At the 9 month mark, Hudson is on the small side (see stats) but that doesn't stop him from acting like a big boy! I get comments from many that Hudson is really active, fast, and very "advance" for his age. I see that. It makes me happy to know that he is thriving and wanting to grow up, but a little sad to see that he just wants to go and do at such an early age! He has an adventurous, determined personality. It is endearing to watch, but at the same time I can already see how much "work" he will be as a toddler. Yikes.
9 month old stats:
Weight: 17 pounds and 4 ounces (13th percentile)
Height: 28 inches (34th percentile)
A few things about Hudson...
- He doesn't like for us to feed him anymore because he thinks he is a big boy and can do it himself. He usually eats when and whatever we eat, but in small pieces. His favorite food right now is waffles.
- His favorite toys are his soccer ball and cars, but currently what he loves most is to throw anything he can get his hands on.
- He is pretty good about going to strangers, but just recently started to get separation anxiety when I leave the room. He'll start to look around, see that I'm not there, and then come find me.
- He has a ticklish spot on his back that (if you can find it) sends him into fits of laughter.
- He is starting to pay attention to movies a little bit more. His current favorite is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
- He loves books and even fell asleep "reading" the other day in his crib, just like his dad always does.
- He gets the biggest, cheesiest grin when he sees his dad get home from work. I do too.
- He loves to find creative ways to get from point A to point B - often going over people, under chairs, and through desks. On occasion it results in a good bonk on the head, but nothing big H can't handle.
- He is getting so close to walking. He prefers to stand than crawl. He has started to stand on his own for a few seconds, but will only do this occasionally. He walks like a pro with his walker and while holding our hands. Any day now and he'll be doing it on his own. AHHHH!
- He got his first real hair cut. Grandma Lynn trimmed it a few months ago, but this time his daddy gave him a real cut with buzzers and everything. It was quite a feat keeping him still and it's a little uneven, but I think it looks pretty good for a first hair cut.
We love our 9 month old boy!
At the park on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Pre-hair cut.
After the hair cut. Doesn't he look so much older?
Got into the tissues again and was clapping when I caught him.
Practicing walking
He LOVES the swings!
He likes to be pushed pretty high too. Fearless kid.
Playing with his blocks. New favorite activity.
Being silly
Love that smile of his. He has 6 teeth now.
Sometimes I find him fast asleep and lightly snoring in the middle of the living room.
But when he's awake, he sure likes to play!
What boy doesn't?