Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Uuughh, so much has happened since the last post. Where do I begin... Yes, I am pregnant again! Number 4 is due in September, and we just found out it's a.... dun dun dun.... another GIRL! What are the odds. We have given in to the fact that we are destined for a bunch of girlies. We are super excited, and I'm super excited to NOT be pregnant anymore. Also, we are MOVING TO ARIZONA! This one came out of the blue, a head hunter called Aaron with the prospect late March and a week later we had a job based out of Scottsdale. We are excited to be moving back west to closer to family, but are sad to be leaving all our fun friends out here as well. It's bitter sweet with a little crazy on top. Aaron left on April 28th to start the job, which is with a company called Henkel. They bought out dial a couple of years ago. Aaron will be working on the brand Purex laundry detergent. He told me on Monday that a perk to the job is his new desk smells "delightful" with all the laundry detergent lined up. So Aaron is AZ right now, and the girls and I are staying behind for another month so Zoe can finish up a bit more school and I can try to sell our house. So far so good, he's only been gone 3 days. Ask me in three weeks and I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune. So those are the highlights of trying to juggle life in between house showings! I would love to hang out with any of my Minnesota friends before we head out!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Don't Sweat My Swag

Aaron's birthday was this past week, so I surprised him with a family trip to Chicago! Before I get to some of the fun details of the trip I need to pay tribute to my awesome husband.


1. He is a witty guy. He is constantly making us laugh. The guy loves a good pun and can deliver on que without hesitation.

2. He is an incredibly hard worker. He knows what he wants and goes after it.

3. When we go to chuck E. Cheese's he does NOT mess around with the basketball "Shoot Out" game. No 12 year old stands a chance! We can't leave Chuck E. Cheese until he holds the high score. Last time we went some of those 12 year olds could be overheard whispering about Aaron if he was professional basketball player and "which one is he?" It made Aaron's night.

(Aaron's on the left. Notice that there is another Dad not letting the kids play shoot out. Don't worry Aaron schooled them all.)

4. Some people may not know but Aaron is a gourmet cook and loves to make fancy food. We eat really good on the weekends when Aaron takes over cooking. He's a far superior cook than I, and he actually enjoys it, where as I do not. I would eat cereal every night if I could. He's perfected the art of stuffed french toast and one day would love to open restaurant.

5. He is a sucker for a free T-shirt. You can pretty much get him to do anything if a free t-shirt is involved. Especially if there is something related to bacon on it.

6.He is a HUGE sports fan and has a jersey for pretty much any occasion. (i.e. we went to Chicago and went ice skating at Millennium Park, he had a Chicago Blackhawks jersey on hand just cause.) He also sported a homemade (by Aaron) Brian Wilson costume for Halloween this year.

(BTW-that is a real beard he darkened with black mascara.)

7. He's an aspiring runner. He decided he wanted to run a 1/2 marathon this past year and not only completed one with an awesome time but ran a second one two weeks later with his Dad out in San Fransico (which he just happened to meet the real Brian Wilson who was cheering runners along on the course. He wants to do a full marathon sometime in the future.

Brian Wilson was just hanging out in the middle of the road cheering the runners on in the Giants 1/2 marathon

8. He's an amazing Dad. The girls adore him and "Dad-um" or Daddy is currently Avery's only word. (She is 16 months old).

9. He's an awesome "Good Cop" when I am at the end of my rope with kiddos at bedtime. He's good to step in and calm us all down before I go postal on them.

10. He's my Best Friend! I love you lots and Always will!

Now onto Chicago....

I had found (months ago) a sweet groupon for a posh hotel downtown Chicago and thought it would be fun to surprise Aaron for his B-day with a fun weekend away and chance to eat at one of Rick Bayless (gourmet mexican food chef) restaurants. Both items were on our bucket list. We made it a family affair and all took last Friday off.

I'll spare the details of the road trip with highlights (or low points) being: we came upon one of the most horrific accidents either of us have ever seen, missing it by about 30 minutes - we give thanks to McDonalds and taking their unbelievable sweet time making an extra crispy snack wrap for Zoe that spared us from being involved in the mile long pile up complete with smashed semi-trucks and cars that look like the had been through a trash compactor. However, it wasn't until a SUV came flying across the other highway, crossed through the median, and miss our jeep by about 10 feet that we decided we needed to stay the night in Madison, WI and get off the road.

Here we are at the hotel beat and tired after a long drive..

We spent the rest of the night swimming at the hotel pool and enjoying dinner at Texas Road House. Quinn was so tired she didn't even make it through dinner.

Here are a few pix of when we actually made it to Chicago (ones of when I actually remembered to pull my camera out)

Ice Skating in Millennium Park complete with hot chocolate and churros...

And the star of the ice... His shirt said "Don't Sweat My Swag" He spent the entire time popping and locking in the center ice dancing to the beat of his own drum. Pretty sure he was living his dream and lovin' every minute of it.

Aaron is convinced he needs that shirt now.

We also visited the "Bean" I'm sure there is another name for it, but that is what the girls kept calling it.

The inside of the bean...

We did make it to a Rick Bayless restaurant called Xoco. We ate at Hot Doug's the most amazing hot dogs ever!!! And we ended our Chicago trip with a stop in at the Bongo Room, which may be the best breakfast I have ever had in my life. Aaron agreed too that it was hands down the best pancake he ever had! A must for anyone visiting Chicago.

Our trip home was uneventful and we made good time. No accidents this time.

Thanks for having a birthday Aaron! It was an awesome vacation!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I love this season...

Zoe: Mom what do you want for Christmas?

Mom: What do I want?

Zoe: Ya, maybe from the dollar section at Target.

Mom: Were you going to get me something?

Zoe: Ya, but I can only afford the dollar section.

I love this season of giving.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Quinn is 4!!

Quinn turned four on Tuesday and we have been celebrating all week. We can't believe she is growing so fast and so sassy already.
Here are the top ten reasons why we love our Quinn-eeeee!

1. Very active imagination. She has been wearing a Rapunzel costume for the last 5 days straight and is really getting into character. So much so that when a little boy yelled at her she hit him with a play frying pan and gave him a black eye. (Disney never shows Flynn Rider with a black eye). When I asked her why she hit, she just innocently said she was Rapunzel and he was Flynn Rider. I blame Disney, not my parenting skills.
2. She is our peacemaker. When other kids (Zoe) are throwing their epic tantrums Quinn is quick to shape up and follow directions. She is also quick to give out hugs and tell us she loves us.
3. She idolizes her big sister and wants to be just like her and adores Avery. So far no middle child syndrome.
4. Everyone is her best friend. Even strangers she just met are instantly her best friend.
5. Whenever family come to visit she is the first to run and give hugs (even if she has no clue who she is hugging).
6. She has the "Parvarti" charm. That's what we call her affect on other people. Parvarti from Survivor could flirt or giggle her way into anyones inner circle. Quinn can win anyone over if she chooses. Just ask her Uncle Jonathan.
7. She has a contagious laugh.
8. She is all girl!! Loves her lip gloss, nail polish, jewelry - you name it, and frequently sneaks mine.
9. She loves to learn and started preschool this year. Everyday she asks if it's preschool and is very disappointed if it's not.
10. Loves to be outdoor. She has no concept of cold weather. I always catch her running out the door in a play tutu and no shoes. (Granted, Rapunzel never wears shoes - she is always good to remind me).

We LOVE you Quinners!

Side Note: We had a killer birthday party for Quinn this past Saturday. Twelve little kids running around in costumes. Ask me if I took one picture? The decor, food spread, and costumes were fabulous. You will just have to take my word for it. I did get a few pix after the party was over of my kids in costumes. I'll post those later.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Eat Poo Face

"Eat Poo Face" has a new meaning around our house. The other night after I changed Avery's diaper, I was momentarily distracted. I had neatly wrapped her diaper up and set it to the side while I helped Zoe with a problem. Next thing I knew, is it smelled really bad again. I thought Avery unloaded another surprise for me. So I smelled her bum, but SURPRISE! the smell was not coming from that end. She smiled at me and all I could see was brown in those pearly whites. Eeehhhh... it's OK if you want to throw up now. I looked around for the diaper I had just changed, and sure enough it was unwrapped. I found half a poop nugget by our fireplace and brown on her fingers and mouth. Uuuggghhhh... it's hard to kiss that little face without remembering her Eat Poo Face.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Anyone up for a pumpkin carving contest?

I'm in the mood to really ring in this halloween season. Anyone want to do a friendly competition complete with prizes!!?? Let me know if you want in and start brainstorming your ideas now!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's Your Birthday, Shout Hooray!

Avery turned 1 today! My baby is 1!! We are doing all the festivities tonight, but I couldn't resist giving her a cupcake this morning.

Happy to just be out of the crib....

Excited for the cupcake!

Top 10 Reasons we LOVE AVERY!

1. She's always quick to giggle. You don't have to try too hard.
2. She adores her sisters.
3. She is a miniature Aaron. If we never have a boy, at least Aaron has Avery. We even gave her Aaron's initials AMK.
4. She has never had a blow-out. Which Mom really appreciates.
5. She has become super snuggly at bedtime. I think she's picked up on the fact I can't put her in the crib when she is so snuggly.
6. As long as Mommy is holding her she will laugh and giggle at anyone. Just don't try to hold her - Mommy's Girl!
7. Her vampire teeth crack me up every time I see them.
8. The girl sprouted 12 teeth in the last few months with hardly a peep. It's a surprise every time a new one pops up. She's an easy teether.
9. She is super chill. Just content to hang out (as long as she can see Mom).
10. She is my little masseuse. If she catches you on the floor she loves to climb all over your back... which again Mommy loves.

We love you Avery! Happy Birthday!