello to a year that's going to be bigger than last! I've set goals, trying to keep a positive mind set, and putting all of this out in the universe in hopes of an incredible return!

Because it was the first day of the year, I didn't want anything but comfortable! I can't stay up late anymore and I felt the effects the next day. As I get older, I just don't bounce back like I used to. I think I took a good hour plus nap that afternoon! And when you have styled your most relaxed pieces in your wardrobe, it's easy to feel relaxed. Hello...


I hope your first full week back has been as easy as this look! And that the New Year has been fashionably chic! So much to look forward to and so much to blog about in the coming weeks and months! I hope you continue to follow the journey!

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Soaring Around the World

Top: H&M (similar); Shorts: Rachel Zoe (similar/$10); Sneakers: Converse
Belt Bag: MICHAEL Michael Kors (fun option); Hat: Standard Style (old/similar); Shades: Target

Instead of a DIY project, I'm bringing you another outfit post. I am currently working on the Elegant Chair, but I'm not at point where I can share tons of details. We are cutting fabric, laying out pieces to figure out how they will go back together, and questioning our upholstery skills. We're a little in over our heads!

Speaking of over our heads, McKinley and I hit World's of Fun last week for a last hoorah before school starts. After this week, the amusement park will only be open on weekends, so we took advantage of some weekday fun! It was a hot one and I had second thoughts regarding the polyester top. Cotton would have breathed a little more, but it all worked out. A little breeze would blow from time to time and the rides provided a little coolness as well. All in all, my little birds were perfect for soaring around the world on a Thursday afternoon!

 The Top: Before and After


Top: H&M (similar); Shorts: Rachel Zoe (similar/$10); Sneakers: Converse
Belt Bag: MICHAEL Michael Kors (fun option); Hat: Standard Style (old/similar); Shades: Target
 I hope to share some chair updates next week. It's coming together, just not at a point to really talk. And, I've got a cool tool from my dad to try and clean up the castors on the bar cart. So many little details that will hopefully lead to beautifully completed pieces!

Have a fabulous Tuesday!!