
Showing posts with label Scorpio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scorpio. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2016

Full Moon in Scorpio- Skeletons

Day of the Dead San Francisco 2012 by Brian B. Sorensen
This Transit takes effect on April 21, 2016.

Way far back in the beginning of the world was the whirlwind warning that we could all be blown away like chips and cry- Men with tired eyes realize it now, and wait to deform and decay- with maybe they have the power of love yet in their hearts just the same, I just don't know what that word means anymore- All I want is an ice cream cone” -Jack Kerouac

Helios Says:  *Sigh* Life.... What is the point to it all? Does any of it matter? Why do we bother? We stumble blindly through time, cocking up everything we touch, experiencing a few fleeting moments of joy to break the monotony of the stinging misery that otherwise encircles us. None of us asked to be born, we just had all this merde thrust upon us. Sure, the grand traditions are there to try and offer us solace, a reason for being, some bullshit about learning lessons or whatnot- but the truth is no one truly knows what the point is, or what happens when we die. Our future is unclear, and our past depends on the perspective- All we know is the present, and that is suffering. 

It's not getting any better. Take each moment as it is the best on you will have to look forward to, because it gets increasingly likely that will be the case.

Artemis Says:

“With my ninth mind I resurrect my first

and dance slow to the music of my soul made new.” 
― Aberjhani, Visions of a Skylark Dressed in Black

Oh gods, here comes the Scorpio full moon.  Can you think of anything more dreadful right now?  I hope you figured out how to contain that Aries fire, because you're really going to need it now.  With Saturn in retrograde, this Scorpion full moon is going to dig all of the skeletons out of our closets.  I know with some of you those things should never see the light of day, so that's kinda scary, not gunna lie.  Motherfucking GHOSTS.  They will come in the form of nightmares.  They will come in the form of anxiety.  They will come in the physical form knocking at your door.  What does Casper say?  Ghosts can't move on if they have unfinished business.  You're either going to give up and live with them in your haunted house, or you're going to become a motherfuckin' exorcist.  Your choice.  Can you dance with the devil and finish your unfinished business?

Helios Says:  The Sun and Moon- Huh. Nothing else? That's new and different. Well, what isn't different is that we are going into this one exhausted. You are questioning your life, what matters, and what doesn't. I've been telling you for some time now that you need to make choices along those lines and cut away what doesn't serve you anymore, but have you been listening? Noooooooo, you thought you could just keep stalling, didn't you? Well now you don't have any more time, and you have to make those cuts NOW or they will be made for you. You are running out of time to hide. Everything will come to light, sooner rather than later. However, you still have a few precious moments left to choose a new way forward and throw yourself down it. I heartily recommend that you do so before it is too late.

Artemis Says: The Sun in Taurus:  For the sun, I pulled the card 4 of Wands.  Back from the dead.  The Taurus sun will start shining on the sacred holiday of 4/20 *puff puff pass*.  This means that this new sun will be hit with a full moon quite fresh off the runway.  Scorpio and Taurus are opposites on the Zodiac wheel, meaning that they share a good amount of traits and then differ quite drastically in others.  They have the same sort of feel to them; like super hero and arch-villain.  They couldn't exist without each other.  Where the Scorpio moon may be haunting us about our poverty right now, the young Taurus sun is enthusiastically reminding us of our goal.  Your sun sign in astrology is the archetype you are STRIVING to become (as opposed to your moon sign, which is how you react to the world and more of your personality - it is your instinctual reactions).  We are striving toward this celebratory 4 of wands; getting exactly what we want.  Don't take your eye off the prize.  Charge at it like a bull.

The Moon in Scorpio:  For the moon, I pulled the card 5 of pentacles.  This card is all about poverty and what we learn about ourselves when we finally hit rock bottom.  When we are in desperation, we are only kept alive by the most gnawing of needs.  Dive deep, babies, clean your closets once and for all.  These things that are living here, creating weights for your wings, they must be removed before you can live a full life.  I know you're tired.  Trust me, we all are.  We have had unfinished business coming at us since Saturn started his retrograde a few weeks ago, so we should be getting our bearings right now.  You've got this, punks.  You've fought these mini bosses before, and you're still here today.  Now finish them!

Helios Says:  Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Chiron- Now this is more like it. Here, we see the real heart of the issue- You have lost your way, and have no idea where to go from here. You are afraid, and feeling nothing is much easier than facing that fear. You have been hurt, and instead of licking your wounds and stepping back out into the world, you have retreated further inside yourself, hiding from any potential to be hurt again. I tell you that you are wasting your life by allowing this to continue. Fear has you paralyzed, and it is killing you one day at a time. Your despondency has become inertia, and your ennui a crutch- Get off the couch and back into the game! You only have so many moments here, make them count. Schluff off your baggage and step lively.

Artemis Says:  Mercury in Taurus:  For Mercury, I pulled the card Temperance.   I know you're all planning, darlings.  I know, because you are listening.  I know, because I scared you enough.  What's the plan, punks?  Take your time.  Measure it out.  Get a white board and start learning alchemy.  Put the pieces together slowly.  Mercury in Taurus will help you.  Be clear with your communication.  Say things plainly.  People will be easily confused (which may work to your advantage, I don't know your life).  Things set into motion right now will take some time to manifest, but I assure you they will be stronger, more sturdy plans than anything made back in Aries.  Your Aries plans were the beta version.  It's time to solidify the real deal.

Venus in Aries:  For Venus in Aries, I pulled the card Ace of Cups.  Oh I'm so sorry, punks, this is going to be a rough one.  It's a big wave, this ace of cups, a huge huge wave of emotion.  Now we can ride this thing a few ways.  Yes, ride like a bucking ram, because that is what this thing will be!  So a lot of overwhelming emotion is rupturing the enforcement we thought were sturdy enough  It's fine, really.  All those damn skeletons coming out of the closet and all of this stress from attempting so desperately to plan for the future...  I get it, I get it, but really there are two ways to ride this experience; accept things for what they are and use this powerful emotional energy to fuel things that make you feel good, or succumb to it all and drown in your sorrows.  The cup is full.  Will you drink from it, or will you shove your face in it and drown?  Like seriously, don't be dumb.  It's always your choice.  And who drowns in a cup?

Uranus in Aries:  For Uranus in Aries, I pulled the King of Wands.  So, a challenge!  Uranus is not giving up on us.  He is warning us of what's to come and what we need to become in order to fight it.  We need to become an unashamed version of ourselves.  Eris and Uranus conjunct is coming (June 1), and it's going to be an eruption.  Uranus is also pelting our public sphere with more chaos.  What's going to happen with all of this new information coming in?  The political sphere is going to get hotter and hotter still into the summer.

Helios Says:  Mars and Neptune- And here's where that ennui is coming from. You are burying yourself, probably under work or something, distracting yourself from the real problems in your life so that you don't have to deal with them. Well, burying your head in the sand isn't going to change the fact that you are in serious trouble. You are going to need to take action, and you are going to need to do it ASAP. You will need to break free of the stagnancy you find yourself in. You will lose something you once deemed important, and may yet still, but its time has come. Cut it away from you before it drags you down into the depths. You cannot see how much damage it is doing to you, and it would do significantly less if you moved on from it. Quit trying to fix what is broken, before it breaks you too.

Artemis Says: Mars in Sagg Retrograde:  For Mars in Sagg Retrograde, I pulled 9 of Swords.  Ok, so 9 of Swords traditionally means "nightmares."  Which makes sense right now, doesn't it?  All of our energy is being drained by these nightmares.  People's fears are surfacing in the public sphere as well as privately.  There is a quite desperation going on and a lack of energy in general.  We may have had a plan and it is failing us.  That's okay.  We learned what doesn't work.  Time to get back up on that horse.  The nightmares, the unresolved business, is coming right at us.  Don't let being knocked off your horse a few times get to you.  You're still alive, aren't you?  Please don't tell me you are the type who gives up in the middle of a fight...

Neptune in Pisces:  For Neptune in Pisces, I pulled the Queen of Swords.  Well, darlings, at least we will be cutting through some of this illusion bullshit.  The world is going to seem a bit... cold right now.  Don't fret.  Keep your eye on the prize, like an oasis in the distance.  We are going to all cross this desert together.  And no matter how tired we get, we need to continue to be decisive and always choose to cut through the bullshit or it will swallow us whole.  Neptune is getting close to going into Retrograde again (June 13), so the bullshit will get easier and easier to see.  This is good news, punks!

Helios Says:  Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto- As you can see, the Super Saiyan energy has been lessened somewhat, due to Uranus separating from the pack in preparation for his date with Eris. That doesn't mean you should discount its influence, however. Right now, it is serving to isolate and insulate you, putting you in a corner by yourself, so that you can prove what you are capable of. Take advantage of your isolation, get your house in order while no one is looking. This is the time to take the steps that others would discourage you from, but the downfall is that you don't have anyone to turn to for good advice and feedback. Sure, you want to wallow in self-pity and do nothing but binge Netflix, since no one is calling you to go out to the best parties and you see the hoes hooking up and professing their love, but its far better to put the headphones on, go to the gym and get that summer body ready now while you have fewer distractions. One good habit will lead to another, and then change will follow. For the better.  

Artemis Says: Jupiter in Virgo Retrograde:  For Jupiter in Virgo Retrograde, I pulled 7 of Swords.  More bad news, babies.  This card is downright insecurity.  What do people do when they are insecure?  They start hurting themselves and those around them.  You are nitpicking at yourself.  Seriously, stop that shit!  If you look suuuper closely, you will see that your plans are actually starting to take form.  This card tells us that those little things we have been doing - the sneaking around for information or the tip toeing around our enemies - is paying off.  You're going to need to continue to have your wits about you.  It's going to take every ounce of our craftiness to get ahead right now.  We have to use the magnifying glass that is Virgo and find the little details that are going to help our big picture.  You need to believe in yourself and your intuition more than ever now. You're going to need to be clever.

Saturn in Sagg Retrograde:  For Saturn in Sagg Retrograde, I pulled the Hangman.  Saturn is reminding us that he is fucking with time right now.  Ghosts from the past are coming at us.  Reverberations from the future are smacking us in the face.  Our present is showing us how it has effected both the future and the past.  How the hell is this even happening?  Stay still.  Stay centered.  Breathe.  We can do this.  Slay one ghost at a time.

Pluto in Capricorn Retrograde:  For Pluto in in Capricorn Retrograde, I pulled the Ace of Wands.  Pluto is murdering things behind the scenes.  He is like the Freddy of our past right now.  If you so choose to let something go, Pluto will make sure you are transformed.  You have an ally right now.  The Planet of death and rebirth will work behind the scenes and pinpoint exactly what needs to die via your level of desire for the thing.  You're going to KNOW what needs to die, and subconsciously you are taking the steps to kill this thing.  Have you  noticed?  Only the things that matter most can survive right now.  It's time to transform.  It's time to choose to become a higher version of yourself so you can face what's ahead.  What are you going to choose to kill?  What's keeping you from moving forward?

One more thing on Pluto and Jupiter - the combination of the 7 of Swords and Ace of Wands tends to mean that this is the perfect time to get ahead in business.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Juno Retrograde in Scorpio- Forlorn

"I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain - and back in rain.
I have out-walked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.
I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,
But not to call me back or say good-bye;
And further still at an unearthly height,
One luminary clock against the sky
Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.
I have been one acquainted with the night."
-Robert Frost

Allow me to reintroduce myself- I am Helios, aka the Astrogeek, and I am Minor Planet Astrologer extraordinaire. I completely understand how you may have forgotten this, as I haven't exactly been focusing on those fascinating facets lately. Well that ends today.

Juno, Queen of everything, ruler of relationships and being the unquestioned Empress, outranking everyone but her consort and the power behind the throne, is currently in Scorpio, descending into the underworld with the rest of the common folk. She is a refugee just like us at the moment, with her empire under siege.

So what is a Queen to do when she loses everything? Is she still a queen without her crown?

Damn straight she is.

That will be the lesson of this transit-Discovering who you are with all extraneous bullshit stripped away. Everything that you cling so hard to protect, the details of your life that you use as a crutch to frame your concept of who you are, is up on the chopping block; It will be ripped away from you. At that point you will have a choice- Crumble under the weight of the loss, or rise up, naked and unafraid. That choice will be yours, and yours alone, to make.

This is also an immense gift. The best part of this is that it is a Scorpio transit, so the end result is that you will be unburdened. You have been collecting unnecessary people in your life, and one by one they will slip through your fingers. This is a life preserver that the cosmos is flinging your way. Cling to your own company, and refuse to allow anyone to lessen you.

This is where you prove that you are worthy of your crown, so that you can reclaim your Throne. Show us what you are made of.

Morrigan Says:
Cards:  2 of Cups CROSSED BY 10 of Cups
Rune:  Inguz and Algiz

“Only when we know our solitude to be different from our loneliness
can we be whole enough to honor another’s place.”
- Tyriel of Rune Secrets

I'm SO EXCITED about my first minor planet report.  And it's Juno!  What do I know about Juno?  Mostly that she had to deal with Jupiter's drunk ass (sorry, celestial daddy, please send money, k thanks xD).  So what's the lesson, Juno?  What are you trying to say to us in this retrograde you are making through lustful Scorpio?

We're holding ourselves back from happiness.  It's true.  You may try and fight me on that one, but that simple statement is the truth.  The lesson continues, and the stars seem to be expressing an urgent message to REALIZE what resources you have been given.  Please see what you have before it is taken or leaves.  Are you afraid that it wont be perfect?  Unfortunately, the idea of perfection is exactly what is holding us back from the REAL GOOD stuff.

What makes us great, what sets us a part from the pack, is the ability to utilize the world as a tool to get what we want.  Scorpio asks us - what do you DESIRE?  And once Scorpio desires something, she doesn't let go until she has it.  Internalize.  Retrogrades are retreats within.  Knowing what you want is as simple as meditating, listening to the expressions of your heart.

"Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler."  - Nietzsche

Shut your brain off.  What does that bastard beating in the center of your chest have to say - in it's own language?  Now make a plan.  You're going to get exactly what you want, you just need to get rid of all of the bullshit you pretend to want.  Yes, all the things that are really meaningless to you.  Yes, all the people who you pretend to have a good time with.  Yes, all of the career milestones you are doing for everyone else's sake.  Dig deep, and don't you dare lie to yourself.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

New Moon in Scorpio- Savages

big savage tunnel 1911 by Nessie Grace, CCL

These are some psychotic skies, you guys.

I mean, limiting Saturn in expanding  Saggo, while broad-strokes Jupiter is in nitpicky Virgo, Uranus moonwalking backwards on the shag carpet, shocking everyone; and Neptune vaping up a storm, making everyone else choke and so it’s impossible to have any idea what the hell is going on (we get it bro, you vape!)… it’s enough to make a lesser AstroBro hand in his official Augury card! Luckily, you are in the hands of a professional.

Now, for this round the thing is fear. You have a unique opportunity this go-around- You will be aware of your fears, in crystal clarity- But for one brief and shining moment, you will not be a slave to them. This time around, you can make new choices, set new patterns, and break free where you have been held back before. It will be extremely tempting to give in to the temptation of following the same old paradigm, but I swear to you, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for and you will never forgive yourself if you miss it. Hell, the Cardinal Crisis did not spend so much time breaking you and reforging you in its fires to have you go back to the same old rut! No, it did what it did with purpose, and direction- To bring you up to a level that you have never seen before, and to unleash the full potential of what you could become, here and now.

And that’s to say nothing of the trial that is to come…

The Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Chiron and Uranus- Okay, so I love this Astro, I really do. Reminds me of that orgasmicly Aries-Uranian energy we had going, god I wish I could bottle that. Anyway, the main thing you want to look at here is the interplay of Jupiter quincunx Uranus. Now, most readers would see this as an awful and trying aspect- and it is, but only if you aren’t creative enough to see the potential inherent in the challenge. Chiron is also in the mix with those two, as is Eris- now typically these four would be a recipe for disaster, but somehow this particular blend gets it just right. With this Astro, Uranus drops a blessing disguised as a problem in your path and you pause before reacting; Chiron gives you the awareness to see where you have made the mistakes before- Jupiter helps you see what you should do instead, a better way, and Eris gives you the guts to step out of your old ways and into a better you. All the discordant parts moving in harmony for once, and just for a second, you get a glimpse of how your life could be. Make that change, take that plunge- stop relying on your old tricks and get a new one already! Find a better way, and actually make some headway toward your greater goals instead of sitting on your ass and complaining about how you are trapped and not going anywhere! Do better!

Mercury and Pluto- And this is how you do it. When these two get together, it’s pure dead magic; Literally, it’s usually Necromancy (or at the very least, Alchemy). These two are the ones to look for when you want to change everything around and/or within you. Think your way out of your problems, rely on your wits for once- You know exactly how to, think back to when you used to be more desperate and had to make something out of nothing. Make it work. Spin that straw into gold, you know you can do it again! Also, just because All Hallows is over, that doesn’t mean those loved ones who have passed cant still teach you a thing or two, point you in the right direction, if you only honor their memory…

Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune- Finally, good relationship news! Venus is no longer dead to me, because frankly I no longer care what she throws at me. This is a very calm and composed Venus we see, not like the bitchy and vindictive one we’ve been treated to as of late. She is riding the afterglow of her conjunction with Mars, so I’m sure that helps. But she’s also getting some good advice and tea from Pallas Athene, and miracle of miracles, our girl is actually LISTENING to what she is saying for once! I honestly never thought I would see the day.  Saturn and Neptune are in the mix as well, Neptune urging her to give up on these booty calls and find the ONE, and Saturn nonchalantly deleting her dating apps while she isn’t looking. The interesting player here is Lilith. She is not sowing chaos for the hell of it, as per usual, but this time she is actually taking the chaos and helping you to synthesize it within yourself so that you can… you know what, it doesn’t matter. What I just realized is that this Astro boils down to one thing- You have a second chance. The failures and setbacks you endured in 2009-2012, the first half of the Cardinal Crisis, before Saturn went into Scorpio- That is what you have a chance to correct. Right now, in 2015-2016. This window will not last forever, so move NOW! Get your shit done, do whatever you have to do- This is your moment to reclaim what you lost, reset your score.

Make it count, guys.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Moon in Aries- Bloody, Bold and Resolute

Lawd jezus, its a FIAR! Oh I know its old now, but apropos. Anyways, Its MUHUGGIN ARIES up in here! New Moon in Aries; its one of my favorite New Moons. The energy in the air, Spring, just feeling like a certified champion... Hard to beat it. Still, you have to make it last til Capricorn so dont go too hog wild!!

Ill keep it as short and sweet as I can for you all, so lets just skydive right into it!

Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars- Yes hellraisers, its another Stellium up in here. I love these, they make my life much easier by making it much, much harder! All of these guys ar joined by Eris, so you can bet this placement is about stirring up your life (for the better) and getting you way out past your comfort zone. You'll know you're onto something when you find something worth fighting for. A trine to Chariklo shows that you will not see this shakeup coming, but once it happens you will realize there was no real way that it could play out otherwise. A trine to Ixion and Burney confirms this, saying that this may come as a result of a very poorly planned choice, or possibly because you neglected to make a choice that could prevent it. Now all of this is not meant to be negative, says Black Moon Lilith, because the result of the coming changes will be positive- however the circumstances leading up to them might not be. A trine to Hylonome may inspire a new feeling of loyalty to something you love, whether that is a relationship. A quincunx to Psyche does not make this easy for you, however. Find something that sets you on fire, and set your path in its pursuit. A sextile to Thereus confirms this, and shows that your pursuit may take you off the beaten path into some surprisng places! A square to Varuna demands that you make an effort to bring yourself out onto the stage, into a place where you can have a greater impact and be seen for it. A sextile to Vesta shows that you will need to make this a long term commitment, dont waste your time if you cant dedicate the time and effort to it. A square to Astraea demands that you give this your full attention, telling you that now is not the time to pull the ripcord. More work is needed. A square to Apophis warns that there will be several distractions and attempts to pull you off of this path, but you just need to stay focused (this will get loads easier in Taurus) and keep at it. Don't allow yourself to make excuses. A square to Bacchus, an opposition to Rhadamanthus, and a trine to Amycus all confirm this. Dont allow yourself to get shaken by your own doubts and insecurities. A square to Ascelpius pushes you on, trust yourself and do what is asked of you to the best of your ability. That is the way through.

Mercury- Most Holy Hanuman, is he STILL in freaking Pisces? Ugh. At any rate, its almost over. Soon you'll have a clear head again and you'll be set to blaze a new trail. A square to Lilith, Vesta and Quaoar tells you to watch out so that you dont slip into your old habits- What you do now sets the course for this whole year. I know its hard to believe, but trust me. A trine to Varuna shows that you just want to slip away from your obligations and swim off into freedom- Don't. Another trine, to Psyche, tells you that the challenges that you are facing right now are to be conquered, not worked around. Tap Aries, and remember that you are much, much greater than you allow yourself to believe. A sextile to Kassandra asks you to look ahead and start planning out your trajectory for where you want to be next year- Play the long game. A square to Arachne confirms this, but warns you against getting discouraged because of the complexity. The best solution to a Gordian Knot isnt always a Gladius. A square to Hybris tells you that instead of warning against being proud and boastful, you're at the point to where you now need to build yourself up again, but not from an ego perspective. No, you are challenged to rebuild your sense of pride and worth, but taking care that it is rooted in a more mindful, aware part of you- Your actual Self, what is called the I AM, having conquered the ego (Even if you don't think you have conquered it just yet- You've done more than you think).

Jupiter- If it wasn't enough that the bloated gasbag is barreling full speed ahead into Cancer, hes also hitting right on a very sensitive point- the degree of last year's Venus Transit. So that means that in addition to the Mars-Venus Conjunction and all of its insanity, you are going to be presented with all of the issues that the Venus transit brought up last year, and you will be shown just how far or not-so-far you've come since then. This is a chance to get it right this time. You know exactly what you need to do- Be the best version of yourself possible. If you truly want it, put in the sweat equity and make it work, however you need to. No excuses. A conjunction to Atropos confirms this, telling you that for better or worse, you've come full circle. Show us what you've learned. A quincunx to the North Node and to Pluto shows that you are ready to make the adjustments needed in order to succeed. JUST DO IT ALREADY!

Saturn- Um... This is actually a first- Nothing major to report here. I have a square to Juno, challenging you to make deeper connections in your relationships, and a trine to Teharonhiawako which is making it easier for you to do something creative that you really want to do. Seize that opportunity, it wont be around forever. Other than that, Ive got nothing (Seriously? Nothing? Wow!), so enjoy a week off from Saturn!

Uranus- A trine to Orius tells you that you need an outlet, some way to unleash your wild side. Pressure is building up and the release is needed. Put it into something constructive. A sextile to Juno and a conjunction to Amor highlights that there are some power plays brewing in your relationships. Be aware of your boundaries. An opposition to Toro highlights a low in your drive and ambition- dont allow yourself to slip back, not when you've made so much ground! A sextile to Hephaistos says that this might be not be a great time for self-discovery and reflection, but you're too busy coming up with ideas and plans for your work and career to hear me anyway. A square to Narcissus warns of becoming too self-absorbed; why not try to lavish and adore someone else for a change?

Neptune- Blah blah Orcus, something something sextile to Magdalena... Nothing new? Oh wait, here we go- A sextile to Pallas Athene. She demands that you focus on your craft. This needs to be a way for you to actually reach into yourself and share what you find with the world. If you don't pour yourself into it, don't bother. Give it all you have, and start on it now.

Pluto- Closely sextile Chiron, we're dealing with all those old wounds that he loves to open up when he gets the chance. Here's the crazy thing though- They're actually healing. Think about it, recent events that have pushed you out of your comfort zone, and that you have stepped up to the plate on, even with your reservations; have actually helped you to move past your misgivings and old pains. Its legitimately magic. Keep at it. The sextile/Mutual reception to Saturn and to Deucalion tells you that this is not a temporary thing- start to build with taking it into consideration, not avoiding it and going around it. A trine to Elatus shows that the carrot is actually within reach for you. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you can actually have what you want. Aries will help you get it, but you have to put in the sweat equity yourself. This is the reward, the battle plan is whats outlined above.

Get at it Hellraisers. Never forget that you are in fact worthy.
-The Astrogeek

And of course, if I somehow did not sate your appetite for Astro, go check out Starzina and her Time of the Month Horoscopes and J.D. over at Astrolosophy!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

New Moon in Aquarius- Cosplay

Still, you're going to feel a bit like a superhero anyway- Its the Astro. Enjoy it, and use it to its full effect, because these superpowers come with a time limit guys. And man are we going to need them. Get your cape and read on.

Good news? Happy Chinese New Year!! Thats right, its officially the year of the Black Water Snake! I love that the Chinese New Year starts in Aqua, its so auspicious and full of hope and promise. Only better time would be to do it in Aries! But the Waterbearer is just as good. Oh wait, thats the second time Ive mentioned Water in this paragraph alone... Oh well, its probably nothing.

So the main focus right now is how this New Moon is almost exactly squaring the Nodes. So this is all going to have an element of fate to it, setting the stage for the rest of the year. Im betting the Chinese Astrologers are shitting themselves over this one, so it at least deserves a mention! What you choose matters, and its an awesome time to really send out a firm, strong message for how you want your 2013 to turn out. Make sure its bold, larger than life and mega-audacious.

Bearing that in mind, lets get to it, shall we?

The Sun and Moon- Have I mentioned how much I love Aqua? Like I said, the big news here is the Nodes. The Nodes combined with the Sun and Moon ALWAYS means eclipse energy, even if it isnt a traditional eclipse, so brace for intensity building up to a flashpoint, and expect this influence lasting for 6 months. This aspect specifically however indicates some deep Scorpionic issue threatening your continued survival driving you to make a big, life-changing Aquarian choice. Its okay to be scared as long as you do it anyway, but go big or go home guys. Of course, theres more to it than just that. A trine to Ceres is very much in effect, making it easier and extremely important that you put yourself first. This does not mean that you forget about your loved ones, however!! Miss Eris is involved here, demanding that you shake up some shit on your way out and helping you recover your backbone enough to do it. A square to Sedna tells you that no matter what you do, you are going to be missing out or lose something. Weigh your options carefully, HOWEVER DO NOT WAVER in making a decision, because the absolute worst thing you can do is nothing at all. This is confirmed by a sextile to Ixion. Make your move and roll the dice. A sextile to Pholus indicates that something very small is going to set this all off, so pay attention. Sweat the small stuff. A quincunx to Varuna tells you that something is going on behind the scenes. Use this energy to slip out the back door when you make your move rather than causing some big scene. A square to Psyche tells you that there may be considerable stress with you and your romantic partners (for those of you that have them) and its time for you both to put up or shut up. On that note, enjoy Valentine's Day! Dear god, these two are conjunct Damocles- No wonder you feel like there is a sword hanging over your head!! Gauge your choices and actions very carefully, and guard your thoughts. Handle yourself with as much humility, openness and maturity as you can muster- Radical candor is your friend here. If that wasnt enough, the centuars are definitely riding out! A trine to Thereus demands that you compose yourself and act with integrity, no matter what those around you are doing. Believe me, it matters. A sextile to Bienor and Amycus confirms this- Reign in your passions before they ride roughshod over you.

Mercury and Mars- Our boys Merc and Mars are both in Pisces now, and Merc is gearing up for his Retrograde. Til them we get to deal with his bullshit now. Joyous. A conjunction with Chiron is the focal point with this one, so how this plays out is up to you. Know that you will be made painfully aware of any insecurities or unresolved emotional issues; and it will be up to you to take action to resolve them- or at least attempt to integrate them into your life, with as minimal drama and resistance to them as possible. Never forget that they are pieces of YOU- Why fight yourself? All this is taking place opposite Orcus, who bears the rather grim message of "Grow or Die". This is confirmed by a square to Jupiter- Stand up, quit your bitching and get it done. Theres also a rather interesting square that im compelled to bring up- A square to brand-spanking new Centuar 330836 Orius! Now since this guy is brand new (the name is about a week old) and im not comfortable posting a interp for him, but watch out for a post featuring him after I do some intensive research. A trine to another centaur, Cyllarus, smooths the way for you to take action and I recommend doing so only after doing some serious recon of the area. Know the territory before you take a leap. A conjunction to Teharonhiawako warns against those who would plot behind your back and try to cut you off at the knees. Surround yourself with those you can trust, and don't just jump at shadows- Enlist your lieutenants to do some covert ops. An opposition to Eurydike indicates that you are depending on something in particular, and that dependence will be stressed and tested. Do you really need it? Another opposition, to Achilles, suggests that you can probably make it without it, with sustained effort and a little luck.

Venus- Our girl is in Aquarius finally, and the lusty passion of Cap is well gone, but the light fun and optimism of Aqua should be more than enough to make up for it. Right out of the gate, we find her in a trine to Vesta, suggesting that your commitment to what and who you love should flow very naturally right now. Perfect for Desperation Valentine's Day! A square to Saturn confirms this, but adds a note of seriousness and brooding over old hurt. Things should be examined before being taken to the next level. A sextile to Pallas Athene doesn't do anything for romance, but you can bet your ass she will scrutinize every single candy heart and stuffed bear for just the right message and statement of romantic intent. Thats... about it actually, so lets move on.   

Mars Ultor- Covered already. Go back, do not pass go, do not collect $300

Jupiter- Now this is interesting... A sextile to Uranus is key here, adding some extra zap to Jupiter's thunderbolt. So in this case not only do you have to dream big, it has to serve a purpose. A square to Teharonhiawako confirms this, and suggests that you try something completely new to you. You may just find an undiscovered talent! A trine to Hera tells us that for once, these two are getting along. Stop the presses! Enjoy it by spending time with those you love.

Saturn- The Time Lord is gearing up to go Retrograde again, and then we'll back down from the edge of the cliff we're on. Til then, stall for time. The sextile to Pluto will be exact again, and all the fun THAT entails will be back in effect. A quincunx to Pallas Athene forces you to take a critical look at where you are in your life, and asks you where you want to be. What are you willing to do in order to get to where you want to be? A trine to Chiron shows you may have some difficulty facing that down, due to some personal insecurity or emotional pain- My advice would be to go slow and not back down from it. Another quincunx, to Vesta, shows that your commitment to where you are now  and what you are doing is being stretched to the limit. Is it better just to call this one? A square to Icarus confirms this, and suggests that you free yourself of what you allow to limit yourself. A sextile to Echeclus shows that you need to focus on more than just the present, you need to be aware of what you are doing to move yourself into the future.

Uranus- The square to Pluto is seperating, but ignore it at your own peril. Take this moment as a short break from that while you deal with everything else! A square to Helio shows that right now you do not feel as though you are at your best, and as such you are not so shiny to the rest of the world, creating a vicious cycle that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. A square to Astraea confirms this, and suggests that you take a step back from the spotlight to recover that. An opposition to Hera tells you to make sure that your needs are represneted and that you do not allow anyone to manipulate you. A square to Narcissus confirms this, and warns you not to do the same to others.

Neptune- Is really not active this go-around, no major contacts to speak of. A square to Hebe and Hybris indicates that you may have to do some things that are unpleasant, and that you will need to swallow your pride a bit in order to do so. It will be worth it, however- bide your time. A sextile to Kassandra will help you know when the time is right to take action.

Pluto- Stormageddon is making some tell-tale rumblings, but has yet to actually pull the trigger. His sextile to Chiron is dissipating, but no you're not done dealing with it yet. Keep at it. A conjunction to Echeclus tells you to detach and gain a new perspective on your situation. You need to explore the root cause of your issue and how to move past it. A square to Pallas Athene helps here, pushing you to turn a critical eye inward without judgement. This is doubled by a conjunction to Minerva, the Roman counterpart of Pallas Athene. A square to Sappho indicates that this is something that is best worked through on your own, and not to be put on anyone else so much.

With all this, you guys should be able to rock it out, no problem!
-The AstroGeek

As always, the lovely Starzina Starfish-Browne has her Time of the Month Horoscope for you all and your viewing edutainment!

Also, go check out my very good friend JD over at Astrolosophy! Hes a fantastic Astrologer, and could even teach me a thing or two! Grymnal over at The Blurring Lines and Cruentus at The Chaos Cookbook are who I have been reading lately, also very good friends of the site and who will most definitely not kill my family if I forget to mention them.

Monday, November 19, 2012

TNO Watch- Persephone


Hellraisers, consider this the Prolouge to my Venus in Scorpio post that is forthcoming. 

The Science: Well for some reason I can find almost nothing about the Orbit and Compostion of this asteroid, so im mostly skipping it. She is a Main belt asteroid that comes to perihelion in mid-Gemini and was discovered in 1895.

The Myth: One day, Persephone (The Goddess of Springtime and the daughter of Demeter, Olympian Earth-Mother Goddess) was frolicking in a field, picking flowers with some nymphs (and in the company of Artemis, Aphrodite and Athene) on a beautiful day as she was wont to do, being a young goddess of Springtime (which apparently was everyday back then). Sounds like a lovely time, right? Well, if you said "Oh yes it does, but its a greek story so something particularly nasty is about to happen" you would be correct, and thus earn a gold star for the day.

As it happens, Persephone had someone watching her while she was doing all that frolicking. When she stooped down to pick a particularly nice flower that had caught her eye, the earth itself opened up and Hades (Pluto) dragged her down to the Underworld to be his bride. It gets lonely in Hell, you understand. Whats a god to do?

So when Demeter comes by to pick up her daughter after a long day of arduous flower-picking, she finds out that Persephone is missing from Artemis, Aphrodite and Athene and straight-up loses her shit. She immediately goes up to Zeus on Olympos and demands he find her daughter. He tells her that he doesn't know, she gets fed up and starts off to go find Persephone herself- By walking the length and breadth of the earth. In the meantime, she refuses to let the crops grow and plunges the world into a permanent state of winter (a bit of a shock to those who were used to permanent springtime) and also has lots of adventures.

After about a year (or nine days, depending on which version you're reading) of this, The Goddess meets Hecate, who tells her that she hears Persephone crying in the Underworld, but She could not see her. So they go to the absolutely fantastic Titan of the Sun, Helios (to steal a line from Starzina, "not that [AstroGeek's Skywatch] would ever show any bias [to any god in particular], mind you" but if we ever [hypothetically] did, He would be the one that we would show it to.) who happened to see everything. Why they didnt do this in the first place is beyond me. Anyway, Helios saw it AND knew why it had happened- While Demeter wasnt looking, her daughter had grown up into a woman, and Demeter was trying to keep her as a girl. Zeus allowed and sanctioned Hades to "abduct" her daughter and make her his queen. He also may or may not have suggested that it was a good match, earning him a backhand from the Earth Goddess.

She was morose for a while after that, and when Tantalus made an offering to the gods of a stew made from his son, Pelops, she accidentally ate the poor kids shoulder (dont worry, he got put back together and he got a shiny new shoulder made from Ivory). After that, she was raped by her brother Poseidon while they were both in horse-shape (isnt Greek Mythology fun, kids?) and leaves Olympos for good.

She wanders again, and does more noteworthy things, including helping to raise two boys named Demophon and Triptolemus. She was a nursemaid to them, and attempted to make Demophon immortal by annointing him with ambrosia, that magical food of the gods, and holding him in a fire every night. It almost worked, but Demophon's mother walked in on them before she was done, and he died (maybe. There are so many stories, its hard to keep them all straight)- but Demeter was able to teach his brother, Triptolemus, the secrets of agriculture, bringing humanity to a new understanding of nature. Or so the story goes.

About this time, Zeus decides to do something to make his sister happy again. So he goes to Hades to see how everything is going and see what could be done about the situation.  Hades refuses to give Persephone back, but Zeus keeps on trying to wear him down. Now at this point the story gets a little murky; Well, not what happens, that is set in stone. The issue is the motivation.

What happens is this: Zeus storms off back to Olympos and Hermes comes back in his stead. One thing leads to another, and Hades agrees to let Persephone go back Topworld. Before he does though, he prepares a going away banquet for his wife. Persephone eats nothing, because she knows that if she does, she will be trapped there forever. She does sneak a pomegranate to take it with her, however. On her way out of the underworld, by herself, she eats six pomegranate seeds. 

On Olympos, Persephone and Demeter are reuinted, and the joy is palpable. Its party mode all the way! At least until Hades comes to crash the party. You see, if you, while living, eat in the underworld, you're stuck there for good. But Hades had already agreed to let Persephone go back, and Zeus couldnt renege. Demeter wouldnt allow it anyway. So after what im sure involved much fighting and things being thrown, an agreement was reached. 2/3 of the year, Persephone would be with Demeter. The last 1/3 of the year she would be with Hades. In exchange, Demeter would only allow crop growth during the months when Persephone was Topworld, meaning more souls for Hades.

Why She Matters: So what does this mean for us here? Well for starters, she (the asteroid Persephone) is on her way into Scorpio, so we can take that to mean shes about to go back home to her husband. But to figure her out we need to take a closer look.

So the question is this- Why did Persephone do it? Did she forget the rule? Was she actually in love with Hades? Did she enjoy the power that comes with being the Queen of the Underworld? Or was she just tired of everyone making decisions for her, and wanted to get out? All we can do is guess, im afraid (although my money would be on the latter).

Oh wait, we do have one clue- Persephone was not this Goddess' original name; That has been lost to time, although there are some who call her Kore (useless to us, it just means maiden), but only before she went to the underworld. It is only after she returns that she is called Persephone, a name that struck such great fear into the hearts of the ancient greeks that they refused to speak it. You see, the name Persephone is a title- It means "She who swallows the darkness" or "lightens" instead of swallows depending on your translator, but I prefer the first one.

For a interpretation, look at her as a part where you feel powerless, where you dont have control over what is happening to you. But the thing is you do have power- it may not be choices you like, or that are particularly appealing, but thats life. Also, it may have ties to the "Bad boy" attraction (or playing out that character for us men). Of course, the actual rape element is too prevalent to ignore, and there may be a connection to this in charts of sex abusers and the like.

Working with her? You need to claim your power and make your voice heard. Do whatever it takes to protect your right to choose your own course in life. She will help you, but you need to do it yourself.

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Moon in Libra: I Feel Pretty, Oh, So Pretty...

Hello, Hellraisers! Yes, I know- Im sorry, it was him or Ke$ha. No one deserves that punishment.

Alright Libras, show of hands- Who feels like this right now? Hell, who am I kidding? We all do. After that insanity, in surprised we're all still standing! I knew you guys could make it though.

So, our first shot of Libra since Saturn left the sign! Hope you paid attention during that last exam, because BOOM POP QUIZ! Yes ladies and gentlemen, its time to take what you learned from Saturn during his sojurn and APPLY it. Now, wherever you had Libra is going to be helpful in processing the lessons (though honestly- if you havent gotten it yet, you're just not getting it. Wait til after your Saturn Return, young'n) and really defining them, which will show you where they fit in the new "You" (and if you think that you're not a completely different person yet, you are in for a nasty shock...)

Curiously (well, not so much to me because i know what im looking for, but for you lot and because I need to fill up the space) most of the lessons that I am hearing about involve Courage, a very non-Libran trait; belonging more to its opposite, Aries. How did Saturn push you to fight, take what you want, and defend what you love? These are questions you are going to need to answer and move forward with. 

Anyway, I cant ramble on about Saturn all night (as much as i'd like to sometimes...), so without much vacillating, onto the other Astro!

Sol Invictus and Luna Noctiluca- Okay, lets take a look at the situation here... *jaw drops* Holy hell, this little Lunation is directly opposite Eris. The best way to channel this is to rise up like an unholy warrior, full of piss and vinegar, and refuse to take anything that is holding you back. Put something awesome into motion, and do it NOW. Bring your A-game, and for the love of whichever God or Goddess we're asking for help from this week (oh fine, its Aphrodite), dont try to do anything less than that or you will fail. Come correct and Go Hard bitches, its Libra Season! A trine to Nessus tells you that you need to really purge the poison you have in your veins in order to move forward. You don't need to carry your baggage anymore- Just drop it, seriously. A sextile to Echeclus tells a different story, however- Time is an issue. Unresolved issues from the past will return- Deal with them (laughter helps); Uncertainty about the future will emerge- Refuse to let it paralyze you now; Own the present- This is your moment, start acting like it! Repeat after me- Always forward, never back. Make this your mantra. A conjunction to Rhadamanthus? You will be judged. What you have done up to now, what you are doing and what your plans are? Its all on the table. Anything that isnt going to work is going to be eliminated. I cannot stress this enough- Do not fight this process! Let it happen, even if it was the most super unbelievably awesome plan that you have ever concocted. Make a new one, one that works! A quincunx to Sedna tells you to stand up, and not to be afraid to demand to get what you want. There is no shame in it, as long as you put in the sweat equity in order to get it. A sextile to Quaoar tells you that there is a great deal of potential around you, but you have to use it to create an opportunity for yourself. Be authentic, and keep going no matter what, even if you find yourself completely and utterly alone. Thats when the fun starts, trust me. A trine to Heracles shows that you DO in fact have it in you to accomplish these great feats, but you need to be willing to do whatever it takes to do so. A bit of cleverness wont hurt either, though.... A sextile to Narcissus warns you of being too proud to turn down help from those who truly want you to succeed. Dont allow that to happen, stay open and alert for any opportunity. A trine to Hygiea confirms this, And asks "Would it kill you to smile a bit more? Oh, okay... try this, its called toothpaste. Use it often".

Mercury Terminorum- Mercury is almost silent. This cant be good... Last I saw, he was in the corner with Venus, plotting with that sextile of theirs, thick as thieves. Tell someone you trust a secret, you'll be surprised at what they share in return. It will bring you closer together and help to build trust. A sextile to Elatus shows that even though you are plotting and scheming and the details are driving you insane, you are in a surprisingly good mood! Use it to your advantage- walking around with a small, knowing smile on your face all day does WONDERS when it comes to freaking out your enemies. A quincunx to Jupiter is challenging you to think BIGGER when you make your schemes; Its time to graduate up to the big leagues, junior! Make some waves. A trine to Panacea shows that you are going to want to take the easy way out of a situation, but another trine, to Borasisi warns that if you take the out, it will just lead you further down the rabbit hole. A trine to Helio helps you to shine, dont bother to hide your brilliance right now! Arrogance is your enemy, obviously, but Humility isnt your friend either.

Venus Victrix- Not a ton to go over here either, the big news is a square to Jupiter that is so scandalous, you even shocked the hotel maids. And take it from me, THAT is something. that trine to Elatus is SUCH an awesome mood booster though, you're just oozing positivity (or is it positively oozing? [on that note, ewwww] Starzina's rubbing off on me again, I think. Or is it... wait, no- not even going to finish that thought for my own health) and those around you are definitely taking notice (seriously bitch- here's a towel, clean yourself up. You're oozing on my rug). A square to Amycus begs you to consider the consequences of your actions, and think about those you may hurt before you act. What has worked for you before may not work anymore. An adjustment is needed. An opposition to Borasisi tells you to watch out for sweet words that mean nothing- Lies are hardest from (and to) those we love the most. Another opposition, to Panacea confirms this- Dont deny reality. A conjunction to Sappho tells you your mission right now needs to be to become Self-Fulfilled, no matter what. It gets LOADS easier once you get that conquered. Of course, that is the secret message of the age, now isnt it? Do this and win the game before anyone else figures out the rules.

Mars Ultor- Well, the hits keep on coming. Our boy is in a crazy high-energy trine to Uranus, so yes to audacious new plans/ventures but no to petty spats and altercations. A square to Chiron confirms this, and adds that when all else fails, run from the situation in order to avoid getting sucked in. Thats right, you heard me. An opposition to Altjira tells you that its time to stop talking and start doing. Move quickly or you will miss your window of opportunity. A sextile to Siwa confirms this, but tells you that you need to have a lot of faith, as you aren't able to see the whole picture just yet. Take a deep breath, steel your nerves and move forward anyway. Another sextile, to Persephone tells you that no matter what you have lost and how much it hurts right now, you need to keep going. You will find what you are looking for again, but not right now. Now you need to be strong in yourself (or at least make a good show of it, because its all you can do to keep it together) and spit in the face of your self-doubt, laughing hysterically. Scorpios, you guys know what im talking about; everyone else is going to figure it out by 2014. A sextile to Orpheus also confirms this, but warns that you are going to have to traverse some rough road coming up here, and you're going to have to lead the way, or do it alone. This takes serious balls. Luckily, you have them. Finally, a square to Orcus challenges you to maintain your integrity in all of this. Trust me, you will be tested with temptation. Read the contract carefully before signing anything.

Jupiter Lucetius- An opposition to Pholus, Eros and Ixion has you longing for what has come and gone- You need to accept that what has passed is now firmly in the past and that you are in the present. Look ahead, and get excited about new potentials that are right under your nose rather than allowing yourself to get trapped in self-pitying martyrdom. Besides, there's a reason that its in your past (no matter how good it was). Make better choices next time (Ohyes, there WILL be a next time. I guarantee that.) A sextile to Pelion tells you that you need to take some time away from the everyday and recuperate. Give yourself space. A conjunction to Chaos is calling you to face your fears and start something brand new. Do not give in to that nagging voice in your head. A square to Urania indicates that you have got to start trusting yourself if you expect to make it through. Seriously, you dont need validation on every single decision you need to make. Weigh your options, and always go with your gut/intuition. We are DONE walking on eggshells and waiting for the other shoe to drop. No, bloody bold and resolute is the name of the game now! 

Saturn Zamolxis- Okay, awesome, I get to rave about Saturn again! Lets see, trine to Neptune, nothing new there. Although keeping a dream journal is wicked awesome right now, so do that. A sextile to Eurydike asks how you will react when what you were depending on falls through. Do you make adjusments and press forward, or do you throw your hands up and admit defeat? In the end, that is up to you, but either choice, commit fully. This is not a time for a crisis of faith. A sextile to Toro is awesome for helping you keep your momentum going, provided you can make the initial spark on your own. A trine to Ceres helps you do whatever is needed to get what you want. Make sure you are acting from love, and not fear/doubt.       

Uranus Aiolomorphos- A trine to Juno can bring back old flames out of the blue (read: everyone you've ever even so much as crushed on). It starts small, with flings and crushes first, and moves quickly up to the heavy hitting ghosts of romance past. Wrap up what is unfinished and go forward (or stay and settle. I really cant tell you what's right for you there). Curiously, this seems to have an air of "Second Chances" about it. Again, what you do is up to you. A sextile to Altjira forces you to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation, both yours and theirs. An opposition to Siwa, Orpheus and Persephone calls for you to stand up and do whatever it takes to get back what you want, if it still matters to you. 

Neptune Ennosigaios- Oh thank god, we get a break here. A trine to Ceres is telling you to nurture your dreams. They are what is keeping you going after all, right? A square to Asbolus makes it a little difficult to stay cheery, and some very harsh truths need to be faced, but it is worth it to do. An opposition to Toro shows that energy levels and drive are very low, and you will need to fake it most days. Take as much time for yourself as possible. 

Pluto Eubuleus- So what's new with Pluto? Well, not a whole heck of a lot. The major one to watch is a conjunction to Icarus, indicating that you are really struggling with the mantle you are carrying right now, and you just want to throw it off and go do something else. The only thing ill ask is this: What's stopping you?

So stay alert guys, step forward with cautious optimism, and dont be scared to believe again (just a little). Do whatever it takes, and dont lose something amazing just because you were too good to fight dirty for it. 

Speaking of dirty, go check out great friend of the Skywatch, Starzina Starfish-Browne and her Time of the Month Horoscopes!


AND- Check out my very good friend Rod (aka Baphas), who is really into a crazy addicting game called Fractal, if you haven't heard of it!

 And your Zeitgeist Playlist-

(what, did you REALLY think I was going to let you off that easy?)

And thats all for me folks! See you in Scorpio!
-The AstroGeek