
Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Moon in Aries- Bloody, Bold and Resolute

Lawd jezus, its a FIAR! Oh I know its old now, but apropos. Anyways, Its MUHUGGIN ARIES up in here! New Moon in Aries; its one of my favorite New Moons. The energy in the air, Spring, just feeling like a certified champion... Hard to beat it. Still, you have to make it last til Capricorn so dont go too hog wild!!

Ill keep it as short and sweet as I can for you all, so lets just skydive right into it!

Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars- Yes hellraisers, its another Stellium up in here. I love these, they make my life much easier by making it much, much harder! All of these guys ar joined by Eris, so you can bet this placement is about stirring up your life (for the better) and getting you way out past your comfort zone. You'll know you're onto something when you find something worth fighting for. A trine to Chariklo shows that you will not see this shakeup coming, but once it happens you will realize there was no real way that it could play out otherwise. A trine to Ixion and Burney confirms this, saying that this may come as a result of a very poorly planned choice, or possibly because you neglected to make a choice that could prevent it. Now all of this is not meant to be negative, says Black Moon Lilith, because the result of the coming changes will be positive- however the circumstances leading up to them might not be. A trine to Hylonome may inspire a new feeling of loyalty to something you love, whether that is a relationship. A quincunx to Psyche does not make this easy for you, however. Find something that sets you on fire, and set your path in its pursuit. A sextile to Thereus confirms this, and shows that your pursuit may take you off the beaten path into some surprisng places! A square to Varuna demands that you make an effort to bring yourself out onto the stage, into a place where you can have a greater impact and be seen for it. A sextile to Vesta shows that you will need to make this a long term commitment, dont waste your time if you cant dedicate the time and effort to it. A square to Astraea demands that you give this your full attention, telling you that now is not the time to pull the ripcord. More work is needed. A square to Apophis warns that there will be several distractions and attempts to pull you off of this path, but you just need to stay focused (this will get loads easier in Taurus) and keep at it. Don't allow yourself to make excuses. A square to Bacchus, an opposition to Rhadamanthus, and a trine to Amycus all confirm this. Dont allow yourself to get shaken by your own doubts and insecurities. A square to Ascelpius pushes you on, trust yourself and do what is asked of you to the best of your ability. That is the way through.

Mercury- Most Holy Hanuman, is he STILL in freaking Pisces? Ugh. At any rate, its almost over. Soon you'll have a clear head again and you'll be set to blaze a new trail. A square to Lilith, Vesta and Quaoar tells you to watch out so that you dont slip into your old habits- What you do now sets the course for this whole year. I know its hard to believe, but trust me. A trine to Varuna shows that you just want to slip away from your obligations and swim off into freedom- Don't. Another trine, to Psyche, tells you that the challenges that you are facing right now are to be conquered, not worked around. Tap Aries, and remember that you are much, much greater than you allow yourself to believe. A sextile to Kassandra asks you to look ahead and start planning out your trajectory for where you want to be next year- Play the long game. A square to Arachne confirms this, but warns you against getting discouraged because of the complexity. The best solution to a Gordian Knot isnt always a Gladius. A square to Hybris tells you that instead of warning against being proud and boastful, you're at the point to where you now need to build yourself up again, but not from an ego perspective. No, you are challenged to rebuild your sense of pride and worth, but taking care that it is rooted in a more mindful, aware part of you- Your actual Self, what is called the I AM, having conquered the ego (Even if you don't think you have conquered it just yet- You've done more than you think).

Jupiter- If it wasn't enough that the bloated gasbag is barreling full speed ahead into Cancer, hes also hitting right on a very sensitive point- the degree of last year's Venus Transit. So that means that in addition to the Mars-Venus Conjunction and all of its insanity, you are going to be presented with all of the issues that the Venus transit brought up last year, and you will be shown just how far or not-so-far you've come since then. This is a chance to get it right this time. You know exactly what you need to do- Be the best version of yourself possible. If you truly want it, put in the sweat equity and make it work, however you need to. No excuses. A conjunction to Atropos confirms this, telling you that for better or worse, you've come full circle. Show us what you've learned. A quincunx to the North Node and to Pluto shows that you are ready to make the adjustments needed in order to succeed. JUST DO IT ALREADY!

Saturn- Um... This is actually a first- Nothing major to report here. I have a square to Juno, challenging you to make deeper connections in your relationships, and a trine to Teharonhiawako which is making it easier for you to do something creative that you really want to do. Seize that opportunity, it wont be around forever. Other than that, Ive got nothing (Seriously? Nothing? Wow!), so enjoy a week off from Saturn!

Uranus- A trine to Orius tells you that you need an outlet, some way to unleash your wild side. Pressure is building up and the release is needed. Put it into something constructive. A sextile to Juno and a conjunction to Amor highlights that there are some power plays brewing in your relationships. Be aware of your boundaries. An opposition to Toro highlights a low in your drive and ambition- dont allow yourself to slip back, not when you've made so much ground! A sextile to Hephaistos says that this might be not be a great time for self-discovery and reflection, but you're too busy coming up with ideas and plans for your work and career to hear me anyway. A square to Narcissus warns of becoming too self-absorbed; why not try to lavish and adore someone else for a change?

Neptune- Blah blah Orcus, something something sextile to Magdalena... Nothing new? Oh wait, here we go- A sextile to Pallas Athene. She demands that you focus on your craft. This needs to be a way for you to actually reach into yourself and share what you find with the world. If you don't pour yourself into it, don't bother. Give it all you have, and start on it now.

Pluto- Closely sextile Chiron, we're dealing with all those old wounds that he loves to open up when he gets the chance. Here's the crazy thing though- They're actually healing. Think about it, recent events that have pushed you out of your comfort zone, and that you have stepped up to the plate on, even with your reservations; have actually helped you to move past your misgivings and old pains. Its legitimately magic. Keep at it. The sextile/Mutual reception to Saturn and to Deucalion tells you that this is not a temporary thing- start to build with taking it into consideration, not avoiding it and going around it. A trine to Elatus shows that the carrot is actually within reach for you. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you can actually have what you want. Aries will help you get it, but you have to put in the sweat equity yourself. This is the reward, the battle plan is whats outlined above.

Get at it Hellraisers. Never forget that you are in fact worthy.
-The Astrogeek

And of course, if I somehow did not sate your appetite for Astro, go check out Starzina and her Time of the Month Horoscopes and J.D. over at Astrolosophy!

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Moon in Libra: I Feel Pretty, Oh, So Pretty...

Hello, Hellraisers! Yes, I know- Im sorry, it was him or Ke$ha. No one deserves that punishment.

Alright Libras, show of hands- Who feels like this right now? Hell, who am I kidding? We all do. After that insanity, in surprised we're all still standing! I knew you guys could make it though.

So, our first shot of Libra since Saturn left the sign! Hope you paid attention during that last exam, because BOOM POP QUIZ! Yes ladies and gentlemen, its time to take what you learned from Saturn during his sojurn and APPLY it. Now, wherever you had Libra is going to be helpful in processing the lessons (though honestly- if you havent gotten it yet, you're just not getting it. Wait til after your Saturn Return, young'n) and really defining them, which will show you where they fit in the new "You" (and if you think that you're not a completely different person yet, you are in for a nasty shock...)

Curiously (well, not so much to me because i know what im looking for, but for you lot and because I need to fill up the space) most of the lessons that I am hearing about involve Courage, a very non-Libran trait; belonging more to its opposite, Aries. How did Saturn push you to fight, take what you want, and defend what you love? These are questions you are going to need to answer and move forward with. 

Anyway, I cant ramble on about Saturn all night (as much as i'd like to sometimes...), so without much vacillating, onto the other Astro!

Sol Invictus and Luna Noctiluca- Okay, lets take a look at the situation here... *jaw drops* Holy hell, this little Lunation is directly opposite Eris. The best way to channel this is to rise up like an unholy warrior, full of piss and vinegar, and refuse to take anything that is holding you back. Put something awesome into motion, and do it NOW. Bring your A-game, and for the love of whichever God or Goddess we're asking for help from this week (oh fine, its Aphrodite), dont try to do anything less than that or you will fail. Come correct and Go Hard bitches, its Libra Season! A trine to Nessus tells you that you need to really purge the poison you have in your veins in order to move forward. You don't need to carry your baggage anymore- Just drop it, seriously. A sextile to Echeclus tells a different story, however- Time is an issue. Unresolved issues from the past will return- Deal with them (laughter helps); Uncertainty about the future will emerge- Refuse to let it paralyze you now; Own the present- This is your moment, start acting like it! Repeat after me- Always forward, never back. Make this your mantra. A conjunction to Rhadamanthus? You will be judged. What you have done up to now, what you are doing and what your plans are? Its all on the table. Anything that isnt going to work is going to be eliminated. I cannot stress this enough- Do not fight this process! Let it happen, even if it was the most super unbelievably awesome plan that you have ever concocted. Make a new one, one that works! A quincunx to Sedna tells you to stand up, and not to be afraid to demand to get what you want. There is no shame in it, as long as you put in the sweat equity in order to get it. A sextile to Quaoar tells you that there is a great deal of potential around you, but you have to use it to create an opportunity for yourself. Be authentic, and keep going no matter what, even if you find yourself completely and utterly alone. Thats when the fun starts, trust me. A trine to Heracles shows that you DO in fact have it in you to accomplish these great feats, but you need to be willing to do whatever it takes to do so. A bit of cleverness wont hurt either, though.... A sextile to Narcissus warns you of being too proud to turn down help from those who truly want you to succeed. Dont allow that to happen, stay open and alert for any opportunity. A trine to Hygiea confirms this, And asks "Would it kill you to smile a bit more? Oh, okay... try this, its called toothpaste. Use it often".

Mercury Terminorum- Mercury is almost silent. This cant be good... Last I saw, he was in the corner with Venus, plotting with that sextile of theirs, thick as thieves. Tell someone you trust a secret, you'll be surprised at what they share in return. It will bring you closer together and help to build trust. A sextile to Elatus shows that even though you are plotting and scheming and the details are driving you insane, you are in a surprisingly good mood! Use it to your advantage- walking around with a small, knowing smile on your face all day does WONDERS when it comes to freaking out your enemies. A quincunx to Jupiter is challenging you to think BIGGER when you make your schemes; Its time to graduate up to the big leagues, junior! Make some waves. A trine to Panacea shows that you are going to want to take the easy way out of a situation, but another trine, to Borasisi warns that if you take the out, it will just lead you further down the rabbit hole. A trine to Helio helps you to shine, dont bother to hide your brilliance right now! Arrogance is your enemy, obviously, but Humility isnt your friend either.

Venus Victrix- Not a ton to go over here either, the big news is a square to Jupiter that is so scandalous, you even shocked the hotel maids. And take it from me, THAT is something. that trine to Elatus is SUCH an awesome mood booster though, you're just oozing positivity (or is it positively oozing? [on that note, ewwww] Starzina's rubbing off on me again, I think. Or is it... wait, no- not even going to finish that thought for my own health) and those around you are definitely taking notice (seriously bitch- here's a towel, clean yourself up. You're oozing on my rug). A square to Amycus begs you to consider the consequences of your actions, and think about those you may hurt before you act. What has worked for you before may not work anymore. An adjustment is needed. An opposition to Borasisi tells you to watch out for sweet words that mean nothing- Lies are hardest from (and to) those we love the most. Another opposition, to Panacea confirms this- Dont deny reality. A conjunction to Sappho tells you your mission right now needs to be to become Self-Fulfilled, no matter what. It gets LOADS easier once you get that conquered. Of course, that is the secret message of the age, now isnt it? Do this and win the game before anyone else figures out the rules.

Mars Ultor- Well, the hits keep on coming. Our boy is in a crazy high-energy trine to Uranus, so yes to audacious new plans/ventures but no to petty spats and altercations. A square to Chiron confirms this, and adds that when all else fails, run from the situation in order to avoid getting sucked in. Thats right, you heard me. An opposition to Altjira tells you that its time to stop talking and start doing. Move quickly or you will miss your window of opportunity. A sextile to Siwa confirms this, but tells you that you need to have a lot of faith, as you aren't able to see the whole picture just yet. Take a deep breath, steel your nerves and move forward anyway. Another sextile, to Persephone tells you that no matter what you have lost and how much it hurts right now, you need to keep going. You will find what you are looking for again, but not right now. Now you need to be strong in yourself (or at least make a good show of it, because its all you can do to keep it together) and spit in the face of your self-doubt, laughing hysterically. Scorpios, you guys know what im talking about; everyone else is going to figure it out by 2014. A sextile to Orpheus also confirms this, but warns that you are going to have to traverse some rough road coming up here, and you're going to have to lead the way, or do it alone. This takes serious balls. Luckily, you have them. Finally, a square to Orcus challenges you to maintain your integrity in all of this. Trust me, you will be tested with temptation. Read the contract carefully before signing anything.

Jupiter Lucetius- An opposition to Pholus, Eros and Ixion has you longing for what has come and gone- You need to accept that what has passed is now firmly in the past and that you are in the present. Look ahead, and get excited about new potentials that are right under your nose rather than allowing yourself to get trapped in self-pitying martyrdom. Besides, there's a reason that its in your past (no matter how good it was). Make better choices next time (Ohyes, there WILL be a next time. I guarantee that.) A sextile to Pelion tells you that you need to take some time away from the everyday and recuperate. Give yourself space. A conjunction to Chaos is calling you to face your fears and start something brand new. Do not give in to that nagging voice in your head. A square to Urania indicates that you have got to start trusting yourself if you expect to make it through. Seriously, you dont need validation on every single decision you need to make. Weigh your options, and always go with your gut/intuition. We are DONE walking on eggshells and waiting for the other shoe to drop. No, bloody bold and resolute is the name of the game now! 

Saturn Zamolxis- Okay, awesome, I get to rave about Saturn again! Lets see, trine to Neptune, nothing new there. Although keeping a dream journal is wicked awesome right now, so do that. A sextile to Eurydike asks how you will react when what you were depending on falls through. Do you make adjusments and press forward, or do you throw your hands up and admit defeat? In the end, that is up to you, but either choice, commit fully. This is not a time for a crisis of faith. A sextile to Toro is awesome for helping you keep your momentum going, provided you can make the initial spark on your own. A trine to Ceres helps you do whatever is needed to get what you want. Make sure you are acting from love, and not fear/doubt.       

Uranus Aiolomorphos- A trine to Juno can bring back old flames out of the blue (read: everyone you've ever even so much as crushed on). It starts small, with flings and crushes first, and moves quickly up to the heavy hitting ghosts of romance past. Wrap up what is unfinished and go forward (or stay and settle. I really cant tell you what's right for you there). Curiously, this seems to have an air of "Second Chances" about it. Again, what you do is up to you. A sextile to Altjira forces you to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation, both yours and theirs. An opposition to Siwa, Orpheus and Persephone calls for you to stand up and do whatever it takes to get back what you want, if it still matters to you. 

Neptune Ennosigaios- Oh thank god, we get a break here. A trine to Ceres is telling you to nurture your dreams. They are what is keeping you going after all, right? A square to Asbolus makes it a little difficult to stay cheery, and some very harsh truths need to be faced, but it is worth it to do. An opposition to Toro shows that energy levels and drive are very low, and you will need to fake it most days. Take as much time for yourself as possible. 

Pluto Eubuleus- So what's new with Pluto? Well, not a whole heck of a lot. The major one to watch is a conjunction to Icarus, indicating that you are really struggling with the mantle you are carrying right now, and you just want to throw it off and go do something else. The only thing ill ask is this: What's stopping you?

So stay alert guys, step forward with cautious optimism, and dont be scared to believe again (just a little). Do whatever it takes, and dont lose something amazing just because you were too good to fight dirty for it. 

Speaking of dirty, go check out great friend of the Skywatch, Starzina Starfish-Browne and her Time of the Month Horoscopes!


AND- Check out my very good friend Rod (aka Baphas), who is really into a crazy addicting game called Fractal, if you haven't heard of it!

 And your Zeitgeist Playlist-

(what, did you REALLY think I was going to let you off that easy?)

And thats all for me folks! See you in Scorpio!
-The AstroGeek

Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Moon in Virgo- Priorities

Oh Lawdy...

What a build-up, no? Im almost grateful its finally here! *cue horrible fake French Accent* The Virgo, she can be a dramatic bitch, no? What a week! Well, we survived it, at the least, and now its comes time to press on.

We're almost done with Virgo season, and you can feel it in the air (no, really- Its starting to get freaking COLD. No me gusta, Its enough to make a guy run to Arizona or something.) and you guys know whats coming next: Libra. Ohyes!

But lets not get ahead of ourselves: Virrrrrrrrrrrgo is the topic du jour, and you are not going to want to miss this one, Ladies and Gentlemen. This time around, the key is Surrender. Thats right, you heard me- Give it up. To pull this off (and to figure out what the hell Im yammering on about) we turn to Virgo's opposite sign, the mysterious and misunderstood Pisces.

Ya see, Pisces is magic. Seriously. But the thing is, the magic doesn't work if you push it or try. This time, you have to trust that not everything is under your control right now, and allow for the universe to take over. Quit pouring your time and effort into what isnt working anymore, and where you are making no gains. Focus on something else, and let it go in the background. And thats about all I can say without going into woo-woo territory.   

Now without further ado...

The Sun and Moon- Well, no chance for a uneventful Moon here! Starting out, we have heavy hitters like Sedna, Eris, Varuna, Salacia and Quaoar all in play. Something is off or missing, you're not sure what it is because you're not meant to yet and don't have all the information, but you need to keep moving and working on your personal awesome, because the path that you are on will take you further than you ever imagined. You just have to go one step at a time. A conjunction to Siwa and Persephone indicates that you are going to need to dig deep and clear out your personal crap if you want to make any progress here. Ignore distractions. A square to Vesta tells you that if you give up now, you will regret it. Stick with it and dont focus on the results (or lack thereof).

Mercury- Almost done in Virgo, and ready to head into Libra, communication becomes key in partnerships. Where things felt stale and dead before, new life gets breathed into the romantic scene. A sextile to Juno confirms this, cue the cavalcade of Zombie Exes from Beyond the Grave. If things are left unsaid or unfinished, this will make it a little easier to wrap them up.  A square to Ceres shows that you are focused more on your own needs than the needs of those around you, make sure to take others into consideration. A square to Varuna warns you that those you are pulling for might have hidden motivations of their own, however... A conjunction to Makemake instills a fierce drive to win, and this may blind you to potential traps, but can easily propel you towards achieving your goals. A trine to Admetos helps you here as well, helping you seemingly make magic with what you can accomplish. A square to Thereus can trip you up, however. Control yourself, and keep your wild side in check.

Venus- Our girl is still in Leo, and looking fabulous. A trine to Uranus tells you that anything can happen, and at anytime, so always look the part. Seriously, dressing to impress will not steer you wrong right now. A square to Deucalion can indicate some false starts, however. Dont let them get you down or slow your momentum. A sextile to Psyche shows that in Relationships, its very easy to express how you really feel right now, and it wont fall on deaf ears. What you put out, you will recieve back in kind. A square to Ceto tells you that when you see something you really want, dont be afraid to get it. Just be sure that its really something you want and not just a whim. A sextile to Atropos tells you that something is over. Seriously, finally over. Grieve and move forward.

Mars- About halfway through Scorpio, our boy is still tearing it up. Dont get in his way. A quincunx to Jupiter and Pelion tells us that there is still a long way to go on the path, and a fair amount of courage is going to be needed. Adjust your expectations, and cut away attachments. A conjunction to Huya tells you that it is most definitely worth it to keep going, no matter how hard it gets. Like you guys would even be tempted, pffft! A trine to Borasisi tells you that it helps your case to be a little inaccessible, and a small amount of misdirection for the sake of those around you may be key to your success.

Jupiter- Almost retrograde (but not stationary yet, I dont think...), Jupiter is about to make a big entrance. Places, everyone! An opposition to Pholus could show a small issue spiraling out of control with disastrous consequences. A conjunction to Chaos... aw hell, thats not going to go well! Focus on the best possible outcome, but know it can go to shit at any time. A trine to Arachne demands that you keep things simple and easy, or else. Do not weave a web right now, or you WILL get tangled up in it.

Saturn- Its so close that you can taste it guys. A little more than two weeks, and Saturn is in Scorpio! Are you ready? A conjunction to Apollon has a last-minute flurry of activity, trying to get all the I's dotted and gimps fed. A trine to Ceres and Heracles helps you stay on task and keep the goal in mind at all times. That square to Varuna keeps grating on your subconcious however, a little voice warning you that something is off, something you cant quite put your finger on...

Uranus- Well, we're ramping up for another hit of the exact square between Uranus and Pluto, and boy it is not even close to being hidden. Turn on the news and see for yourself. Just wait until it actually hits, what you see now is just prelude. An opposition to Typhon doesn't help either of them, but kicks up sand in everyone's faces so no one can see who's doing the hitting (Hint- Its Typhon) A sextile to Altjira shows that you are over the entire situation and just want to stay home and live your safe, sane life. Tough. This isnt over, not by a long shot. This is the new normal. Start getting involved or stay out of the way of those who are. And covering all my TNO bases, a sextile to Phaethon tells us this pass is going to be BIG.

Neptune- A square to Asbolus and to Eros indicates your judgement is clouded where romantic interest is concerned. Take an extra minute to think before acting and make sure your choices will take you where you want to go. An opposition to Hera and Orpheus tell you to guard your loved ones carefully, because they may have motives that are less than helpful to your aims. A sextile to Ophelia confirms this, and warns against your own dramatic and martyristic tendencies, or what could be construed as such.

Pluto- Well, Stormy's getting ready to turn direct and upstage Jupiter and Saturn. Cue catfight of epic proportions. Trust me, he has not yet begun to fight. Til then, he's getting ready with Chiron, who will train you to overcome your own self-doubts by facing up to what it is that scares you. Its probably something you want really badly, but have convinced yourself that you dont deserve (Hint- You do deserve it, actually). A sextile to Teharonhiawako is teasing you with tiny little tastes of what you could have, if you only dare to take it. Show that smug bastard that you aren't afraid to do what it takes.

All in all, get ready for some rough seas. They're not here yet, but definitely on the horizon. Use this time to prepare. Do the tough work now, so that you have a base to build on when the penny drops.

And as always, Stay Awesome. You're stone-cold brilliant, you are. I swear, you really are, but you could be so much more. Trust the process, trust yourself.

-The AstroGeek

My good friend Starzina over at Eric's Daily Horoscope has a lovely video to share with you all, go check it out.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Moon in Taurus: Mess with the Bull...

You know what? I'm just going to let this one speak for itself.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Taurus.

Now Taurus gets an understated reputation. Everyone thinks its so easy for Taurus (and to be fair, it is. Things are simple for Taurus, or they get ignored) but this leads to Taurus becoming one of the more underestimated signs. Their opposite sign is Scorpio for god's sake! The great thing about this sign is its unbeliveable focus- Taurus can ignore all else to build up momentum and become an unstoppable freight train. It would not be wise to ever tread lightly in Taurus; Still waters most definitely run deep. And you certainly mustn't forget about the horns!!

This Taurus season shows us moving from that oh-so-awesome (read: stagnating and dull) Grand Trine in Earth into Uranus square Pluto (Cardinal Crisis, The Caldera, Zap Zone; what have you). Mars and Mercury are making progress again, and Pluto's sword hanging over our head is a little more secured. So we can breathe easier and relax, right?

Wrong. This is where you take the progress you have scraped by to make, and bet it all on your future. Its time to start thinking BIGGER.

But im getting ahead of myself. Without further delirious rambling nonsense ado, lets get into the Astro!

The Sun/Moon- Well right out of the gate, we have a square to Toro, so air is electric, and you feel as though all your goals are within reach. Capitalize on this new-found strength, but be careful not to overexert yourself. There is a trine to Orcus, so expect major changes here. You might find yourself in the limelight, but for all the wrong reasons. And with Mars right next to him, be very careful how you react to the situation. The best solution to a Gordian Knot isn't always a Gladius (frequent readers will realize this contradicts past statements I may or may not have made. This is true, because Astrology). Taking ten seconds before rushing into anything to stop and think may just save your life. A sextile to Neptune also stresses this, adding in a measure of illusion and mystery. Patience and mindfulnes will win the day. Whatever you do, a connection to The Vertex guarantees that it will have a lasting impact and far-reaching implications. A conjunction to Ceres shows that no matter what else you do, you cannot forget to take care of yourself first. Nutrition is especially highlighted. A sextile to Neptune tells us that it is all to easy to chase after dreams that can never happen while ignoring our situation right here and now, but with a little detachment and a lot of hard work, anything is possible. A square to Persephone can leave you feeling a little cut off from those around you, however. Beware of poisonous thoughts about the past, it wasn't as rosy as you remember; Focus on where you are now, and how to get where you want to be tomorrow.

Mercury- The Trickster is out in force right now, posted up with Uranus and chumming around with his BFF Mars. So try to stay sane, as there's really no telling what can happen with those three. (Oh its my job to tell them what it means? Says you, sonny Jim!!) Take the leap into the unknown, you might just land on a pile of fluffy pillows (or a pile of money... just Sayian! [Corporate sponsors, I am SO ready for that gigantic royalty check to arrive!]). A trine to the North Node suggests that no matter what (or who) you land on, you will land with your feet on the ground. Which is good, because you're probably going to need to hit the ground running. A strong trine to Juno is also there, so make an effort to be more open with your partner and try not to let petty BS get in the way of what really matters. A square to Cyllarus indicates that now is not the time to make any grand gestures or play the Hero, though; It will probably blow up in your face. Hold off on that, and let the situation resolve itself. An opposition to Typhon shows that there is a lot that you have to do in order to achieve your goals, and there are those trying everything they can to stop you. Now is most definitely the time to face the situation head-on and bring it to a conclusion. A sextile to Altjira tells you to remain calm and detached, however. Living well is the best revenge, after all. A trine to Diana calls you to take some time for yourself, preferably in order to get outside and get some fresh air! A trine to Terpischore reinforces this, and reminds you to go out and have some fun! Whatever puts a smile on your face and keeps you sane, because trust me you'll need it. A conjunction to Kassandra allows you to see the big picture clearly, so help those who dont share your perspective and come to you for advice. A conjunction to Lachesis tells you to take stock of your current situation; something major is coming to a swift end. This isnt news though, its something you've known for a while. Remember- no drama! Just let go and get ready for the next step.

Venus- Our girl has some very interesting things going on at the moment. With a sextile to Pelion, nothing but the absolute best will do. Ask and you shall receive. This is exacerbated by a trine to Zeus, showing that what you want, you want NOW. With a conjunction to Chaos, however, you may feel as though everything is up in the air, and nothing is bankable. Recognize the potential to shape your own future, and make life work for you.  An opposition to Ixion shows that your choices might not be the greatest right now, so ask for advice when in doubt. Another opposition, to Pholus, indicates that small issues can easily spiral out of control and become huge problems if you let them. Stay alert and ready for anything. A square to Borasisi makes it hard for you to see the reality of your situation, some aspect is unclear or misconstrued. Be careful before proceeding.

Mars- A trine to Ceres has you raising hell to get your way and fuel your progress in order to go supernova. Pay attention to what is going on with those you love, or you might just miss something important. A square to Altjira also brings this into play, helping you structure your efforts in order to more effectively take over the world. Be careful not to allow your efforts to dissipate by losing focus. A square to Diana is great to help you with this. An opposition to Niobe stresses the need to remain humble, and keep your ego out of the equation. Finally, a square to Terpsichore shows that this is mostly a time for wrok, and fun is going to be hard to come by. Make the time for it yourself or risk your sanity.

Jupiter- Well, not a whole lot is going on here. Only aspect to really write home about is a square to Icarus. The collor of responsibility is going to feel mighty tight right now, but rebelling against it a la sophomore year is not going to help you in the slightest. Bite the bullet and rise to the challenge.

Saturn- Still Retrograde (insert string of expeletives), Saturn just cannot be buggered at all. A trine to Nessus shows that you are getting a taste of some pretty foul medicine at the moment, but it will help you get better. A sextile to Echeclus has you taking on a lot of responsibility, but its nothing that you can't handle. Be caerful not to bottle up your frustration; dont be afraid to vent if you need to. A square to Vulkanus has your efforts put in the best possible light, and you are filling a crucial role, but you wonder if it is enough to satisfy you; You crave more. Make a concious effort to live bigger. An opposition to Vesta can leave you feeling as though you are in a rut, just keeping up with the mindless drudgery. Do whatever you need to keep your sanity and make it out the other side, because I promise you, what is coming is so much win its unbeliveable. As i realize I keep saying the same thing over and over, this is also indicated by Idustria, Sisyphus and Achilles. Finally, an opposition to Hermes helps you manage this with a ton of style,  charm and panache.

Uranus- Things are heating up for everyone's favorite Mad Scientist. As we get ready to go back into the insanity that is Uranus square Pluto, we have a couple aspects to go over. An awesome trine to the North Node is helping you actualize your future; all you have to do is go for it. A square to Cyllarus would have you believe that self-sacrifice is the noble and right thing to do, but you need to quash that impulse immediately and work for yourself. A square to Kronos allows you to do this and promises you the world, if you only have the  courage to live on your own terms. A trine to Juno can put heavy stress on your relationships, but there is potential for some really exciting experiences, if you are open to it. There are a few hurdles to watch out for, however; There is a heightened potential for Drama, with a conjunction to Orpheus, square to Eurydike, conjunction to Hybris, square to Kassandra, and a square to Askalaphus. Be on guard for those who are not open to new ideas/ hiding who you really are and what you really want/ being egocentric and proud/ doubting that you are on the right track.

Neptune- An opposition to Orcus is the main stressor this time around. We have Illusion abounding, but there is more to the situation than we can see. Keep your wits about you, and remain impeccable, now more than ever. Roll with the punches. A sextile to Tantalus doesnt help much, dangling everything you've ever wanted right in front of your eyes, and snatching it away at the last second. Try not to fall flat on your face.

Pluto- A sextile to Posiedon has you feeling rather stormy and tumultuous. Dont get sucked into a fight that you cant win. A square to Siva demands that you take a step back and look at the big picture before you can proceed, or risk facing the consequences. Finally, we have the sextile to Heracles, giving you that push you need to get that victory. Keep going, don't stop for anything, and I promise that you will succeed.  

That does it for me, guys!
-The AstroGeek

Picture Starzina Starfish-Browne's Starzina's Time of the Month Horoscope here. Til then, I give you the update from Aries:

Your songs of the Zeitgeist-

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Moon in Aries- Challenge Accepted!

Ladies and Gentlemen, It is officially Aries!! Happy (Astrological) New Year!! That's what, the third time this year ive said that? (im going for a record). I hope you're all enjoying it, because we're only going up from here, and is going to be one hell of a ride!

With the New Moon in Aries, you have to go outside your comfort zone and just blast out on a brand new adventure (even if its just a day trip to a neighboring city). Its time to shake off the blegch of winter and get out and into the sunshine! Speaking of, it is nothing short of criminal to keep me cooped up in here while it is 82 and sunny on the first day of Spring (and in a polyester sweater vest no less!!) but i digress. You guys came here for Astro!

The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus- Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Universe has smiled on my Laziness and is allowing me to knock out all four of these in one go. So we have a powderkeg of mental and emotional energy sitting there, waiting to be set off with a slight challenge or slight to the ego. Tread carefully, but use the opportunity to propel yourself into the next chapter of your life. An opposition to Minerva tells you to be mindful, and not to act rashly (not an easy task when you're talking about Aries!). A square to Hera puts the strain back on your relationships, both of you are fighting to acheive your own goals, and are in hyper-focus mode. Don't allow that to spill out into the home front, because first and foremost, you are aliies. A conjunction to Atropos highlights that this is a time to bring certain things to their proper end, but an opposition to Klotho shows that this is just to make a place for something new, so for the love of all that is holy just let it go already. A square to Dionysius shows that this is not a great time to drown your sorrows in the substance of your choice, but instead its a great time to carve out some time to devote to getting your six pack back. Exercise is a great way to release endorphins, and its a lot better for you than any of those body-wrecking nasty drinks or drugs (and with Jupiter and Mars in Earth signs, it is all about your bod. Be good to it). A sextile to Karma shows that you have worked really hard lately, and now its time to reap the benefits from all that work. Of course, If you've been slacking, well... A square to Cyllarus tells you to avoid rushing headfirst into anything, take your time, dont let anyone pressure you into anything and heed wise counsel. A sextile to Altjira shows that you might have to risk offending people or being a little rough in order to break away and do your own thing. An opposition to Pandora shows that this could be a knee-jerk reaction, but go with your gut if it feels like the right thing to do. A conjunction to Tantalus gives you hope of something brand new and awesome just on the horizon, but its just a bit out of reach. A little bit of Courage is necessary to win the day. Finally, a conjunction to Hermes arms you with that little bit of charm and wit that you will need to cinch those amazing opportunities.

Venus- Our girl is very quiet, with a conjunction to Hephaistos indicating dissatisfaction with your current love situation, but remember that you will pay the price if you run off with that dangerous, sexy badass that you see across the bar. A trine to Ascelpius indicates that you really, really need to watch your health, especially when it comes to what you eat. No cheating on your diet!!

Mars- Where Venus is quiet, Mars is bellowing out to the sky. Okay, so we're still a ways out from Mars Direct, but the Sun going into exaltation in Aries is still a pretty big release from all the crap that Mars in Virgo brings up, as well as helping you put out the fires from a small, seemingly insignificant little detail that goes horribly awry. A square to the Nodes challenges you to put the past behind you and strike out boldy onto a new course. An opposition to Chiron demands that you put your ego behind you if you want to get anywhere; be careful of those acting out old wounds and dramas. A conjunction to Elatus brings high energy and high spirits, capitalize on it to win the day. An opposition to Teharonhiawako wants you to put some of that towards creative pursuits, and whatever you do is welll starred. A square to Juno highlights the same relationship issues talked about earlier, but with the added twist of power struggles and powerful egos. A square to Diana shows that you may feel as though your freedom is being threatened in some way. A square to Terpsichore shows that its hard for you to just sit back and relax, but your efforts are well placed in going after your bliss. Finally, an opposition to Itokawa shows that there is a sleeping giant being awakened within you, use the new strength that you are finding.

Jupiter- An opposition to Deucalion shows that you are taking on a lot of responsibility, and you will be noticed for it. Another opposition, to Ceto, shows that there is some danger lurking in the shadows, but its nothing that you can't handle. Another opposition, to Poseidon, tells you that there is some discord between what you know you should be doing and what you're actually doing. Quit making excuses and just DO IT!! Yet another opposition (jeez, what is going on here?) to Aphrodite echoes this, adding in the added fun of heightened emotional drama. A sextile to Magdalena forces you to question whether you are going down the right path. Trust that what you are doing is right.

Saturn- Well, what about Saturn? There is an opposition to 1992 QB1, so you may be feeling like you are stuck in a remake of Groundhog Day, just doing the same thing, over and over. Keep in mind that even though it doesn't feel like it, you are making progress. A trine to Eurydike highlights the drama that you are in, possibly with a distant partner, whether that is emotionally or physically. A square to Persephone also plays on this, adding in a bit of the old victim mentality. Stand up for yourself and break free

Neptune- Not a whole lot happening here. There's an opposition to Orcus, so make sure to take things at your own pace, and don't rush into anything. Above all else, don't make any promises that you can't keep. A square to Karma highlights this as well, and warns you of the consequences of breaking your word.

Pluto- A sextile to Poseidon has you lusting after some bold new venture that will launch you out into a brand new world of success, but don't do anything until Mercury goes direct if you can help it. A trine to Psyche shows that there may be something that your partner isnt telling you. Be patient and dont go into stalker mode. A conjunction to Ophelia heightens the drama and plays off any ego battles that you find yourself in. Avoid them at all costs. A trine to Arachne shows that you need to be mindful of your words right now, make sure that you aren't being to proud or someone will definitely come in to knock you off your throne, trust me! A trine to Eros tells you that right now you need to be doing what you love, and don't worry about the haters or anyone that tries to stop you.

All in all, great astro this time, but not so well starred for bold new actions, save that for April. Use this time to psych yourself up, and get stoqued for what's coming up.

And go check out the Fabulous Starzina Starfish-Brown (who is, of course, an Aries![Not that AstroGeek's Skywatch would ever show any bias, mind you!])  in Starzina Starfish-Brown's Time of the Month Horoscope for Aries!

Your Songs of the Zeitgeist-

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Moon in Pisces- Under the Influence

Piscean checklist:

Great new Music? Check
Junk food? Check
Cautious optimism regarding events to come? Check
Enough caffeine to bring down a musk ox? Check to the power of Check

Lets do this

Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are now officially in Piscean waters. The rising tide and all that. And this New Moon? Well, it puts the last one to shame. Right now you're probably feeling like you are trying to stand on a cresting wave, like everything is shifting below your feet. Well, suck it up, because its not going to get any easier. This is the part where you find out whether or not you can swim. 

Take a deep breath. Are you ready to take the plunge?

Sun/Moon/Neptune/Chiron/Pallas Athene- Well, I did warn you guys. This Lunation features a cacophony (or a cesspool) of the celestial choir: a Super Stellium right at the start of Pisces, with a couple other heavy hitters not far behind. Also in the mix is an opposition of all this to Orcus, so right off the bat you better believe this is going to test your faith in what you are doing, and will try to scare you off your path; However, anything unsustainable that you have been clinging to will just fall away easily, if you let it. This will test your resolve, so be ready. There is a square to Diana, leaving you feeling restless and sick of how long the process is taking. Breathe, relax and enjoy it, its not going to happen again and you will miss it once its gone. An opposition to Industria has you putting in the work to achieve your goals, and its leaving you a little burned out. Keep your eyes on the prize. Also notable is a trine to Askalaphus, so speak your peace, don't censor yourself if something's on your mind. Watch the sextile to Ophelia, steer clear of the Drama and be mindful of how you come across to others. A conjunction to Magdalena stresses the need for you to operate at your highest levels, so that the shit you're walking through wont stick. Others will notice, and will follow your lead, for better or for worse. A sextile to Toro challenges you to channel your frustration into something productive. Great time to get back to the gym and put some serious effort into your fitness, or try a new sport. A sextile to Aesculpius shows that there is major healing going on, but its behind the scenes. Think back to 2008. How have you grown since then? A square to Altjira demands that you pull your head out of the sand, and start getting more involved in your own life. Ultimately YOU are the one who is in charge of your own destiny, not the fate, the universe, God, chance, etc. Another square, to Terpsichore, shows that spirits are low, and the last thing you want to do is celebrate the awesomeness of life, yet that is exactly what you MUST do. Smile, dance, paint; just do something that makes you happy. A sextile to Jupiter shows that right now, its very easy to slip back into old patterns, and a lot of people will with this transit. Be aware of your issues, and refuse to allow them any ground. A trine to Cyllarus shows that you are putting tremendous pressure on yourself to be the best in every arena. Recognize your strengths, and allow others to shine as well. Together we are stronger. A trine to Kronos reinforces this. Be mindful not to step on anyone on your rise to the top. A square to Juno brings up those relationship demons and wounds, take a deep breath and allow yourself to move past the old that is long gone to fully experience what is standing right in front of you. A conjunction to Tantalus warns you not to strech yourself, reaching for the good of tomorrow while you are surrounded by the good of today. A sextile to Phaethon tells us that if we try to push ourselves too fast, there could be drastic consequences for us and the ones we love. Take your time. A sextile to Sauer confirms this, but tells us not to be afraid to take the chance presented to us; its all about striking the right balance.

Mercury- About halfway through Pisces, and well clear of the drama happening in the early degrees, Merc is still swimming along, ready to get the hell into Aries (oh wait, thats me). With a square to Thereus, your strength and your resolve will be tested. Another square, to Okyrhoe, tells you to pay attention to Omens that show up. Any dream messages you get now are particularly important. An opposition to Psyche may leave you scratching your head as you partner puts their fut in their mouth time and time again. While that may be what is actually on their mind, just let it slide as they probably dont mean to stir up contention. Yet another square, to Nemesis, shows that there are those who are dogging your steps, just waiting for you to slip up so they can rip you to shreds. Make sure to give them a good show, and that's it. An opposition to Arachne tells you to be mindful of your pride, regardless of your skills. Stay humble, and you'll be fine. A sextile to Hephaistos says that, while not the most glamorous idea, sticking to your work will keep you out of a lot of trouble, not to mention is much more productive then wallowing in self-pity. Finally, a trine to Hopi reminds us that we are but a part of a very big world that is a very small part of a very big universe. Keep that in mind.

Venus- Our girl is very quiet this lunation, which usually means that she's plotting something. Let's see; a trine to Nemesis, showing that she's defintiely plotting. Don't engage in anything that is unscrupulous. When they come for you, deny everything. Another trine, to Amor, shows that you are allowing yourself to fall in love again, even if its just self-love. Yes, it is very scary, but go with it- its worth it.

Mars- Our boy is also very quiet, raising the question if they are shacking up again (most likely). A square to Amycus show that you must treat those you encounter with proper respect and human decency, or you will most certainly face the consequences. You cannot afford to miss this one, trust me. An opposition to Atropos shows that something is coming to a swift end right now, do not fight it, but allow the space for something brand new. A square to Hidalgo shows that you will be called to fight for what you believe in, so get your game face on. A trine to Apophis shows that you feel as though you are fighting everything that you can, and that you are surrounded on all sides. Acknowledge that there are forces beyond your control, and that there is nothing you can do about them, so dont allow worry or fear to stop you.

Jupiter- There's a lot to go over this round. A sextile to Cyllarus shows that you need to be mindful of your actions, as they affect more than just yourself. Another sextile, to Teharonhiawako, highlights the need for you to take time out to do something for yourself, especially if you use the time for creative endeavors. A sextile to Kronos shows that you are pushing yourself to achieve greatness, but mind that others are pushing for the same thing, and it is very lonely at the top. A trine to Photographica shows that your actions are under scrutiny, so keep your nose clean. A sextile to Siva is forcing you to go through the crap to bring you to a point where you are more in control of your life. A lot of the crap will be brought to you, and you are going to need to choose to destroy it once and for all. A sextile to Tantalus shows that you are going to be tempted to throw away all your hard work for something that you had written off before, but is now an option. What you do is your choice, but remember it was written off for a reason. A square to Heracles tells you that your challenges are just beginning, so dig in and show the universe who's boss. A square to Burney shows there is more to what's happening right now then is being brought to light, making it hard to get the perspective to make the right decisions. Do the best you can with what you have, and trust yourself. A trine to Sauer is telling you to push on, with gusto, regardless of all that stands in your path. 

Saturn- Settle in folks, this is set to be one long retrograde. He is in square to Persephone, showing that you are sick and tired of people making decisions for you, and are ready to make up your own mind. A trine to Dionysius tells us that you need to dig deep and forgive those who have come against you, and hurt you; so that you can free yourself from the toxic situation. Be conscious and work with the pain rather than try to dull it and shut it out. A trine to Child warns of getting too jaded, allow yourself to enjoy life. A sextile to Ascelpius shows that the new paradigms you are setting in your life are here to stay, so make sure they are aligned to what you really want. A sextile to Narcissus reminds you to watch your pride, and warns you not to rest on your laurels. Keep pushing.

Uranus- Ok, this is just ridiculous. A trine to Diana demands that you act as insane as possible, reminding you that life is only as serious as you make it. And a square to Askalaphus will make sure this is very much an unpopular choice, and you will draw some ire from those around you. Have fun.

Neptune- See above.

Pluto- A trine to Elatus... well, this contradicts everything I just wrote, but apparently beneath all this crap you are actually in high spirits, and are more than ready to take this on to win the day. Gotta love astrology, the only way you know that you're doing it right is when it doesn't make any sense. A square to Klotho shows that now is not the time to start anything new, but focus on what you are already working on. Be careful not to kill your own efforts by subjecting them to too much scrutiny, have faith. A conjunction to Bacchus shows that at the end of this tunnel, there is a light. Chase it.

That does it for me folks, but for your personal scopes, look no further than the fabulous Starzina!

And of course, thank you to the amazing Tracy over at Serennu, without whom these posts really would not be possible!

Your songs of the Zeitgeist: