Thursday, August 23, 2012

Addie Pants

 I figured it's about time again to share all the things we love about our growing Addie, and the funny things she says.

 #1: Addie is adventurous.   She's usually up for anything, including dancing in a rainstorm with Daddy.  She's willing to taste every food at least once, she's never shy around other kids, and she's excited to go just about anywhere (except the fabric store).

She's trying to catch a "snail" boat in this one.  She and J were racing empty snail shells down the gutter. 

 #2: She's imaginative.  Here she is snorkeling in the bath, pretending to find sea creatures and treasure.  She makes up fabulous stories and is pretty creative with problem-solving, too.  For example, Jason was about to put a bite of her dessert into his mouth last Sunday, but she yelled out, "It's poisonous!" at the last minute.  Dessert was saved.

 #3: She gives everything a good shot before giving up.  You can see how she's giving it her all to get herself a drink.  (That doesn't mean she doesn't get good and frustrated, though.) 

 #4: She's brave.  She does things, even when she's scared.  She was scared to take swimming lessons, but she hopped in the car, drove to her first lesson, and entered the pool all without hesitation or fit-throwing.  (She ended up loving it and was excited to go everyday.)  I've seen her do this with immunizations, giving prayers or scriptures in sharing time, and trying new things.  She tells me she's scared, but does it all without even a hint of fear.  What a girl!

She passed preschool level 1 swimming this year! That's her instructor, Dani, in the pool.  We sure love this kid! She means more to us than we ever thought possible. 

And now for a good story:

So, a few nights ago I made a bad dinner.  I confess, as shameful as it is to admit it, I occasionally make a bad dinner.  This one was particularly bad, like black and inedible bad.  Making a balsamic vinegar reduction is not as easy as it sounds, my friends.  Also, here's a little tip I'm going to try from now on: taste the sauce before dumping it all over perfectly good food.  Anyway, as we were all eating, gagging, and shuddering, we ended up in laughing fits.  Addie kept us chuckling by trying to figure out what went wrong.  " It has too much black on it."  "I think it got too roasted."  " Maybe you cooked it too long."  "This reminds me of that berry I ate once."  That berry she ate once was poisonous, by the way.  We laughed about our awful dinner all the way through eating the bowls of cereal we ended up having instead.  How nice it is to have such funny people to call family!  It makes everything more endurable, even tar-covered dinners.

And some Addie-isms:

Addie was trying to convince me that tickling her back would make her go to sleep one night.  "See mom?  It does help me go to sleep!" she says, while tickling her own back with her eyes closed.

We were holding hands one day while walking when she all of a sudden stopped walking and pulled her hand down.  "Mom!" she exclaims, "I don't want people to see my armpits!"

She has a dinosaur vitamin everyday, but I have to cut them in half for the correct dose.  She always requests the "bum" half.  One day she said, "I love to eat vitamin bums!  Also, it's gross to eat real bums."

We were practicing letter sounds one day, and I pointed to the letter H.  "This sound makes a 'huh huh' sound, like huh-huh horse, " I explained.  "And like huh-huh dog, " she adds.  Who could argue with that? Dogs do make that sound.

I love how she says "bath-tize" instead of baptize.  It makes more sense.

This was awhile ago, but I don't think I have properly recorded it yet: We were all riding in Uncle Eric's truck when Addie got bored.  "Let's play some car games, " I suggested.  While I tried coming up with one, she just sat there looking puzzled.  After a few minutes of thinking, she says, "But mom, we're in a truck."  Not quite following, I said, "Yes we are."  "We can't play car games in a truck!  We have to play truck games!" she exclaimed. 

One day I said, "Should we curl your hair?"  To which she replied, " Like the old ladies at the haircut store?"

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