Showing posts with label Stupid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stupid. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Racism In European Football Kicked Into Spotlight

The lid has come off of Euro-football after Italian fans insisted on making racist monkey gestures/sounds directed to AC Milan star-player, Kevin-Prince Boateng, in a 'friendly' game Jan 2 against team Pro Patria. (here)

It seems that the German-Ghanaian Boateng walked off the pitch (field) at the repeated actions of a group of Italian fans. His teammates followed, and the game ended. Boateng also received the support of his team president, Silvio Berlusconi. The former Italian prime minister, media mogul, and non-stranger to controversy said, "This is an uncivilised problem that needs to be stopped. I congratulated my players for their decision to leave the field during the friendly in Busto Arsizio." (here)

It is interesting watching Europeans and their authorities attempt to deal with such obvious racism in their most beloved sport. The more the authorities try to curb it, the more determined the fans seem to become, especially the Spanish and the Italians. Gone is the smug superiority the Europeans had when witnessing images of US racism, back int he 1960's, eh?

James C. Collier


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What About Lance Armstrong?

This is the same look that Bill Clinton gave America when it was clear that Monica Lewinsky repeatedly polished his chrome in the White House. Lance wasn't just a doper - he was the Al Capone of dopers. In fact, all past, present, and future dopers will be judged by the standard he has set. Yikes.

Now, let's roll back a few posts (here), where I said, even with it all, I would shake the boy's hand - I take that back! I read Tyler Hamilton's book, and for whatever kind of low-life Hamilton is, Armstrong is one scary dude. Hamilton's replay of Frankie and Betsy Andreu's battle with Armstrong over his hospital admissions to doping, leading up to his testicular cancer, is astonishing.

For me, it is not so much the doping - doping happens everywhere and will continue - rather it was the ruthlessness of Lance. He left no room near the top for anyone else. His policy was scorched earth - serve me, then die!

I never liked Floyd Landis because he suckered a coach I like, Arnie Baker MD, into supporting his claims of innocence, but I hope Floyd prevails in his whistle-blower suit against Lance, because Armstrong deserves all the arrows he may get. Lance froze his doping pal Floyd out of cycling completely, for no reason other than Armstrong is one gigantic paranoid, vindictive asshole.

I could go on, but you get my drift. Lance now has a lifetime to ponder the looks/stares that beg the question of what level of societal scumbag he's earned. The only thing to distract him will be all the people, with lawyers, trying to put his dumb-ass in the poorhouse, including the folks at the United State Post Office and Discovery. I wish them well.

The top symbol of doping in cycling is no longer my old Festina team jersey, but rather it's a Livestrong. Amazing!

James C. Collier


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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Love And Hip-Hop Disintegration

Recently someone commented to this blog their surprise at my pessimism on the future of Black America. So what then, besides unemployment, crime, graduation rates, or healthcare could be the cause of my less-than-cheery outlook?

The other week my office-mate introduced me to the hit VH1 show, "Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta". I can only presume that more locations are in the works. Anyway, this reality program about the messy lives of rap-star-wannabees is a shining example of life reduced to feeding on the misery of others. The producers and cast have perfected the art of turning self-debasement of an entire culture into art and entertainment, for fun and profit. And there are a host of other similar shows, including one with the wives/girlfriends of basketball stars.

Taken alone, one might call this harmless fun, but against the backdrop of all of our societal problems, this show is the exclamation point on a very important wake-up call. Survival of a group, culture, or species is not mandatory.

James C. Collier


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Monday, May 14, 2012

Why Are Black Women Fat?

I read Alice Randall's NYTimes opinion (here) entitled, "Black Women And Fat", with more than a passing interest. In it, Ms. Randall postulates that a significant contributor to black female obesity resides with pleasing the black male desire for 'ampleness'. She speaks of diet and sedentary behavior, as influences, as well, but I still think she has the magnitude of the influence out of order. Pleasing black men would seem more of a cop-out for women, than sound reasoning. Still, this does not explain the behavior of some black men, when it comes to black women and weight.

Studies (here) and simple observation show us that Black men are most greatly attracted to curvy, proportional women, with a preference for protruding butts over frontal-view hour-glass hips, but this preference does not run counter to the general male preference for a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7. Beyonce, and others before her, prove this out.

Now, I have my own 'opinion' on a lesser, but still significant, factor describing why some black women feel they are pleasing black men with all that fat. I postulate that black men are running (have run) a game (confidence game) on the women who believe this. In some cases the women are running the game on themselves - how crazy is that? Each incremental pound that a fat woman is encouraged to believe is simply 'thickness', or 'attractive' fat, provides the black man with 2X power in the relationship. The black male manipulates the black woman's body image to offset his assorted shortcomings, beginning and ending with his inabilities as provider/breadwinner. He tells her he loves her thickness, while sneaking behind her back with another 'skinny' woman, who he says (when busted) treats him 'better'. Give me a freakin' break!

So, while agreeing with Ms. Randall in part, I am postulating, rather than offering fact, that from the male vantage point, black men are running a game on black women to get more of what primeval man wants - sex from as many different women as possible, at the lowest possible cost to himself. In the case of obese women believing they are most desirable - it's just part of the game.

James C. Collier


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tiger Wood's Real Challenge, Not Nicklaus, But Growing Up

After Accusations, Sex Scandals, Car Crashes, Divorce, Injuries, and 30 months of losing, Tiger Woods has finally won a golf tournament, but that was the easy part. While the surface layer of the golf world can now credibly discuss Wood's hunt for Jack Nicklaus' record of 18 major tournament wins, even that monumental challenge will be far easier than redeeming his place as one of the greatest sports athletes that ever is/was. The reason for this is simply illustrated. Ali's greatness had to do with his boxing skill, coupled with the man he grew to be, both while boxing, but well after he hung up his gloves for good. You can't separate the person's impact from their professional accomplishments.

Tiger is a golf champion, no doubt, but he is a poster child for arrested emotional development. He has done little or nothing over the last thirty months to signal to people that he is on any comeback as a man, if he was ever there to begin with. And for the record, building yourself an estimated sixty-million dollar bachelor pad (here), is a big step in the wrong direction to growing up (IMHO).

James C. Collier


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Friday, March 16, 2012

Don't Re-Nig In 2012: Racist Obama Bumper Sticker

I'm not so surprised that some racist a__hole would come up with something like this, but I am perplexed that people would actually place it on their automobiles, as reported, thereby subjecting themselves to all manner of outrage.

James C. Collier


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Racist Rant Part II: Santaluces HS Girls

Okay, I get it. Teen-age girls just want to be noticed, but is this really working the way they want? Should we expect more of this, because these rants are the best way to become socially popular in school? Are there a similar ilk of black, Latino, and Asian kids making these 'tubes' against whites and others, and we are just not hearing about it?

What is going on people?

James C. Collier


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Gainesville FL High School Girls Go On Racist Rant

Much is being made of how these two young ladies chose to achieve their fifteen minutes of fame. Unfortunately, that fame will last a lot longer than their immaturity warrants - but hey, so did a scar I got on my face from running recklessly into a dark garage at age twelve - them's the breaks!

Anyway, I think parents of all ethnic origins need to pay more attention to what their kiddies are learning and spouting, from everywhere, and try to impress upon them how certain bells-of-behavior cannot be easily un-rung, if at all. Of course, first on this list is snot-noses not making more snot-noses. However, it gets tricky when kiddies are spouting dribble that their parents too casually toss about. What then?

Well, I think parents need to use disclaimers with their kids. It should sound something like, "Hey Johnny, Suzie, or Tyree, don't repeat the s_it you hear at home, out in public, unless you want to totally eff-up your life for an internet eternity". If they need more encouragement, they can google Anthony "Chink-in-the-Armor" Frederico, formerly of ESPN mobile.

James C. Collier


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Knicks Win Streak Ends: ESPN Claims 'Chink In Armor', WTF?


James C. Collier


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Monday, January 23, 2012

Random Slovakianess: Musician Rolls With Nokia Ringtone Punch

Some comments to this entertaining video argue that the musician's response is staged, but I think they miss the point, altogether. Staged or not, the editorial and lesson is both witty and good for all to hear, if they might avoid the cynic's vortex.

...and Nokia, once the shining star of Finland, presently needs all the help they can get.

James C. Collier


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Random Whiteness of the Two-Wheeled Dare-Devil Variety

Get ready for five knuckle-biting minutes of fun. I won't spoil the ending, either.

James C. Collier


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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

White Oakland Driver Flirts With Getting Nigga’d

First of all, I never knew that the N-word (which I detest) could be a verb, but I have been told that somewhere in the Oakland slang dictionary you will find a definition that goes something like:
“NIGGA’D, verb (used with object) 1. to deprive of life in any manner, by an individual who is often black and self-described as a “nigga”; cause the death for reasons deemed senseless and grossly out of proportion to any alledged offense or threat”.

Anyhow, as I was exiting the freeway this morning, a black guy in a busted-ass vehicle cut-off an older white man in a late model Infiniti FX SUV. The old white dude took offense and tried to go around N-man on the exit ramp, who was not having any of the displeasure. Meanwhile, I’m getting ready to speed-dial the paramedics, because I’m thinking that this could go very wrong for them and me, as a bystanding driver in the firing line.

Then the mess got hotter. Old white guy pulls along side, rolls down the window, and starts jawing with challenged N-man. Neither moves against the green light. I wait, ready to hit the floor mats. Nothing. I slide past white man quickly and with a very low profile. N-man then proceeds through light, while old white man turns left behind me.

At the next light I wanted to ask the old white man what was wrong with him challenging a brother with such obvious “unresolved economic and social issues”. He could have gotten himself killed over some stupid nothing. Was it worth the risk? Hell no. Long ago, in Boston, I learned that regardless of race, unless someone actually hits your car, keep the F-moving.

I’m no fan of the N-word or its derivations and wish the word would go away, but this does not change the accuracy of the urban defintion, or the warning it represents. Remember, everyone does not place the same value on human life, yours or their own. Word to the wise. Keep moving.

James C. Collier


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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Keepin' it Real Goes Wrong For UNM Football Player

"Police say a University of New Mexico football player's saggy pants led to his arrest at San Francisco International Airport. Sgt. Michael Rodriguez says 20-year-old Deshon Marman was boarding a flight Wednesday to Albuquerque, N.M., when a U.S. Airways employee noticed his pants were 'below his buttocks, but above the knees, and his boxer shorts were showing.' Rodriguez tells the San Francisco Chronicle that the employee asked Marman to pull up his pants, but he refused. She then asked him to leave the plane. The officer says that after 15 minutes, Marman got off the plane and was cited for trespassing."

"Chief Deputy DA Wagstaffe explained that Marman has not yet been charged with any crime and that prosecutors will be reviewing the case between now and the July 18 arraignment. He said his office had asked for additional accounts of the incident from airline personnel and passengers.

Police arrested Marman on suspicion of three crimes: battery on a police officer, a felony, and resisting arrest and trespassing, both misdemeanors. He faces up to four years in state prison on the battery charge, and one year and six months, respectively, in a county jail for resisting arrest and trespassing."

Marman has since apologized and stated that if he had it to do again he would have pulled up his pants.

Let's see...sagging pants vs. losing scholarship, prison, etc. Damn straight he wants a do-over.

James C. Collier


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Thursday, June 09, 2011

Random White Guy Ticketed For Not Riding In Bike Lane

Too Funny. I can't imagine a black guy, or Asian, or Latino doing this, but a white guy? You got it! And thank God for him.

James C. Collier


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Friday, May 20, 2011

Black Women As Less Attractive? WTF!

When I heard about the article by Satoshi Kanazawa entitled “Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women? Why black women, but not black men?”, published on May 15, 2011, in Psychology Today, I definitely had a WTF moment. Not because the subject is taboo – I have written about attractiveness (here) – but because only a complete moron would title an article this way, with nothing to back it up.

I expected to see some objective science talking about hip-to-waist ratios, bone structures, body fat, child-rearing and the such, not a collection of seat-of-the-pants observations of attractiveness by a set of ‘interviewers’. What makes visual observations about others objective, but self-observations subjective? Were the observations by the Add Health interviewers conducted under any scientific or statistical rigor? Readers of this intellectual mayhem are left to wonder if Psychology Today was secretly purchased by Rupert Murdoch.

With all this said, the objective case for why the women of Northern Europe are more competitive does exist, as a group. I call it the peacock factor. Men select mates largely based on looks, and colors attract. The women of Northern Europe are unique in sporting the widest range of natural colors, hair, eyes, and skin, so they capture the most attention in a crowd. Are these women better looking, individually? No. Do all the color combinations give them a group advantage, Yes. Does the group advantage accrue to individuals? Somewhat. This is not rocket science, but rather easily understood in the cosmetics area of any retail store, in any neighborhood (urban or otherwise).

I will say that Black women (and men) need to unbunch the undies and clean a little house, while ignoring clowns like Kanazawa. Ladies would do better, competitively, if they dropped the wigs, weaves, and adhesives, and opted for locks – cause sisters with the dreads look great and have healthy length and luster, minus the breakages and bald spots. I will not talk about visiting the gym and laying off sugar, oops, my bad. Anyway, I think Satoshi’s just hitting back because Asian men catch a lot of the same crap he is dishing, and of course, he was looking for some free pub (like Dr. “Obama is a Black Mascot” Cornel West).

Happy Friday!

James C. Collier


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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Black Friends Defend Republican Marilyn Davenport of Orange County

Orange County Republican Marilyn Davenport, accused of racism, got some help from her black friends in S. Carolina, to back up her claim that they are just fine with her depiction of President Obama as an ape-child. One of her 'darkies', (Davenport's affectionate reference), sent this recent snap shot taken at a meeting of the National Federation of Republican Women. Ms. Davenport added, "I may be an old bigot, but I'm not a liar".

I guess we owe Ms. Davenport an apology. Mon erreur.

James C. Collier


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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Orange County Racism: Marilyn Davenport Style

Orange County Tea-bagger Marilyn Davenport has some explaining about why she thought it was acceptable to send an email containing this picture. And does the fact that she has blacks that she calls friends make any difference? Furthermore, she said she only sent it to people who wouldn't be offended. Problem is that this list should have included people who also like her. Clearly, at least one of her 'friends' wants to see her bake - and bake she shall.

See what Davenport's alleged black friends have to offer in her defense (here).

James C. Collier


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Monday, March 21, 2011

UCLA Anti-Asian Rant Sparks Asian Creativity

Some of the responses to the Alexandra Wallace UCLA rant are gosh-dern entertaining. Here is one of many. Warning: This little catchy gem may stick to your brain. H/T to Desertflower.

James C. Collier


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Saturday, March 19, 2011

White UCLA Co-ed Goes On Anti-Asian Rant

Can someone tell what the hell this young woman (Alexandra Wallace) was thinking? I thought UCLA was a difficult school to attend, but this clearly is not the case for some. Word is that she has voluntarily withdrawn from the school (not dismissed), for her own protection. You got that right! Asians are 37% percent of enrollment!

James C. Collier


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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult

Some of you may remember when a young white female shot a bullet into my apartment (here) only to ultimately get a pass on the felony charge of recklessly discharging a firearm. I believed her 'walk' on the charge would have never happened had she been black or Latino. This youtube bit by the Onion News Network may qualify as satire, but I found it very life-like pertaining to considerations to give justice a kick in the pants.

James C. Collier


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