Showing posts with label Sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex. Show all posts
Friday, December 07, 2012
Blue Eyes, Blacks And Occular Albinism
Photographs of this lad have been making the rounds, with what I believe to be a poor explanation of his blue eyes, on top of all the people who claim that it is a case of blatant photoshopping (forgery). He is from Zimbabwe and the photographer was Vanessa Bristow.
It seems that Ms. Bristow happened upon him on a visit to Maramani, and gained his mother's permission to take his photo. That same photographer enlisted the opinion of an ophthalmologist friend to explain his blue eyes - and this is the part that gets me. Rather than describe the ease at which benign mutations of the eye color gene(s) occur in all people, the expert proposes a more far-fetched diagnosis - occular albinism - in light of all we know about eyes and can deduce about this boy.
While it is certainly possible, occular albinism does not normally present blue eyes, but rather green to brown, with three other visible symptoms, poor vision, lazy eye, and involuntary eye movement - none of which the photographer noted or captured. Furthermore, the female carrier of this condition will normally show hyper/hypo-iris pigmentation and iris trans-illumination as evidence. Again, the photographer noted none of these issues in her description of her interactions with the boy's mother. These absences are cause for pause.
Whether it's people claiming a photoshop fake, or doctors reaching past the obvious, it appears that both the ignorant and the educated continue to cling to the notion that blacks cannot simply have blue or green eyes in the same way that those eye colors came about in whites - first by mutation and supported by positive sexual selection. But for the fact that blue eyes and intense African (equatorial) sun are a bad combination for health and longevity, there would be a world full of blue-eyed black people (I suspect) - and others as well.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Blue Eyes, Blacks And Occular Albinism, Boy With Sapphire Eyes, Vanessa Bristow, Maramani, Zimbabwe, Racism, Acting White
It seems that Ms. Bristow happened upon him on a visit to Maramani, and gained his mother's permission to take his photo. That same photographer enlisted the opinion of an ophthalmologist friend to explain his blue eyes - and this is the part that gets me. Rather than describe the ease at which benign mutations of the eye color gene(s) occur in all people, the expert proposes a more far-fetched diagnosis - occular albinism - in light of all we know about eyes and can deduce about this boy.
While it is certainly possible, occular albinism does not normally present blue eyes, but rather green to brown, with three other visible symptoms, poor vision, lazy eye, and involuntary eye movement - none of which the photographer noted or captured. Furthermore, the female carrier of this condition will normally show hyper/hypo-iris pigmentation and iris trans-illumination as evidence. Again, the photographer noted none of these issues in her description of her interactions with the boy's mother. These absences are cause for pause.
Whether it's people claiming a photoshop fake, or doctors reaching past the obvious, it appears that both the ignorant and the educated continue to cling to the notion that blacks cannot simply have blue or green eyes in the same way that those eye colors came about in whites - first by mutation and supported by positive sexual selection. But for the fact that blue eyes and intense African (equatorial) sun are a bad combination for health and longevity, there would be a world full of blue-eyed black people (I suspect) - and others as well.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Blue Eyes, Blacks And Occular Albinism, Boy With Sapphire Eyes, Vanessa Bristow, Maramani, Zimbabwe, Racism, Acting White
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Obama's Gay Marriage Head Fake
When I first heard that President Obama was coming out in support of same-sex marriage, I thought for once that he was playing it 'straight', so to speak - but no such luck. I say this because the president added the caveat that laws granting this 'civil-right' of union, should be left up to the states. Say what?
As a constitutional scholar, Mr. Obama knows too well, after studying Brown v. Board of Education (desegregation), that state implementation of civil-rights protection is a dog that does not hunt. In other words, he knows that gay marriage left up to the states does not stand a chance in hell of becoming a right, by law. His Harvard legal education showed him, in no uncertain terms, that when the Supreme Court, under Justice Earl Warren, handed-off the implementation of their landmark rebuke of 'separate but equal' (Plessy v. Ferguson) in 1954, it took the states another twenty years to make it a reality. Even then, desegregation occurred amid street battles. To hear former NAACP lawyer and Justice Thurgood Marshall tell it at the time, the Warren Court was being purposefully "S-L-O-W" in handing their desegregation decision to the states, as I believe is Mr. Obama in his caveat-ed support of gay marriage.
Obama is denying what he knows - that it is the role of the federal government, as outlined in the constitution, to defend the civic-rights of every citizen (including equality under the law), particularly when individual state pursuits might abridge such rights. In true political slight-of-hand, Mr Obama is looking for voter credit, for gesture over real substance, while giving the politician's wink/nod to anti-gay factions that know history, especially those folks in the South.
Thurgood Marshall is certainly shaking his head, somewhere in the after-life, and maybe wishing Obama had attended Howard Law (Marshall's alma mater), rather than Harvard.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Obama's Gay Marriage Head Fake, Homosexual, Lesbian, Same-Sex, Civil-Rights, Acting White
As a constitutional scholar, Mr. Obama knows too well, after studying Brown v. Board of Education (desegregation), that state implementation of civil-rights protection is a dog that does not hunt. In other words, he knows that gay marriage left up to the states does not stand a chance in hell of becoming a right, by law. His Harvard legal education showed him, in no uncertain terms, that when the Supreme Court, under Justice Earl Warren, handed-off the implementation of their landmark rebuke of 'separate but equal' (Plessy v. Ferguson) in 1954, it took the states another twenty years to make it a reality. Even then, desegregation occurred amid street battles. To hear former NAACP lawyer and Justice Thurgood Marshall tell it at the time, the Warren Court was being purposefully "S-L-O-W" in handing their desegregation decision to the states, as I believe is Mr. Obama in his caveat-ed support of gay marriage.
Obama is denying what he knows - that it is the role of the federal government, as outlined in the constitution, to defend the civic-rights of every citizen (including equality under the law), particularly when individual state pursuits might abridge such rights. In true political slight-of-hand, Mr Obama is looking for voter credit, for gesture over real substance, while giving the politician's wink/nod to anti-gay factions that know history, especially those folks in the South.
Thurgood Marshall is certainly shaking his head, somewhere in the after-life, and maybe wishing Obama had attended Howard Law (Marshall's alma mater), rather than Harvard.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Obama's Gay Marriage Head Fake, Homosexual, Lesbian, Same-Sex, Civil-Rights, Acting White
Monday, May 14, 2012
Why Are Black Women Fat?
I read Alice Randall's NYTimes opinion (here) entitled, "Black Women And Fat", with more than a passing interest. In it, Ms. Randall postulates that a significant contributor to black female obesity resides with pleasing the black male desire for 'ampleness'. She speaks of diet and sedentary behavior, as influences, as well, but I still think she has the magnitude of the influence out of order. Pleasing black men would seem more of a cop-out for women, than sound reasoning. Still, this does not explain the behavior of some black men, when it comes to black women and weight.
Studies (here) and simple observation show us that Black men are most greatly attracted to curvy, proportional women, with a preference for protruding butts over frontal-view hour-glass hips, but this preference does not run counter to the general male preference for a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7. Beyonce, and others before her, prove this out.
Now, I have my own 'opinion' on a lesser, but still significant, factor describing why some black women feel they are pleasing black men with all that fat. I postulate that black men are running (have run) a game (confidence game) on the women who believe this. In some cases the women are running the game on themselves - how crazy is that? Each incremental pound that a fat woman is encouraged to believe is simply 'thickness', or 'attractive' fat, provides the black man with 2X power in the relationship. The black male manipulates the black woman's body image to offset his assorted shortcomings, beginning and ending with his inabilities as provider/breadwinner. He tells her he loves her thickness, while sneaking behind her back with another 'skinny' woman, who he says (when busted) treats him 'better'. Give me a freakin' break!
So, while agreeing with Ms. Randall in part, I am postulating, rather than offering fact, that from the male vantage point, black men are running a game on black women to get more of what primeval man wants - sex from as many different women as possible, at the lowest possible cost to himself. In the case of obese women believing they are most desirable - it's just part of the game.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Why Are Black Women Fat?, Obesity, WTH Ratio, Alice Randall, Thick vs. Fat, Acting White
Studies (here) and simple observation show us that Black men are most greatly attracted to curvy, proportional women, with a preference for protruding butts over frontal-view hour-glass hips, but this preference does not run counter to the general male preference for a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7. Beyonce, and others before her, prove this out.
Now, I have my own 'opinion' on a lesser, but still significant, factor describing why some black women feel they are pleasing black men with all that fat. I postulate that black men are running (have run) a game (confidence game) on the women who believe this. In some cases the women are running the game on themselves - how crazy is that? Each incremental pound that a fat woman is encouraged to believe is simply 'thickness', or 'attractive' fat, provides the black man with 2X power in the relationship. The black male manipulates the black woman's body image to offset his assorted shortcomings, beginning and ending with his inabilities as provider/breadwinner. He tells her he loves her thickness, while sneaking behind her back with another 'skinny' woman, who he says (when busted) treats him 'better'. Give me a freakin' break!
So, while agreeing with Ms. Randall in part, I am postulating, rather than offering fact, that from the male vantage point, black men are running a game on black women to get more of what primeval man wants - sex from as many different women as possible, at the lowest possible cost to himself. In the case of obese women believing they are most desirable - it's just part of the game.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Why Are Black Women Fat?, Obesity, WTH Ratio, Alice Randall, Thick vs. Fat, Acting White
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Secret Service Agents Buy Colombian Sex, Forfeit Careers For $800
I presume that Secret Service Agents buy sex for similar reasons to why all men buy sex - they want it. Of course, there is more to it than this. I went looking for data and this is what I found.
"A survey of 103 men in London, England (here), who frequently sought the services of prostitutes were questioned about their experiences, attitudes, awareness of the sex industry, and deterrents to seeking prostitutes. The study was a collaborative effort between Eaves, a feminist organization that works to curb demand for commercial sex; and Prostitution Research & Education, an educational nonprofit in San Francisco that researches and documents the dangers of prostitution and sex trafficking.
The survey conducted in London was part of a larger international research project that interviewed 700 men to discover why males buy sex. The project covered six countries. The men surveyed in England ranged in age from 18 to 70 and were primarily white, black, Asian, and eastern European. Most of them were employed and had continued their education past high school. More than half were either married or in a relationship with a women. Thirty-five percent reported no religious affiliation, 33 percent said they were Christian, 13 percent had an unspecified religious affiliation, and the remainder were Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, or Spiritualist.
When asked how many prostitutes they had ever paid for, 15 was the number most often mentioned, although the numbers ranged from 1 to 2,000. Twelve percent of the men had gone to more than 130 prostitutes, and 65 percent believed that “most men” go to prostitutes occasionally. Even though many of these men sought the services of prostitutes quite often, 71 percent of them said they experienced some degree of shame, guilt, or negative feelings about paying for sex.
Men seek prostitutes for a variety of reasons. The most common reason named was to satisfy an immediate sexual urge or for pleasure (32%), followed by a need for variety (21%), not having their needs met in their current relationship (20%), convenience (15%), the thrill (8%), and an addiction or compulsion (3%)..."
Of course, my pragmatic question to the agents involved is once you have 'stepped in it' (had compromising sex on a presidential detail), how much is your career/marriage/relationship worth to you? Whatever value you calculate - that's how much you should be willing to pay Ms. Colombia, before Air Force One lands - duh?
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Secret Service Agents Buy Colombian Sex, Forfeit Careers For $800, Sex Scandal, Colombian Prostitutes, Sexism, Dereliction, Acting White
"A survey of 103 men in London, England (here), who frequently sought the services of prostitutes were questioned about their experiences, attitudes, awareness of the sex industry, and deterrents to seeking prostitutes. The study was a collaborative effort between Eaves, a feminist organization that works to curb demand for commercial sex; and Prostitution Research & Education, an educational nonprofit in San Francisco that researches and documents the dangers of prostitution and sex trafficking.
The survey conducted in London was part of a larger international research project that interviewed 700 men to discover why males buy sex. The project covered six countries. The men surveyed in England ranged in age from 18 to 70 and were primarily white, black, Asian, and eastern European. Most of them were employed and had continued their education past high school. More than half were either married or in a relationship with a women. Thirty-five percent reported no religious affiliation, 33 percent said they were Christian, 13 percent had an unspecified religious affiliation, and the remainder were Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, or Spiritualist.
When asked how many prostitutes they had ever paid for, 15 was the number most often mentioned, although the numbers ranged from 1 to 2,000. Twelve percent of the men had gone to more than 130 prostitutes, and 65 percent believed that “most men” go to prostitutes occasionally. Even though many of these men sought the services of prostitutes quite often, 71 percent of them said they experienced some degree of shame, guilt, or negative feelings about paying for sex.
Men seek prostitutes for a variety of reasons. The most common reason named was to satisfy an immediate sexual urge or for pleasure (32%), followed by a need for variety (21%), not having their needs met in their current relationship (20%), convenience (15%), the thrill (8%), and an addiction or compulsion (3%)..."
Of course, my pragmatic question to the agents involved is once you have 'stepped in it' (had compromising sex on a presidential detail), how much is your career/marriage/relationship worth to you? Whatever value you calculate - that's how much you should be willing to pay Ms. Colombia, before Air Force One lands - duh?
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Secret Service Agents Buy Colombian Sex, Forfeit Careers For $800, Sex Scandal, Colombian Prostitutes, Sexism, Dereliction, Acting White
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Racsim: Alive And Well In America's Churches
A surprising number of southern whites recently polled in Alabama and Mississippi continue to believe that interracial marriage should be illegal (here). These strong feelings come to the surface at church, as one of the last strongholds of segregation.
Only 2.5% of US churches are integrated, defined as at least two different groups where each comprise more than 20% of the congregation. Another 2.5% of US churches are transisitoning from one group to another. So, depending on who you believe, 90-95% of all US churches are still segregated by race.
The more salient issue is not that people are racist (they are), but how more or less tolerant they are in "God's House". It also seems that blacks are no more tolerant than whites of worshiping together, or of issues of interracial marriage practiced alongside Christianity.
I think this one needs a series, stay tuned.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Racsim: Alive And Well In America's Churches, Interracial Marriage, Miscegenation, Loving v. Virginia, Race Mixing, Acting White
Only 2.5% of US churches are integrated, defined as at least two different groups where each comprise more than 20% of the congregation. Another 2.5% of US churches are transisitoning from one group to another. So, depending on who you believe, 90-95% of all US churches are still segregated by race.
The more salient issue is not that people are racist (they are), but how more or less tolerant they are in "God's House". It also seems that blacks are no more tolerant than whites of worshiping together, or of issues of interracial marriage practiced alongside Christianity.
I think this one needs a series, stay tuned.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Racsim: Alive And Well In America's Churches, Interracial Marriage, Miscegenation, Loving v. Virginia, Race Mixing, Acting White
Monday, March 12, 2012
Judge Rules That NYFD Discriminated Against Blacks And Latinos: $128 Million
It certainly takes some brains, not just brawn, to effectively fight fires, but it doesn't take a degree in rocket science. However, even with decade after decade of initiatives to allow minorities the opportunity to join the ranks, the NYFD has remained 97% white. Yes, you heard me correctly, 97%. How is that?
Well, Judge Nicholas Garufis says he knows. Whites have kept their lock on firefighting jobs in the Big Apple by rigging the test. And even after the city was told their testing was unfair, they kept on testing and hiring the same as they have been for decades, with the same results. It seems the test administrators continually revised the test to ask questions in context where being white, growing up white, have friends and family that were white, was a distinct advantage in answering correctly, having nothing to do with firefighting.
Here is one definition of the cultural bias Judge Garufis is citing, "cultural bias in testing refers to a situation in which a given test is inappropriate for a certain audience as it does not test the test-taker's actual knowledge of a taught subject or includes details tied to a culture that the test-taker is unfamiliar with."
Addendum: If you divide the payout into the number of abused, it comes to $58,181 per person, offset by certain individual earnings that may have occurred.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Judge Rules That NYFD Discriminated Against Blacks And Latinos: $128 Million, Biased Testing, Garufis, Vulcan Society, Racism, Acting White
Well, Judge Nicholas Garufis says he knows. Whites have kept their lock on firefighting jobs in the Big Apple by rigging the test. And even after the city was told their testing was unfair, they kept on testing and hiring the same as they have been for decades, with the same results. It seems the test administrators continually revised the test to ask questions in context where being white, growing up white, have friends and family that were white, was a distinct advantage in answering correctly, having nothing to do with firefighting.
Here is one definition of the cultural bias Judge Garufis is citing, "cultural bias in testing refers to a situation in which a given test is inappropriate for a certain audience as it does not test the test-taker's actual knowledge of a taught subject or includes details tied to a culture that the test-taker is unfamiliar with."
Addendum: If you divide the payout into the number of abused, it comes to $58,181 per person, offset by certain individual earnings that may have occurred.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Judge Rules That NYFD Discriminated Against Blacks And Latinos: $128 Million, Biased Testing, Garufis, Vulcan Society, Racism, Acting White
Friday, March 09, 2012
Asian Child With Blonde Hair And Blue Eyes
After reading this story (here) of a white-haired baby abandoned in China, I was genetically-curious (again) about Asians with blue-eyes, but also with blonde hair. I found the little darling girls pictured here. It did not hit me that the one might present albinism, as her skin is not so obviously missing pigment. So, instead of guessing what could be going on, which I resist, I asked a geneticist at Stanford Medical School. (here)
I received a quick response. "Off the top of my head the likeliest explanations are mixed ancestry or albinism. Asians with albinism often have blonde hair and blue eyes but their skin isn't quite as light as a Caucasian with albinism. Another possibility is that the child is of mixed race. And this doesn't have to be a parent who is Caucasian, it could be a more distant relative. Sometimes the hair and eyes will darken later in life in these cases." The Tech Geneticist
So there you have it. The Stanford site has a bunch of questions and answers about genetics from people world-wide. Very interesting and informative.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Asian Child With Blonde Hair And Blue Eyes, Genetics, Albinism, Recessive, Abandoned Baby, Acting White
I received a quick response. "Off the top of my head the likeliest explanations are mixed ancestry or albinism. Asians with albinism often have blonde hair and blue eyes but their skin isn't quite as light as a Caucasian with albinism. Another possibility is that the child is of mixed race. And this doesn't have to be a parent who is Caucasian, it could be a more distant relative. Sometimes the hair and eyes will darken later in life in these cases." The Tech Geneticist
So there you have it. The Stanford site has a bunch of questions and answers about genetics from people world-wide. Very interesting and informative.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Asian Child With Blonde Hair And Blue Eyes, Genetics, Albinism, Recessive, Abandoned Baby, Acting White
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Shit White Girls Say...To Black Girls
I thought this was well done, entertaining and thought provoking (more importantly).
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Shit White Girls Say...To Black Girls, Franchesca Ramsey, chescaleigh, Racism, Ignorance, Acting White
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Penn State Coach McQueary As Coward, Like Father Like Son
It is no surprise that Penn State Assistant Coach Mike McQueary is now double-talking that he contacted the police regarding his witnessing of the Sandusky rape of a 10-year old boy on campus in 2002. Only thing is that neither Penn State Police, or the campus police, have a record of McQueary saying peep to them, unequivocally. As well, McQueary's grand jury testimony makes no mention of contacting any authorities other than Head Coach Paterno, Athletic Director Curley, and University VP Schultz. Oh yeah, McQueary did first contact his own father (John J. McQueary), presumably the cowardly example-setter who reared his son onto the ill-fated, protect-your-own-ass, path upon which he nows finds himself.
I'm fortunate. My old man would have only had one question, if I had been in McQueary's shoes - can he touch the blunt object I used to smash Sandusky's degenerate scull? Any other question or response would have been unacceptable! Momma McQueary must feel pretty good right about now.
With nearly a decade of silence behind them, I pity the chip-off-the-old-bastard McQueary that he and his old man had no heart to help that poor boy or the other boys they should have imagined, from the clutches of a monster. However, it is the faded hope that had to be in the boy's eyes that night, as McQueary arrived and departed the rape scene never to be heard from, that breaks this father's/son's heart.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Penn State Coach McQueary As Coward, Like Father Like Son, Joe Paterno, John McQueary, Tim Curly, Gary Schultz, Acting White
I'm fortunate. My old man would have only had one question, if I had been in McQueary's shoes - can he touch the blunt object I used to smash Sandusky's degenerate scull? Any other question or response would have been unacceptable! Momma McQueary must feel pretty good right about now.
With nearly a decade of silence behind them, I pity the chip-off-the-old-bastard McQueary that he and his old man had no heart to help that poor boy or the other boys they should have imagined, from the clutches of a monster. However, it is the faded hope that had to be in the boy's eyes that night, as McQueary arrived and departed the rape scene never to be heard from, that breaks this father's/son's heart.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Penn State Coach McQueary As Coward, Like Father Like Son, Joe Paterno, John McQueary, Tim Curly, Gary Schultz, Acting White
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Penn State Coach Sandusky Suspected Of Preying Upon Poor Black Boys
The case against Sandusky bears an uncanny resemblance to the one against former Boston Red Sox Club House Manager, Donald Fitzpatrick, who was convicted of sexually abusing poor black boys in Winter Haven FL, off-season training home of the baseball team (here). What people are not yet saying about Sandusky is the question, in addition, of if the eight victims were predominantly, if not all, poor and black - and there are at least ten more similar at-risk victims in the queue, if you believe Pennsylvania's Governor.
Why is this question/answer not in the MSM (main stream media), but rather I had to dig to find it? (here) and other out of the way places?
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Penn State Coach Sandusky Suspected Of Preying Upon Poor Black Boys, Joe Paterno, Sexual Predator, Tim Curly, Gary Schultz, Acting White
Why is this question/answer not in the MSM (main stream media), but rather I had to dig to find it? (here) and other out of the way places?
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Penn State Coach Sandusky Suspected Of Preying Upon Poor Black Boys, Joe Paterno, Sexual Predator, Tim Curly, Gary Schultz, Acting White
race card,
Friday, October 21, 2011
More Black-on-Black Violence At McDonald's
Some people (previous post here) accuse me of encouraging racism by posting black people behaving badly (to state it mildly). To the contrary, I think it should be mandatory that everyone see this behavior, so we can stop pretending that this country's faults arise from 'others'.
The McDonald's cashier clearly went beyond simply defending himself, and he will suffer for this. On the other hand these two females stepped over a line that justified the initial response (IMHO). No telling what kind of life-threatening beating they were prepared to give this working black man. This is the risk you take when you assault someone - they may have a metal rod handy and experience in using it.
FTR, I assume that anytime I pass a fifty (rarely), that it will be scrutinized in all high/low tech's of manner, in order to validate it's authenticity - including the risk that it may be both authentic and rejected.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: More Black-on-Black Violence At McDonald's, Rayon McIntosh, Ex-Convict Cashier, Two Black Girls Beat, Acting Black, Acting White
Some people (previous post here) accuse me of encouraging racism by posting black people behaving badly (to state it mildly). To the contrary, I think it should be mandatory that everyone see this behavior, so we can stop pretending that this country's faults arise from 'others'.
The McDonald's cashier clearly went beyond simply defending himself, and he will suffer for this. On the other hand these two females stepped over a line that justified the initial response (IMHO). No telling what kind of life-threatening beating they were prepared to give this working black man. This is the risk you take when you assault someone - they may have a metal rod handy and experience in using it.
FTR, I assume that anytime I pass a fifty (rarely), that it will be scrutinized in all high/low tech's of manner, in order to validate it's authenticity - including the risk that it may be both authentic and rejected.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: More Black-on-Black Violence At McDonald's, Rayon McIntosh, Ex-Convict Cashier, Two Black Girls Beat, Acting Black, Acting White
Friday, June 10, 2011
Tracy Morgan's Homophobic Tirade

James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Tracy Morgan's Homophobic Tirade, 30 Rock, Gay Bashing, Apology, Acting Black, Acting White
Friday, June 03, 2011
Blue Eyes Don’t Lie, Do They?

Eyes of lesser pigment (like those of stippled actor Z.Efron), be they blue, green, or otherwise, put the pupil on full display (over brown eyes) and this is more telling than you might think. It seems that our pupils, which control the amount of light that enters the eye, are under the control of our autonomic nervous system. When we are in love, or attracted to someone our pupils dilate – get bigger – so we can take in more of a good thing. Evolutionary instinct makes us more, or less, consciously aware of watchful eyes, but we often miss this subtlety in the mad rush.
Lighter eyes more readily show emotional response, and blue eyes show it the best. This is mostly good, but sometimes bad. Our pupils also dilate when we are afraid, or lying. So, in matters of the heart light eyes will likely betray false words, communicating to the audience the person’s truer intent. By example, some high-stakes poker players wear dark glasses, so any dilations do not give away their true position on any given hand, during the game.
So, if you follow Dr. Ekman, the next time a blue-eyed suitor/suitress is listening to you go on and on, with big pupils, take it as a positive sign. But if they are talking, with big eyes, be wary, there is a good chance they are lying their pants off, and perhaps yours too.
James C. Collier
FTR, brown eyes lie, too.
Technorati Tags: Blue Eyes Don’t Lie, Do They?, Zack Efron, Laren Galloway, Frank Sinatra, Acting Black, Acting White
Friday, May 20, 2011
Black Women As Less Attractive? WTF!

I expected to see some objective science talking about hip-to-waist ratios, bone structures, body fat, child-rearing and the such, not a collection of seat-of-the-pants observations of attractiveness by a set of ‘interviewers’. What makes visual observations about others objective, but self-observations subjective? Were the observations by the Add Health interviewers conducted under any scientific or statistical rigor? Readers of this intellectual mayhem are left to wonder if Psychology Today was secretly purchased by Rupert Murdoch.
With all this said, the objective case for why the women of Northern Europe are more competitive does exist, as a group. I call it the peacock factor. Men select mates largely based on looks, and colors attract. The women of Northern Europe are unique in sporting the widest range of natural colors, hair, eyes, and skin, so they capture the most attention in a crowd. Are these women better looking, individually? No. Do all the color combinations give them a group advantage, Yes. Does the group advantage accrue to individuals? Somewhat. This is not rocket science, but rather easily understood in the cosmetics area of any retail store, in any neighborhood (urban or otherwise).
I will say that Black women (and men) need to unbunch the undies and clean a little house, while ignoring clowns like Kanazawa. Ladies would do better, competitively, if they dropped the wigs, weaves, and adhesives, and opted for locks – cause sisters with the dreads look great and have healthy length and luster, minus the breakages and bald spots. I will not talk about visiting the gym and laying off sugar, oops, my bad. Anyway, I think Satoshi’s just hitting back because Asian men catch a lot of the same crap he is dishing, and of course, he was looking for some free pub (like Dr. “Obama is a Black Mascot” Cornel West).
Happy Friday!
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Black Women As Less Attractive? WTF!, Santoshi Kanazawa, Blue Eyes, Psychology Today, Acting Black, Acting White
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Abortion: Black Genocide vs. Performance Gap

According to the US Census Bureau and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), black women, as just over 12% of the US population, have 36% of the total abortions. Hispanic women in equal percentages have 25% of the abortions. White women, at 69% of the population have but 36% of all abortions. In all cases, these abortions are the choice of the mother, courtesy of Roe v. Wade and the right granted by the Supreme Court for women to control their own bodies.
In keeping with the disparity in baby decision-making between whites and blacks, white contraception usage in the US is 65%, versus 55% for blacks, and 59% for Hispanics, according to the US Census Bureau.
Beyond the evangelical hype, genocide is when one group of people goes about killing another group. In this case, black women are forcing themselves, at higher numbers, into an after-the-fact abortion decision, rather than a before-the-fact contraception decision with their sexual partner. This is not genocide, but rather it is a crude, emotional, and expensive form of birth-control.
Right-to-life organizations are certainly within their own rights to continue to wage their battle to overturn Rowe v. Wade on religious and moral grounds, but the manufacture of a race-card defense is neither moral nor religious. The accusation of whites, by whites or blacks, of purposely killing black babies for the purpose of extinguishing the group is wrong-headed and plays upon the blacks-as-forever-victims-of-the-white-man meme, even if by their own hands.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Abortion: Black Genocide vs. Performance Gap, Obama, Planned Parenthood, Racism, Acting Black, Acting White
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Elizabeth Taylor: 1932 - 2011

James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Elizabeth Taylor: 1932 - 2011, Movie Star, AIDS, Michael Jackson, Acting Black, Acting White
Monday, March 21, 2011
UCLA Anti-Asian Rant Sparks Asian Creativity
Some of the responses to the Alexandra Wallace UCLA rant are gosh-dern entertaining. Here is one of many. Warning: This little catchy gem may stick to your brain. H/T to Desertflower.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: UCLA Anti-Asian Rant Sparks Asian Creativity, Ching Chong Song, Jimmy Wong, Alexandra Wallace, Acting Asian, Acting White
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Reverend Peter J. Gomes: 1942 - 2011

James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Reverend Peter J. Gomes: 1942 - 2011, Harvard, Divinity, Diversity, Acting Black, Acting White
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult
Some of you may remember when a young white female shot a bullet into my apartment (here) only to ultimately get a pass on the felony charge of recklessly discharging a firearm. I believed her 'walk' on the charge would have never happened had she been black or Latino. This youtube bit by the Onion News Network may qualify as satire, but I found it very life-like pertaining to considerations to give justice a kick in the pants.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult, Onion News Network, Laws, Satire, Acting Black, Acting White
Sunday, February 13, 2011
State Farm Black Couple 'Perfection'
Over at Booker Rising (here) a commenter tossed forth another ad presenting a cut on black relationship dynamics. I thought it was good, although others disliked it, similar to the Pepsi spot (here). Note that in the SF spot the first black woman is both pretty and an alpha - showing they are not mutually exclusive.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: State Farm Black Couple 'Perfection', Black Women, Alpha, Stereotypes, Acting Black, Acting White
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