Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Cohlee!

Can you believe it?? I surely can't!  This kid has turned our world upside down!  Now we have dolls, strollers, princess movies.....I am still not used to the idea of a little girly!  I love it though, and I am so thankful for her!  Happy birthday cutie!  We love you!  I have to include a picture of the cake I made for her.  It's no pro job, but I had to prove that sometimes, I do bake!!

December 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

My mom's birthday was today, technically yesterday since its 1:30 in the morning now. Anyways, just wanted to give her a shout out and tell her that she is the best mom ever! Love ya! This is the only picture I could find of her on my computer!  She's a hottie!

August 16, 2009

I have an 8 Year old!

This big guy is 8 years old. When I first laid eyes on him, I knew my life would be forever changed. Weston is such a sweet boy. He gives the best hugs ever! He doesn't like to hold my hand anymore when we are in public, but that's ok. He still likes to climb into bed with me and cuddle. Every time I pull out the camera, he decides to be a stinker and act crazy. So I tell him, "You make that face, I blog that face!" I have no idea where he gets the craziness from! We love this guy. Weston's uncle got an Ipod Touch for Christmas last year so he has been begging me to get one for him for his birthday. I found one on Craigs list for a killer deal. It was my first Craigs list purchase, and now I am hooked! Before you all start having cows because I bought my 8 year old and Ipod Touch, let me say 2 things: 1. I get to use it most of the time (so it is kinda like I have one), 2. We told him no big friend birthday party. So there you have it. That is how I justify getting a ridicuous gift for my kid!

We had birthday cake at Grandma Pam's house. Patrick turned 16 a few days before so we added his name to the cake, too! It's the tiny writing in black after Happy Birthday Weston. It was my moms idea. I am too nice to do something so mean!
Chris got Weston a cool skateboard. His uncle Brad is really good at skateboarding and is teaching him all his tricks. He has had a few falls but nothing too major. He is doing really well! He is going to be baptized on Sept. 5th at 6:00 pm. It is going to be at the Bloomington Hills Stake center. We would love to see ya there!

Weston is all for the PEACE. See above picture and below.

I felt a bit bad for not giving him a party, so I let him have a sleepover with his buddy Justin. When these boys get together, it gets a little crazy. They will be downstairs in the basement and it will sound like they are tearing the downstairs up. Well, I thought hmmm. Lets go see what the downstairs looks like. This is what I found:

July 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Cohlee!

Holy cow! Has a year really passed? Why does it go by so dang fast? A day hasn't gone by in the last year that I haven't thought about how lucky I am to have a daughter. She is such a fun little stinker. She loves her brothers. She is consistently taking their stuff. If they take it back, she will fight back and try to get their toy. Its funny now, but I am sure it won't be for very much longer. I know I have said before that Cohlee loves food. If she see's food but can't get to it, she growls. I am not saying a little grrrr. More like you hear it and get scared cuz you think a bear has come into the kitchen. It doesn't sound like a sound that should be coming from a pretty princess. I am trying to get it on video. So I tried (keyword, tried) to get some decent pictures of Cohlee with her cute birthday pettiskirt and cake. Please remember this as you look at my sad attempt to take pictures of the birthday girl:

1. I was completely by myself trying to pose a 1 yr old, focus, tell 1 year old to come back, go after 1 year old, repose, refocus, and take picture.
2. Cohlee will not sit still even for a second.
3. At least I tried, right?

She isn't walking yet, but I think she will be soon. She will stand, take a step and then fall. One of her favorite things to do is splish and splash in the potty. Yippee! Every single one of my kids have gone through this. Every single one of my kids have splished and splashed in pee and probably worse...... It's disgusting.

My friends Annie and Amber (who are cute sisters) made Cohlee a super cute birthday cake. Thanks girlies! It was perfect and tasty!

For some reason, she thought it would be fun to use her karate moves on the cake.

She really likes the karate kicking!
This is what most of the pictures I took consisted of...Cohlee dashing away!

May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Tanner!

Make a wish!

Pulling his funny face and flashing the Palmer handsign
or maybe he is showing you how old he is!

We just let him have at the cake.

A couple of the party goers

Testing out the new ride

Our little man turned 3 today! We had a little bday party at Grandma Pam's house last night. We got him a cool new truck! He is the awesomest kid on the street now! Grandma got him a digital camera. I guess she got it for a great deal cuz she got Cade one too! Spoiled? Yes. At the end of the night Tanner brought his camera to me and said it wasn't working. I looked at it and it said the memory was full. He had taken 400 pictures! I am sure I will be posting their photography skills soon! Tanner is such a fun kid! He is a total goof ball. He is always pulling the funniest faces. He has really seemed to have become a big boy this year! He has his dad wrapped around his finger! He loves playing with his brothers and his sister. He is a very smart kid. He is always counting stuff; not always in the right order, but thats ok! He lets you know exactly how he is feeling. He loves everyone. He gets to start gymnastics now and he is so excited! We love you so much dude! You make me laugh every day!

Here are some old photos from his past birthdays...

The day you were born

1st bday

2nd Bday