Love is a war of lightning,
and two bodies ruined by a single sweetness.
-Pablo Neruda
the slow trickle of heat, love
is enough to flame the forest, it is
season for hunger - smell of rosebuds, a
wave of spring green- a war-
drum beats, our chests throbbing of
passion- your kisses are lightning
while my lips are ink and
pink pressing letters on your skin, we're two
voyagers finding the same spiral shell, our bodies
are petals of clover, ruined
by blazing afternoon sun, by
wild tempest of colors, a
language our fingers (re)trace, trembling under a single
symphony- this season is sweetness
Posted for D'verse OpenLink Night, hosted by Gayle
Poem form is Golden Shovel - where the end word of each line is a quote from one of Pablo Neruda's poem. Thanks De for the introduction of this form~