I started this post a few days after mothers day. For some reason it has taken me this long to finish. Geesh!
This year for mothers day, I got the best gift ever. I guess you can say that it is the gift that keeps on giving. Tanner decided that he is finally ready to wear big boy underwear and get this.....go potty in the big boy potty!! Woooohooooo! We are doing the happy dance here at our house! So do you want to know the trick?
So here is how it went down: I was changing his diaper the other night. We have the same conversation every time of basically me telling him that he is too old to wear diapers and yada, yada, yada. This night the convo went a bit differently:
Me: "Tanner, when are you going to start going on the big boy potty?"
T-dog: "I don't want to."
Me: "You know what, the Diaper Monster is coming tonight and he is going to be taking all of your
diapers. He is only leaving diapers for Cohlee."
T-dog: "Does the Diaper Monster bite?"
Me: "Um....yes!!! If you go potty in your underwear, he will bite your bum."
T-dog: "I want to wear underwear right now"
Me: "No, its ok. You are going to bed and he won't be here until tomorrow."
The next day, we put underwear on Tanner, and he didn't have a single accident!!
After a couple days, no accidents and he is a pro!!! 3 kids down, one more to go!!
This kid is hilarious. Everyone falls in love with him the second they meet him.