Showing posts with label Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graham. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Snow Day!

We woke up to snow coming down and a two hour delay. 
The delay turned out to be a cancelled day of school. 
Hazel is feeling better. Gavin is on the mend too. We have been working on Harrison's diorama for Greek Fest. It's been a good day to be home. 
Aaron did have to go into work but is getting so much done,

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

We've Been Hit

by a stomach bug.

 Hazel woke up yesterday morning with an icky tummy. Later that morning she did get sick to her stomach. We knew that she wouldn't be going back to school after Christmas break yet. This was her after taking the kids to school. She slept for a couple hours. A couple more naps were taken throughout the day. She won't be going to school tomorrow either. 
Gavin was kind enough to stay home with Hazel. He woke up this morning with the same icky tummy Hazel has. He went right back to bed after we said family prayers before Gretchen headed to seminary. He has been sleeping most of the day too. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Bowling Cousins

We met Dawn, Alice and Carter at the bowling alley. Harrison, Graham and Hazel were so excited to spend some time with cousins. They had such a great time!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Miniature Golf

We ventured to Eugene to play mini golf.

We had such a great time. The week before Christmas was all about getting our floor done downstairs.  So grateful for this time together.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Break Came Early

Two days early for our kids. The snow started Wednesday afternoon.

 Hazel, Sierra (our neighbor) and Graham in the backyard. Grahm is totally dressed fro the weather. 

 This boy is still stuck in summer. 
 Our kids, Zach and Ben Wright and Beau McGiven enjoying the snow and day off. 

 Aaron is getting his car ready to go workout. Snow doesn't keep him from getting a workout in. 
The kids had Friday off too. 
We are enjoying it now. June it's going to be hard to remember how nice it was to have the snow when the kids are still in school.

Monday, December 12, 2016

A picture we sent to Hunter because we love him. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016


The Coles hosted Thanksgiving this year. 

It was a great time being with family!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Food Boxes

The boy and cub scouts collect food for families in need. After it is all collected, the food is taken to the fairgrounds. Once there it is sorted in to boxes for families in need. 
 We met the Coles at the fairgrounds to put those boxes together for FHE.

 The kids were moving so quickly I couldn't get a clear picture of them. 

 There was no complaining and they were all very happy to do this serve. 
The kids were amazed with how many boxes were put together in just the time that we were there. 
Aaron stayed home while we did this. He was working on fixing the sub floor with Jason Appah. 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Kids Taking Pictures

Graham and Hazel headed to the backyard to take pictures to send to Hunter tomorrow. They had a fun time.  

Friday, September 16, 2016

An Old Park with New Playground Equipment

 We finally made it to the Franklin Square Park. 
 The kids have been asking for weeks to go. 
 The time was finally right. 
So much fun to play at. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

School is in Session

 Hazel is super excited to start Kindergarten!
Mrs. Winograd is her teacher.
 Graham is ready to start 4th grade. Mr Bryant is his teacher. First time ever having a male teacher. He is excited about that. 
Harrison first year of middle school, a big ole' sixth grader. 
This was not the first day of school. I'm just thankful I got over half of the kid's pictures.

Monday, July 25, 2016


The kids got Rockband out again. It has been a year or more since they have played it. 

Everyone got a chance to play all the instruments. The one wanted to go to bed. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Blackberry Picking and More

We headed on a walk after dinner to the path along the river. The kids were excited to see if there was enough blackberries to make some homemade frozen yogurt. 

Elder Peterson and Elder Rawlings were here too. They helped mix everything together. 

It was delicious!