I snuff out the candles in our room.
It is the time: a forest awaits
for a hunt, breathless, under our bare feet.
Moonlight blazes above the sky,
stormy as your eyes.
In my dream before reality,
I am the hunted wolf & you, the hunter.
You scent me better than the hounds,
grounding me, my heart beating
louder than my legs.
You take your knife, slicing
me open like an offering, our bread.
There is the taking & the giving-
as I burn, sliding down
your throat like wine, feral & heady.
Soon a heart
grows underneath my ribs. Pulses
and stretches like branches, into a tree.
My eyes hold your whispered awe,
tender as spring.
We chase
again. But I do not let you
find me easily
Posted for: D'verse Poets Pub: OpenLinkNight - Every Tuesday, starting at 3 pm EST. Thanks for the visit ~
Picture credit: tumblr.com