Showing posts with label twiglight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twiglight. Show all posts

Friday, November 27, 2009

New Moonmania

Finally ....we saw it! And we will see it again.. and again.... and I will read the book again.... :0) .
Twilight pandemonium has taken the world. Young, old, middle old, a bit older, teenager , moms, aunts  ^_^.
And yes.. as you can see ( and tell) I am one of them. It is nuts, and crazy , sometimes doesn't even make sense. But I think it is cool to still be able to "love" something and "passionate" about something.

My nieces and nephew said: you are the only " aunt" that love twilight in my school. My sis said : teenage daughters are not so into Twilight like you" ;")

But we need to be entertain ( and NOT just buy compulsive shopping). But by books ,movies and music too.

So here are the photos taken on the early NM in Kota Kinabalu. We thought we will be the noisiest but NO! hahaha . When the famous "Jacob the six packs" and" Edward's daylight appearance  in Volterra" was shown... the whole cinema go : AAAAAH............OOOOOH.......and... WEEEEEEE.......And for the last sentence by E.C in the last part of the movie....almost everyone clapped their hands! And that is the power of Twilight Saga.

Another show anyone? I am going to see it again tonight :p...

Next obsession : you guess it....of course ! ECLIPSE!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Robert says

Rob says follow @peterfacinelli. And we do what Rob says, rig... on TwitpicWe're all a 'Twitter', so let's put it to good use!

For those of you who don't know, Peter has recently accepted a bet with a friend of his named Rob, from developement company Rob bet that Peter couldn't get 500,000 followers in a week. If Peter fails at reaching that goal by Midnight, Pacific time on June 19th, he will have to hand over the back of his Twilight director's chair, which he does not want to part with. However, if he can reach that goal, Rob has to dance down Hollywood Blvd, in a bikini, singing "All The Single Ladies' by Beyonce, while holding a sign saying "Twitter Me". The best part, Peter gets to video tape it and put it on YouTube for all the world to see! So, if you don't have a Twitter account, go make one and be sure to follow Peter. If you are already following him, you can tell your friends about the bet, and get them to tell their friends. We won't be able to do this without everyone's help. So let's show him what the fans can really do when they put their minds to it! You can use the links below to embed the banner and link to Peter's account on Twitter.

The search for 500K followers on Twitter

Here is Peter's Myspace

Monday, June 1, 2009

Finally NEWMOON OFFICIAL TRAILER ( more added)

What do you think? Love the wolf!

an here when they wont the best kiss! FUNNEY

And this is when Rob and Kristen presented the Trailer, but the back clip is abit out

THE WHOLE ROBPATZ/KRISTEN 's moments ( OMG Kristen is as clumsy as Bella! She dropped the award! And Rob laughed!! hahahaha)

The cast interview with ET backstage after the awards!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What my girls know about her mom

Saturday afternoon, Indy draw something in her room. She said it was a surprise for me.
So after she is done, she came to me and asked me to guess what it is.
She gave me one clue:
Something that Mamma likes!

My first guess:




So what is that???

She gave me another clue : It is "human"

So .... I took a wild guess:

IS IT VAMPIRE???????????


Indy, she draw the scene of "Twilight"!!!!
The Meadow scene. How sweet is it? hahhaah.... She pay attention to what I like! And I think it is great.
This is the meadow with Edward and Bella. She tried to write "vampire" on the top, but she can't spell it yet. :). Those 3 on the back are the other vampire ( Alice, Rosalie, and Emmet I guess?haha)

This is the Prom Scene. With the lights on the Gazebo and Bella in the blue gown. Not sure why Edward got yellow suit.. hmm .. LOL

And even my youngest one, she will say to me : EDEM LEMBET!!!!! Mamma!! EDEM EDEM!!!!
Yup that is Adam Lambert!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Moon Official poster

Can't wait can't wait!!!!!!!!!
Rumors said that Rob, Kristen and Taylor will be on the MTV movie award since Twilight has been nominated and will show some official new moon trailer!! I m sure will wait for it!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Twilight Orignal DVD( Malaysian Version) give away !!!

Hi Mommies... Want to know more about what I am bragging all this time about TWILIGHT?
But you still got the time to really SEE the movie yet?
This is your chance. For This Mother's Day, I have ONE ORIGINAL TWILIGHT DVD ( Malaysian Version) to give away. It is unsealed in the box and case, but still never been watch ( I just skip a few scenes since I got the other version of dvds and vcd too , yes I am a TOTAL freak twilight mom) . The DVD still come with bonus coupons ( from The chicken rice shop if I m not mistaken, Twilight bookmark, and a 20% discount vouchers for Twilight Saga books at Times book store.)

Well I just got the Special Edition double discs Twilight DVD MUAHAHAHAAHHAH! HAH!HAH!
Thanks a lot of bunch to Ethel, another freaking crazy Twilight mom! :-D Oh how I love the commentary from Robert, Kristen and Catherine! I watch it and listen to the commentary like a smitten teenager.

No, really I want to do this give away from last month, but this week seems to be the right time.

Too make this give away more interesting, you will need to answer this simple question:
What is the sequel of Twilight movie ( that will be out later this year?)
Ok all of twilight moms sure this is a piece of cake , so let give the chance to other moms to get this DVD , and Let's spread the VENOM to other mommies instead!

Good Luck!!!!

I will choose one winner by end of next week. I will send to you the dvd but to Malaysian Address only ,please.

..........and so the lion fell in love with the lamb
What a stupid lamb ,What a sick, masochistic lion

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jacob, anyone?

If I were Gabriella from the Desperate Housewife, The boy above will be my toy boy! He is like what 17? with that kind of body!
I am Team Edward and Jacob , I am Switzerland!!!

Vampire, Werewolf, Shapeshifter , What ever you call it , as long as they are hot! BRING IT ON!!!!

Yes I admit I read Teenage Vampire Novels, and
Yes I am in love with a fictional character,
And YES that is Edward Cullen!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The visit from the "Queen"

Yes, She was back to KK last week. Like high school girls we were so excited to see each other again after a year she moved back to Ipoh ( and after a year of non stop sms-ing, calling, chatting, emailing, Facebooking, blogging, etc). I think her dh is super cool to allowed her to take a break off for a week with me. Or should I said he knew that her wife can't behave good if she stays anywhere near me? kekekekekeke.... but we DID behave good ( don't worry Mr.M.S , She didn't break anything here and still had her healthy appetite, but she took my eyeshadows palletes !!)

Us @ Secret Recipe , and Veda Blu .
Like school girls, we chat and chat and chat, laughed until our face and stomach hurt and of course cursed each other ( Hey , that can't be missed out!). It's been a long time since my girly girls pijama party. So of course we like it so much.

We slept around midnight or 1 a.m the latest everynight. I knew that she needs to sleep when she started to call me " bok" and then " bak". And her eyes were no more than 2 straight lines ! SLEEEP!!!

Us @ The Mediterranean , Tg Aru. I had Beef Carpaccio and Sole fish alla Livonerse and Your Majesty had her favorite Spicy Crab Soup and Nepture Platter. Lebahsibuk had Mushroom soup and Sirloin steak in red wine sauce ( I think :P)
Hush hush talk. (pretending as I knew that the "queen" took this pic)

So the week gone with lunches, shopping at One Borneo, Karamunsing, Warisan Square. Lunch with some mommies in Little Italy. And the day before that we went to movie too. We also managed to had dinner at The Mediterranean with lebaksibuk . Your Majesty wish to dine there one more time but too bad we didn't have the chance.

The highlight of all I think was the " greet and meet " with her" fans" in KK. So we had this small pot luck lunch at my place on Saturday. We planned to cook more food. Your Majesty wanted ME to make Tiramisu and SHE will make the Cendol. But I said NO TIME. Do you know why? Because she was in bed with EDWARD CULLEN until mid morning!!! Or until I threw a soft toys to her , and kicked her out of her bed ! It drove me crazy because this is her second time reading Twilight , YES SECOND, but yet she was still glued on it. And she's been watching the movie , like for 10th times!!!! A true O.C .D (Obbesive Cullen Disorder)to the core!! SIPUUUUUT!!!

L-R: Lebahsibuk, Me,Joan D'arcy with lil C, YOUR MAJESTY,Bonnie & Wawa,Nell and Angie
Back row : Cathy, and Tanya
Too bad Charish was not in the picture and Deana can't make it that day.

But despite of all the minor damages, we were having a GREAT time! I wonder if we ever can go travel just the 2 of us ( no husbands , no children)...hmmmm HANCUR DUNIA!!!! hahahahahahaahha
Don't Judge the book by it's cover. We might look like we had nothing in common. But inside we are like one soul! Sehati Sejiwa!!! hahahahahahah


Monday, April 20, 2009

New Moon New Hunky Wolves

Ow man.. will this be ended? NO WAY!
New Moon going to be bigger than Twilight?
Look at these Wolf pack...

My favorite wolf would be : ALEX MERAZ...he will play PAUL.

And not to mention the hunks as The Volturri!

Aw.... but still.. I love Robert... :)

Till then....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

OK...sorry...but can't help it...

First of all HAPPY EASTER ALL!!!
May God bless all of you.

By the way.....

I know some will be sick of this... hahaha.
But some...will be pleased with this...
so either way just suck it up Coz I will post it anyway...

Life is too short to be too heavy and stress out. We all need a diversion, a lil bit of fun out of our routine. Escape the boredom with the young and hip of modern vampires that drive volvo, porche 911 and Mercedes . Regardless age . ( Read as Twilight's mom RULES! haha finding excuse)

If you haven't read it, never mind, but just FYI, the Volterra part in the book will be shoot in Montepulciano, Tuscany. WOW... now I wish my husband is from that part of Italy so I will have the excuses to be there ( dreaming)

Anyway, I think New Moon will be bigger than Twilight , for sure more visual effects
So here you go, enjoy the " NEW MOON" posters.

Robert Pattinson Fan or not ( I am definitely one!), I think he portray Edward Cullen perfectly. The big different between "the real" Rob and Edward is just a proof that he is a great actor. To play a role of a 108 years old trapped in body of a perfect 17 years old boy.

Anyway.... enjoy ( or not) the posters.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Twiglight Saga

I know I was late...I didn't catch this movie in the Cinema last year. Finally I watched it in DVD.
And cute can a vampire can be? Edward Cullen....oh wow!!! bite me! :-D

A story about a teenager vampire fall in love with a human. The passion, the love, and the forbidden love they had.

Anyway ,like many of you, I think...I can't wait to the sequel... and I found the Ebooks! HAH!
And it is just need to download Microsoft reader.
Happy reading!

The information you can find it here

The link

Microsoft Reader download

Cool isn't ?


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