Friday, October 28, 2011

Quinn is 4!!

Quinn turned four on Tuesday and we have been celebrating all week. We can't believe she is growing so fast and so sassy already.
Here are the top ten reasons why we love our Quinn-eeeee!

1. Very active imagination. She has been wearing a Rapunzel costume for the last 5 days straight and is really getting into character. So much so that when a little boy yelled at her she hit him with a play frying pan and gave him a black eye. (Disney never shows Flynn Rider with a black eye). When I asked her why she hit, she just innocently said she was Rapunzel and he was Flynn Rider. I blame Disney, not my parenting skills.
2. She is our peacemaker. When other kids (Zoe) are throwing their epic tantrums Quinn is quick to shape up and follow directions. She is also quick to give out hugs and tell us she loves us.
3. She idolizes her big sister and wants to be just like her and adores Avery. So far no middle child syndrome.
4. Everyone is her best friend. Even strangers she just met are instantly her best friend.
5. Whenever family come to visit she is the first to run and give hugs (even if she has no clue who she is hugging).
6. She has the "Parvarti" charm. That's what we call her affect on other people. Parvarti from Survivor could flirt or giggle her way into anyones inner circle. Quinn can win anyone over if she chooses. Just ask her Uncle Jonathan.
7. She has a contagious laugh.
8. She is all girl!! Loves her lip gloss, nail polish, jewelry - you name it, and frequently sneaks mine.
9. She loves to learn and started preschool this year. Everyday she asks if it's preschool and is very disappointed if it's not.
10. Loves to be outdoor. She has no concept of cold weather. I always catch her running out the door in a play tutu and no shoes. (Granted, Rapunzel never wears shoes - she is always good to remind me).

We LOVE you Quinners!

Side Note: We had a killer birthday party for Quinn this past Saturday. Twelve little kids running around in costumes. Ask me if I took one picture? The decor, food spread, and costumes were fabulous. You will just have to take my word for it. I did get a few pix after the party was over of my kids in costumes. I'll post those later.

1 comment:

christy said...

Happy happy birthday to our darling Quinners. I am officially the worst aunt ever. Pretty sure we've missed every birthday this year. Lame.