Showing posts with label art meme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art meme. Show all posts

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Aurora Postquards

These are multi-layered , starting with handdyed fabric that I used Shiva stick rubbings on, then hand painted old lace & painted fusible webs (2 kinds), hand painted silk chiffon, & some Angelina fibers.

These are 4 postquards I made for my Art Meme. I realized I needed a 5th when I finished putting these in envelopes, but I think I'll wait until my new iron gets here, because right now I'm having a heck of a time pressing anything, & my Timtex needs steaming before I can use it.
My old faithful Rowenta steam generator iron bit the dust, & can't be revived again, so I ordered a new one from Joann's on line. They were on sale, & the shipping was free, so it was the best deal I could find. I can't wait until it gets here.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I got Mail, & WIP Wed.

I got lucky with the mail today. This really cute wrist pincusion & postquard came today from Jen. I really love them, thanks Jen. Broccoli was really interested in the pin cushion. He sat in my lap sniffing it intently for serveral minutes, I think he must smell Max on it!

The next package was a beautiful glass bead from Sarah Hornik in Televiv. I found Sarah through the blogs, & went to Ebay to buy this. It will inspire a beautiful purse some day.

I woke up early this morning. It was about 445, & I couldn't fall back to sleep. I started thinking about the mess in my studio, & wanted to get some work done, but just can't until I get it organized again. I messed it up on Saturday before my lecture at the museum. I started looking at my yarns which were overflowing 3 baskets, so I sat for at least 2 hours roling yarns into balls, until they all fit into 1 basket.

Then I put all of my metallic threads into a basket that used to hold rubber stamps. I put all the stamps into the map case, so now they're all in one area. So with all this reorganizing, then going out to dinner with Warren, I didn't get very far on my next little project...

but I started by cutting out some whacky cup shapes from some Angelina Fibers, ready to be featured on my next small works, for the Art Meme.

& as for WIP (works in progress) I have a stack of them..... here are the ones under the table, & then there's the ones that I want to do for Christmas, which of course I CAN'T show, so sorry for being a WIP DUD! But's all folks!!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006


OK! I'm in on the Art Meme. The 1st 5 people to respond to this post will recieve a piece of my Art.

As I'm at work right now, I'll add the link to others later.

Ok, it's later now, here's the link from Debra's & Kim's & Linda's.
I think I goofed. Sorry folks.

Now what I was supposed to say was if you accept this challenge then you too must make 5 pieces of art & offer it up to the 1st 5 people who respond & they inturn do the same. This way it spreads the love, the art & the fun. If I got it right. Guess I better write to those who replyed already. & I should've stipulated NOT MINDY! You've got something coming already! & besides You have to have a BLOG! Come on Min, start blogging your glass! Mindy does beautiful fused glass. So if you want in on this Min, you have to make 5 pieces, to give away to the 1st 5 people to respond on your blog! Some of your Pins would be perfect for this!

So if you sign up on ...say 3 of these offers, does that mean you meust offer 15 pieces ?