Yesterday I made a wish on my blog, & today like a good fairy, he showed up & my wish came true. Yeah!!!
While I was outside talking to him, this fellow showed up.
There were also geese making all sorts of noise. What a beautiful autumn day!
In regards to "NEED A PIECER", I have been contacted by a woman who sent this request:
I am looking for someone to finish a quilt for me.
My mother was in the process of making a quilt for me when she passed away. She finished 18 squares of the courthouse steps pattern. I would like to have those pieces and a star pattern (to join the courthouse steps together) made and then quilted to make a queen-size quilt.
Is there anyone who does this kind of work?
Thanks for your help.
If you know of anyone who can help her,please contact me & I will send you her email address. Thanks!
I am glad your wish came true.
I love mooses I have them in my bathroom (not real ones)and I have lots of stuffed ones.I really enjoy your pictures of them.
Wow! Glad your wish came true.
Yeah for work done on the house! My husband went crazy when he saw the moose pic-he wants to know if you take in hunters in season!? I told him you only allow photography hunters! What region of the country does your piecer-needed live in?
Yikes! A moose! The most we get around here are the damn deer and wild turkeys. The deer are beautiful but pests and I've had lyme disease already from them. But we do love watching the bambis, as my husband and I call them. The turkeys are butt ugly, noisy, and no good for anything.
One of these days, maybe I'll get up there and see a moose in person - LOL.
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