Jumlah Paparan Halaman


Sabtu, 30 April 2011


Assalamualaikum semua.......

Kali ni......saya nak bawa anda semua mengenali ubat/pil/kapsul yang sering kita ambil dan makan setiap hari. 

Bagaimana untuk kita mengenal pasti ubat-ubatan yang mengandungi sumber haram......babi?. Satu cara yang paling penting ialah dengan membaca label pada produk ubat tersebut.

Tapi macam mana kita nak tahu kalau kita tak paham istilah-istilah sains yang digunakan untuk perkataan 'babi' pada label ubat?

Dalam Bahasa Melayu, perkataan Babi atau Khinzir jelas menggambarkan haiwan berkaki empat ini sama ada daging babi, bulu babi ataupun kulit babi. Tetapi di dalam bahasa Inggeris, kita mungkin terkeliru dengan pelbagai istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan haiwan ini. Contohnya:

1. Pork : Istilah yang digunakan untuk daging babi di dalam masakan.

2. Swine : Istilah yang digunakan untuk keseluruhan kumpulan spesis babi.

3. Pig : Istilah umum untuk seekor babi atau sebenarnya bermaksud babi muda, berat kurang dari 50kg.

4. Hog : Istilah untuk babi dewasa, berat melebihi 50kg.

5. Porcine : Istilah yang digunakan untuk sesuatu yang berkaitan atau berasal dari babi. Porcine sering digunakan di dalam bidang perubatan untuk menyatakan sumber yang berasal dari babi.

6. Boar : Babi liar

7. Sow : Istilah untuk babi betina dewasa (Jarang digunakan).

8. Sow Milk : Susu babi.

...............dan ada pelbagai istilah lagi...

Daripada pelbagai istilah Bahasa Inggeris yang menggambarkan haiwan babi, istilah Porcine sering digunakan dalam bidang perubatan atau label ubat.

Mungkin ramai orang Islam yang tidak mengetahui bahawa label yang bertulis "This product contain substance from porcine" bermaksud "Produk ini mengandungi bahan dari babi", atau label yang menyatakan "The source of gelatin capsule is porcine"bermaksud "Kapsul dari gelatin babi".

Contoh contoh label produk yang mengandungi babi dan apa pilihan alternatif yang ada didedahkan di dalam buku bertajuk "Ubat Daripada Sumber Babi & Pilihan Alternatif".

Dengan keadaan produk ubat-ubatan kita yang banyak dicemari bahan haram maka rasanya wajib untuk anda memiliki buku ini. 

Anda bagaimana ? cuba pikir sejenak......nampaknya segala benda makan minum kita sekarang ni sudah dipenuhi dengan benda benda haram.....yang dibuat secara senyap disebalik tabir perniagaan halal.........jompikir bersama..........< TQ >.

(Sumber: wartashubhi.blogspot.com)

Jumaat, 29 April 2011

INOVATIF PENGUATKUASAAN ~ "mata mata robotik".

Assalamualaikum....jumpa lagi kita pada entri kali ini. Hari ini saya ingin berkongsi idea dengan anda semua...khususnya pembaca blog  jompikir. Untuk makluman anda semua khususnya kepada para pemandu, tak lama lagi kita semua akan diperhatikan oleh 'mata mata robotik' yang dipasang oleh pihak berkuasa khususnya dilokasi tertentu bagi menangani masalah pemandu yang tidak berdisiplin dijalanraya.

Bagi mengawasi pemandu yang berdisiplin ini, pihak berkuasa akan memasang 566 kamera statik berteknologi tinggi yang boleh merakam wajah pemandu, jenis kenderaan, no.plet kenderaan dengan amat jelas walau pun memandu melebehi 100 km/jam.

'Mata mata robotik' ini didatangkan dari Jerman dan merupakan satu komponen Sistem Penguatkuasaan Elektronik (AES) yang akan dipasang oleh pihak JPJ dilokasi strategik, terutamanya dikawasan berisiko berlaku kemalangan. Ini bertujuan untuk memerangkap pemandu yang memandu melebehi had laju disamping merakam pemandu yang melanggar lampu isyarat merah, tidak pakai tali pinggang keledar, memotong dua garisan berkembar dsbnya.

Imej pemandu yang akan dirakam oleh AES ini, akan dihantar kepusat kawalan, diproses, disahkan oleh pihak JPJ dan seterusnya saman akan dikeluarkan.Bila anda menerima saman serta gambar anda melakukan kesalahan lalulintas....jangan anda terkejut.....terima sahaja dengan hati terbuka.

Justeru itu.......marilah kita semua berpesan pesan sesama rakan kita mengenai hal ini.......berhati hatilah dijalanraya........

< TQ >..........jompikir.
( Sumber : Berita Harian )

Rabu, 27 April 2011


Today..... i would like to share with our blogs community, especially my readers blog, jompikir. This entry talks about the leader, who is manage and construct the staff  how to approach the goals and the mission in organisation. This can be done by participating and taking part in each activities run by the staffs. So, for that purpose....make sure the man who called himself as the " boss" is the good boss that must be respected by all peoples and effective at managing staff.

On the other hand, being a good boss and empowering your people to make daily decisions does not abdicate your authority.Here are some tips, how to be a good 'boss'....

1. Delegate Responsibility and Trust Your Staff.

     Micro-managers are never appreciated.Once you have trained someone to handle a task/job, allow him / her to handle it without interference.Different people, have different approaches and someone else's way/style of doing something may be just as efficent as the way you would do it. Constantly correcting your staff, will undercuts their confidence and does not allow them to exercise their own style.  

2. Know Your Employees To Know Your Strength.

     Watch your staff, get to know them as individuals.Understand their motives.WHY do they work in this organisation ? WHY do they work in this section/unit/department ? WHAT excites them ? Some of them love the work.....love the flexible hours.... love the retirement plan.....etc. Whatever it is, do your best to understand them. That allows you to enhance, adjust and allign their motives with your goals.

3. Clone Yourself.

     Once you've identified good candidates, teach them your job.Teach them to be YOU. The best boss, trusts his/her staff and re-creates himself many times over, so that in case of emergencies, or in his absence, he/her will  have excellent help that can be utterly relied upon.

4. Empower Your Staff  To Make Critical Decisions.

    If you have done a good job of  training your staff, then you must believe they are doing their best to act in your and your organisation's best interest. Even, if they make a wrong decision or handle a situation in a way you would not have, don't second guess or berate them. Instead, use it as another training opportunity.

5. Create a Clear Chain of Command.

     If you are the boss, be sure the rest of the staff, understands the 'chain' of command in the organisation/department/unit.This, to ensure all the staff know what to do or how to solve the problems that occured in your organisation.

6. Help Them Learn to Work Out Issues Without Your Intervention.

   Sometimes, one or more of your staff  may experience 'friction' with others. If, they come tattling on one another to you, listen to them very carefully. You'll need to step in and resolve the 'conflict' when someone is not fulfilling his own responsibilities or is 'mistreating' another employee.

7. Deal With Any Problems Quickly and Directly.

     Any boss who is busy totally understands this concept - "I don't need all the details, bottom line is for me." Please, deal with it quickly and do not nag your staff, when the problems is brought for your attention.

8. Tell Your Staff How Much You Appreciate Them.

     Never hesitate to 'pat' your employees on the back, compliment and thank them for their excellant service. If customers are there, letting them  know how you 'value' and 'appreciate' your staff can go a long way toward the customers actually having more faith in the services your business provides.

9. Share Your Goals With Your Employees.

     Tell your staff, what makes you happy and ask them directly to help you reach your goals. " Hidden agendas " in a leader are damaging to morale, because they create confusion in those who work for you. they love to feel helpful and accomplished. Your job is to tell them how to achive those feelings.

10. Learn to be an Effective Listener.

     Your employees deserve to be heard when they have concerns. Allow them to finish talking before you speak., do not assume that tou know what they are going to tell you before they finish talking., do not form objections in your mind while they are talking. Instead try to be fully engaged while they are talking. Acknowledge their points, which does not mean that you agree, but it does mean you understand their concerns.
 So......for the people who's going to be a good boss....please,... take a good look and use it to improve  your job or missions......jompikir ......< TQ >.