Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The beginning of summer

The kids are obsessed with water balloons. Connor has figured out how to tie them. He and his friends will spend hours filling up balloons for a 5 minute water war ;). Last week I ordered a water balloon nozzle that fills 50 balloons and ties them all at once. Connor is going to love me :).

Ryan flew to Seattle for Jack's baptism :). Connor really wanted to go but tickets were a bit too much money for a 30 hour trip. Ryan had a great time spending the weekend with his family. I think they were running on just a hand full of hours of sleep because of delayed flights, late night movies and just having fun. It was a super quick trip.
Mt. Rainier...I think?
While Ryan was gone these little faces were too cute to not take a picture of before we walked into church. Benson, seriously, to die for!! And I mean, Connor. And pretty Sadie, I. Just. Can't.
End of the year soccer party. These cuties have been together for the last 2 years (with a few new kids added and a few lost.)
2nd trophy.
Forts. All. Day. Long.
The mama's take a break!!! Can I just tell you I have the prettiest friends on the inside as well as the outside! These beautiful women have become my family here in Las Vegas. Love them!!


idaho grandma said...

Busy, Busy Summer!!! Love the water balloons (you will have to let me know how the new filler works our), forts, soccer trophy, my darling grandkids and your friends. I hope to get to meet them all sometime. Everything you are doing with the kids looks so fun!!We can't wait to see you all in November. You look beautiful as usual!! Love you!!!

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