Billa is a 2007 Indian Tamil gangster-thriller film directed by Vishnuvardhan. It is based on the 1980 Tamil film of the same name which was itself a remake of Hindi film Don (1978). Ajith Kumar and Nayantara played the lead roles while Prabhu Ganesan, Namitha, Rahman, Adithya and Santhanam were also part of the cast. The film was produced by L. Suresh, while featuring musical score and soundtrack by Yuvan Shankar Raja, cinematography by Nirav Shah and editing by A. Sreekar Prasad.The project commenced in April 2007 and was released and distributed worldwide by Ayngaran International on 14 December 2007. The film, upon release, emerged a high financial success,and was selected to be screened at the 61st Cannes Film Festival.
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