Friday, August 10, 2012

Farewell, Elder Colton!

Colton had his mission farewell on July 8th (going to Bangkok, Thailand!), so we headed down south on July 6th to spend the weekend with the fam.  The drive there proved to be rather eventful: we ate at Wendy's at the only outdoor table they have (above) and saw a complete double rainbow (below).  Jason and Addie got really excited and yelled, "Double rainbow! Double rainbow!" over and over again into the wind out the open windows.  I was busy steering while Jason took pictures, but I could still feel the overwhelming excitement.  They were omens of the coming weekend.

The next day we went out to Gunlock for some boating and beaching.  Addie is quite the fish this summer and is up for anything water-related, including tubing with her aunties.

Addie and Caitie sitting with Uncle Nate to get warmed up,  He's a good uncle!

Nate and Colton doing tubular tricks.

The four youngest and I got beached while the rest went back out for more boating.  We played in the sand and paddled around in the water for an hour or so.

Jack slept peacefully (and sweatily) with his life jacket at the ready should he suddenly find himself in the mood for nice dip in the lake.  He never did.  He did, at least, wake up to eat.  It was an enjoyable morning at the lake, if I do say so myself.

On Sunday we very much enjoyed Colton's talk and the family lunch afterwards.  Colton will be such a fabulous missionary.  He has such a sweet and genuine heart, and is just so darn likable! Jack was introduced to many family members, including his Great Grandpa and Grandma Utley.  Jack was a good boy and delighted them with with many enormous smiles.  Great Grandpa kept saying, "He's sure a dandy!"

I decided it was about time we had a family photo with our newest member, so I insisted everyone stay in their Sunday clothes until we could snap one.  I, however, Picasso-ed my dress in BBQ sauce so I ended up having to change.  Looks like I'm the one that needs the bib.  Anyway, I'm glad I finally got the photo!

And here we are with the current Elder Utley.  We've already really enjoyed his letters and are excited to share in this exciting adventure with him.  Way to go, Uncle Toten!

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