Thursday, May 30, 2013

Baseball Game #15

Back to Little League and the Tigers. The game last night was against the Diamondbacks.
Gavin got some great plays at 2nd base, right field and caught a ball in left field with the sun shining in his eyes. Gavin said it was really hard to see the ball, but he did'n't back down. It was really awesome.
Gavin's first time at bat he hit the ball! It was an infield fly and was caught. But he hit it!
The next time he bat he hit it in between the left and center field. One player tried to dive and catch it but missed. The smile on his face was awesome!!
They lost by 4 to the Dbacks. Gavin had a great game and was the player of the game for his team. 

Bend Memorial Tournament Game #4

This game was for the Bronze Bracket Championship.
The opposing team was the Tigard Elite. They were smoking us 11-1 in the first inning.
Gavin got up to bat and hit two runs in. That started the ball rolling for our team to make a come back.
Gavin doing some housekeeping on first base while the other team switched pitchers.
And the lights came on. Pretty cool.
The boys fought hard in this game. It was called for time. The boys were disappointed about that.
The final score was 13-15. It was a great game.

Bend Memorial Tournament Game #3

Gavin skipped out on the Sunday game of the tournament. After the games on Sunday the Corvallis Baseball team was in first seed in the bronze bracket of the tournament. That was nice for us since the first game wasn't until 3pm. No early morning leaving for us.
The first game was against the Sun Creek Cardnials from Portland.
Gavin got walked his first time up to bat.
Heading to second. The next batter got out and it was back to the field for the team.
Gavin got to pitch for a couple of innings. He did a great job.
Gavin's next up at bat he hit it to the outfield. I think he has gotten his confidence back.
Stealing second.
Stealing third.
And stealing home. The boy is a thief!
Corvallis Baseball won the game. Their next game was right after this and for the Bronze championship.
Aaron and I enjoying being in our shelter dry and warm.
The rest of the kids stayed home. The boys went to the movies with the Coles and Tokarskis. Gretchen and Kelly stayed home with Hazel so she could take her nap.
Then they all came over to our house for dinner. Wish we could have been there, but loved to know that our kids were having such a great time.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bend Memorial Baseball Tournament Game #1 and #2

Saturday morning our family left at 5:15 am for Bend, OR. Gavin was invited to play on a team of 9-10 year olds. Gavin, of course, was more than willing to play on the team.
While Gavin and the rest of the Corvallis Baseball team warmed up, our kids found some ground squirrels. It kept them busy for quite some time.
Play Ball!
The first team they played was a Central Oregon Blue Crush from Bend.
Gavin got a hit his first time up to bat.

Gavin stole second...

and third...

and he was hit home!

Unfortunately it was a strike out.


Gavin even got to pitch two innings. He hasn't pitched since last year.
The boys played really well considering they have never played together before this weekend. They had only two practices the week before for an hour each too.
The next game the boys played a team from Mercer Island, WA. It was pretty obvious that they had been playing together for awhile. They also had all matching bat bags. They were for real.
Unfortunately the game was a quick one because of the 10 run mercy rule. The final score was 1-17. Ouch!

Aaron and Hazel hanging out during the games.
Hazel kept walkin up and down this path with her arms folded it was very entertaining.
The "tree" in the background is a cell tower they have disguised to look like a tree. Clever.


After the games we headed to Sonic for some lunch before the drive back home.
The team had another game on Sunday but Gavin opted out of that one because of it being the Sabbath. We did drive back for the games on Monday. More on that next.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Baseball Game #14

Moving around trying to stay warm.
This game was called off at 5pm. Then called back on a couple of minutes later because the rain had stopped. It should have just been called because the rain came back with a drop in the temperature. Brrr! 
The boys played the Indians again and lost again. The weather was miserable. The boys played as well as they could considering the conditions. We'll get them next time.

Happy Birthday

to me!
My birthday was spent volunteering at the kid's schools in the morning, nap for Hazel in the afternoon, off to get kids from school andthen to take Gavin to his baseball game. Which should have stayed cancelled. It was frieezing and so wet for the boys.
Aaron and I were able to have a short date at the game before he had to leave for Young Mens.  He brought me chipotle for dinner, yummy! Aaron also got me a cute Amber Elton fruit necklace to go with the earrings I am wearing in the above photo, some gorgeous roses and delicious truffles.
It was a great day!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rain! Rain!

While waiting for Graham to get out of school, Hazel decided to go walking through the puddles.
What kid doesn't dream of stomping through puddles?
I love the cute smile she has on her face.
So Happy!


Graham and Hazel always are heading outside to the fence and the hidden gate to our friends the DeRoss'. Anne and Clara are high on the list at our house.
The DeRoss' have bought a different house in our neighborhood. We are sooo going to miss them.

Baseball Game #13

Another great game had by the Tigers. The won 10-4. I think.
Gavin still hasn't gotten that swinging hit. But had a great bunt.

Hazel and friends

While we went to Doernbecher, Hazel stayed and played with the Poelman's. She had a blast.

Hazel can not get enough of Markus. She loves him so much. 
Friday we went to the park after Graham got out of school. Hazel loves the slide. I couldn't believe how much static she had in her hair. It was pretty cool.
Our wonderful neighbor Vivian sold her house. Now she is moving to Salem to be closer to work. Vivian brought over some things for Hazel. This chair being one of them. As you can see Hazel loves having a chair her size. She rarely sits in the other seats in the living room. She said before this shot,"I laying down." Too cute.

Doernbecher Day

Hunter had another Doernbecher day. One more down, three to go. He's chemistry was off. It must have been contaminated. Friday he got his blood drawn in town to hopefully get an accurate read. 
Here he is still doing homework late even after chemo. What a stud!
Only 3 more chemo days to go. Then it is monthly blood check for the first year. We are hoping some of those can be in town. That way we won't have to drive to Portland to get blood drawn. Still can't believe we are so close!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Baseball Game #13

Still no hit. But he did tip it. Gavin is going to get it. He just needs to work on the confidence.
Playing left field
Second base. The weather has been gorgeous for the last 2 weeks. Yesterday the weather was back to the normal spring weather we are used to.
The team beat the Giants 10-3. It was a great game.