Thursday, July 30, 2009

Her designs continue.....

So the "A privellege" time gave a lot of time for her to experiment with her creativity lately.
She made this for us :

She can really capture us in this small art thing. A purple nails with beads for me ( Straight to the point!) .As you can see she wrote I Love but then there are not enough space , so the V and E are very closed apart ( almost on the top of each other ! hahaha) and to describe papa ? A car! Does she know us better than anyone else? :) And do you see the little purple standing fashion design? yup that was actually got little stand on the back, but in this pic it looks like it was flat. And it has one long sleeves only. When I asked her about it , she said it is the model like that. Hmm could it be the now in trend again "toga top" style? :)

And then my "order" from online store arrived via post , and normally I would hide it from her. This time she caught me and here are some of my order and my old clothes and Indy matches that again and asked me to take photos of it.

The black sequined mini dress is not new and I got it overseas for sometimes , still got the tag though :) because I don't have the right time to wear it. The black jacket is just arrive at my door step , and I got it from here. ( I just want to share with you all, I think the clothes are great and the price is very affordable too! In fact I just placed my second pre-order again ) And I think this new black ( looks like grey-ish in the pic) jacket/blazer is really nice for evening outings. My old black blazer is not so up to date, I think I will use this jacket/blazer alot. It is so classic and versatile too . Like these

Indy second design:
And this is the new top , here is the link . I more likely to pair it with jeans but as you can see, Indy dig and find my high waisted skirt , which I also love. I started to love it since earlier this year. My inspiration for the skirt :

Indy wants to pair it with shoes and bag too. I said no to her. Enough that she messed up my clothes for now! :)

Oh and I also like this ruffled top wore by Kim K. I like some feminine kind of top but can be wear for casual or semi formal.

Anyway , I can't wait for my next pre -order this and this ! ahaha actually are the same style but I took it one color each. The back details are so pretty!! :P
And as you can see all of my order are below Rm 50! Who say you can't look good with limited budget? Have fun!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My little stylist

Indy's progress is doing ok at school. She got the " A Privellege" receiver twice this week. That is for student who can reach the goal of doing the Pace books the most. And the rewards they can choose: to use computer for 15 minutes before school ends ( to play games ) or to bring something they like to school. Indy choose to bring art and craft supply and wants to make something at school. But she forgot that day. To use her " hard to earn" free time at school , she draw this instead. And surprise it was for me! :)

She is much more into creativity more than to academic. She's been making many arts things at home out of "garbage" ( like the tissue roll cardboard, jelly mould, napkin, paper plates etc). She is also into " fashion" lately and she has A LOT of comments on how I dressed , a lot of inputs for what shoes or bag I should use too. Especially if I go out just wiht her dad, she got so much idea of what I should wear for "date" with papa. HAH!

So this is what she draw for me:

the picture might not be clear but it is the drawing of many clothing items and she designed it for me. Notice the Heels? She said mamma must wear heels, it is so pretty. According to her ( clock wise from left) first picture is for Shopping ( blue top with jeans and heels) . Second one is a black dress with sequins and bling bling for dinner with papa. Then the bottom right : black top and blue trouser is for going to movie , she even put bracelet . The last one is a red top and flowly black skirt is for dinner also. She begged me to wear more skirt actually :), maybe I should consider her advice, don't you think?

My favorite is the last one, red top with black skirt and heels and bracelet! :) . She is a lot like me in this thing. I also like to draw a lot when I was small and mostly ( and only) I draw fashion and designing clothing.

Indy said she wants to be a fashion stylist when she is big . But being pet taker, dogs hotel owner is also on her list! :))

Here are more of her "designs"
Of course for a 7 years old , her taste still very child like with a lots of colors combo :) , but I don't give much critics at her designs. I want her to have her childish taste . And I just enjoy it ! I prefer her to still dress like a little girl :)

Since she begged me to use my clothes to find the styles. ( I told her she can only do this with me and can't let her friends to play with my clothes ).So here we go :

One of my favorite top ( ;-D) and a line skirt

Rocker style . :)

Jeans and yellow stripy tops

And of course the designer her self ( in my clothes) Indiana Rocco!! :-D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mad about Minerals and Brushes

I've been using mineral make up for sometimes now and never look back. I love the coverage of the mineral foundation and powder. It can be build up according to my needs. When my skin is on a good condition just a thin layer of foundation and finishing powder will do. When I go out on evening I can just build up the coverage. The tricks to apply mineral make up is : Swirl, Tap and Buff...
That means you pour a tiny bit of the powder to the lid then you SWIRL the brush ( kabuki is the BEST) until all the powder been absorb to the brush then TAP the excess of the powder , then you got your brush ready to BUFF your face.
I like to start from the outer of my face ( cheeck and forehead ) then work it inside the face.

Check here for the guidance video ( by bareminerals)

I use the Lumiere Light Medium Natural fondation.I will repeat if I think I need more coverage then , if I need more coverage for dark circle I will continue with concealer ( I use Rested ) under my eye and corner of my nose with the concealer brush. I like this concealer much more because it wont tug my skin and it looks so natural. Then I finished it with the finishing powder in Sheer.

I just purchased the Bronzer in Nude. And Love it! I like to have abit of "glow" and sunkissed like of look. I put in all over my cheek with the original Kabuki brush ( photo on the top) and also I brush it lightly on the bridge of my nose. The glow is so natural and will just give your skin the healthy looking glow.

About the Original Kabuki Brush, this is the BEST brush so far, It is SUPER soft and dense , and the short handle give me more control than longer handle , and it gives super flawless result!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is Breastfeeding offensive ????

Taken from HERE, please repost this if you agree!

I'm thankful for not having boobs thrown in my face all the time by offensive and indecent breastfeeding mothers like the ones below:

Wait...Well, this is a bad example. Let's try again.

Hmm...Just a minute. I'm sure I can find better ones than these...

Eh, still not offensive enough. I'll check one more time.

That is better. LOOK AT THAT! I see about a half inch of boob. DISGUSTING.

UGH. Look at that indecency! She must be from some third world country to be exposed like that!

Now that's just...There are no words to descripe how inappropriate that is. Something needs to be done!

But why stop at breasfeeding women? There are boobs everywhere. Beware! If you thought the above photos were offensive, you WILL DEFINITELY be offended by the photos below.

Not this one, though. This one was in plain view on news stands and in mail boxes in 19 countries world wide!

Not this one, either. This one actually won an award!

Oh, and I guess this one is fine too. Everyone knows you can't sell jeans without someone being topless.

Or beer, for that matter.

Or sunglasses.

Or movie tickets.

Or CDs...

You know what? Maybe I'm crazy, but I think that someone mixed up some photos here. The first batch are offensive, but the second batch are just fine and dandy???

People who live in glass bras:

Shouldn't throw stones:

If you think women have the right to breastfeed their children no matter where they are, please repost this...comment vote it popular whatever . Support breastfed babies and their right to eat in public!

This was the number one post on CafeMOM today, posted by LilGirlLost. I have reposted it onSmartBirth. Please post it everywhere. It drove me nuts when people would expect mothers to go sit in a closet-like room to nurse, when there were billboards with bare chests in the same mall.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What defines sexy?

Please note this post will contain adult language and not suitable for underage children.

Sexy is the physical attractiveness ( mostly to opposite sex). If you ask around there are unlimited definitions of sexy. But most of the time it will associate with the physical appreance of some one.
And yes most of the time the size of breasts, and the amount ( or lack of amount) of clothing make people determine the sexiness.

But it is true? For most of us , we will say NO. Because what defines sexiness is the attitude. Imagine if one woman who has lack of confidence and dressed up in little black dress, but she feels shy and hunched her back all the time. That is not sexy, sexy comes with confidence.

Sex appeal is something that someone has, that make him or her attractive. But mind you, Sexy for my term is not Trashy or Slutty. So it is the attitude and the way some one presented him/her self.

The sexiness in woman has something to do with what she wears. But doesn't mean that she must show as much as skin as possible or show more cleavage that she possibly could. Of course men will favor that very much :) . The real sexiness in woman for my personal opinion is when someone dress up with a decent amount of clothing but yet she can ooze the sex appeal with class. Someone who doesn't to show their "asset" too much or being look so cheap and desperate to impress the opposite sex.

We also need to be more considerate on what to wear and where to wear it. A micro mini skirt dress for a wedding dinner might not be a good idea. That is more like a hooker at the wrong place and at the wrong time . ( Ha ha ) .

Being married and being over certain age, that doesn't mean we can't be sexy or look sexy. The trick is that to look sexy without being trashy. Or in appropriate for certain age.

And yes women with larger bosoms might want to be extra careful. Specially in Asia. That doesn't mean you must hide it. But be more considerate not to "flash" it and send the wrong vibes to the (pervert)men out there. Yes those who talk to the breasts rather than to the face. My bosoms size has reduced due to 2 pregnancies and breastfeeding. So I don't have to deal with those pervert breasts obsessed men out there! ;)

Hey but those with much more flat bosoms , that doesn't mean you can't be sexy. You can be sexy as well. I know many woman with smaller breast still can look sexy , So flaunt it ladies!:)

It is easy to look sexy with a much daring clothing to get attention. Have you ever see in the mall , some women put on the rarely there short pants and is actually racing up with their undies, and it made you wonder, is it panty or is it a pair short? is it there or is it not? But I appreciate someone who can dress decently, but yet being ultra sexy at the same time. Those with long pants, or knee length skirt, a extra cool top, or just plain t shirt but the sexiness never leave them . ( thinking of Angelina Jolie?)

My personal style of sexy has nothing to do with show off a lot of skin. I like simple white tank top with skinny jeans and killer heels. I don't need to be in a skimpy , strapless, mini dress to feel sexy. A messy hair can be sexy, even a short hair can be sexy, or long tousled hair as well. A bare face can be sexy and so does the smoky eyes, or just simple daring red lipstick or even just a pedicure can be sexy. even woman in man t-shirt can be sexy too, and pregnant woman can be sexy as well.

What is your sexy style ?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finding Common Interest

So I was watching some of reality show these past few weeks. I admit I am a entertainment junkies ( from TV programs, magazine and all). But I also get to know the positive side of life and try to learn something out of it.

If you know , the Keeping up with the Kardashian and if you follow the episode, Sometimes it has nothing to do with our lives ( the big house, high end life style ) but yet, there are some thing that we as human being have in common.
I watched the episode where Kris ( the mom ) and Bruce ( dad/step dad of the Kardashian) getting into much arguments and they felt like they can't do something fun together anymore. Kris is much more out going, free spirited , cool mom , that still like to go to pub with her girls. While Bruce is the typical stay at home man, the complete opposite from Kris.

So what do we have in common? I think this is the most common problem most of marriage couples are facing. While dating or pre marriage suppose to be " fun" "romantic" " poetic" ....etc you name it! But then do all of these need to be wash away or neglected when we got married?
Where is the fun? Where is the romantic? and poetic? ( oh dont make me threw up , please!)
Do we change after married? really?....

I must admit, there are times that my husband really get on my nerves!!! And while some of us can take a break by going back to our parents house, well that is not an option for me. So from the starting, when we faced problems , or heavy arguments , we still need to be in the same place or room ( except of course while he is working)

There is one conversation between Kris and Bruce that really made me laugh, because I am soooo related to that. Kris said that the PR company will send a limo and a driver for them to go to the club ( part of Kim K's promo ) so Bruce refused to go , he prefer to be at home and then said, why they must send a limo? He wanted to drive there ( I think he feels safer if he drives so that he can" run"when he wants too) So Kris answered : so what? let them pick us. Petrol is expensive now. Then Bruce said : oh yeah ? So Petrol is expensive huh? But so does the earrings that you wear ,honey! That is expensive! HAHAH... how classic !! I often "trapped" in this situation with my dh , which I normally named " the salah cakap" situation .

So they both trying to meet in the middle of the circumstance and tried to find some activities that they still can enjoy together ( without the kids)

I totally agree for this, a couple time, an adult time. We often neglected that as marriage couple, as parents. Our activities are evolve around the children, Which I also agree , but... being married and being parents doesn't mean we must be those boring couple. Those couple who just run from errands to errands and bills to bills. We need to step up and we must think we also deserve to have some fun too.

It is ok to keep our kids with our parents on the weekend for a few hours, or with other trusted relatives/ friends, or here in most of the case, almost everyone have maid or nanny. While those who are abroad can hire baby sitter . Remember happy couple makes happy parents and happy parents make a happier children too!

I am not a night person ( night as in 2-3 am ) nor a clubbing type of gal ( I never was, you can say I am the boring type of girl). Not saying that I don't like a clubbing woman or mom. But it is just not me, I am more into a nice wine and dine, a good music in the lounge , movies , sunset dinner or anything like that. Dancing on the bar top and loud music and a lot of booze? hmm not so much..

Though I must admit, I curfew-ed my self. Mostly up to 11- midnight at the most! Because I feel guilty to think that my maid is all alone to take care of my girls even though they are a sleep but knowing my maid she won't sleep until I come home.I keep telling her to sleep near the kids room ( since her room is separate from our house) , but she just can't sleep well until I come home. So that's why I don't like to go out late.

Me and my husband like to have a quiet dinner once a week just two of us, or go to movies. Just to catch up. So most of the time the day will be for family and evening for us. Once in a while we go to have a drink and catch late dinner during weekdays if his schedule permits.

I love to get the chance to dress up and put on make up, do my hair, wear my heels and just to be "pretty". Imagine if my dh must see me every day in the morning with pyjama and very casual clothes and then when he is arrive at late night after work , I am back to pyjama again. So when he got the chance to see me pretty?

But of course if you look at us, you can tell that we ARE married ( for 10 years!! >_<) It is SO obvious. If we were at the cinema, we can certainly tell those the " still on dating" type and " the just married " type and " the oh so married type". We don't hold hands any more, some times only, and those lover seats in the cinema? It was a nightmare for married couple or should I say for us? LOL at least My dh hates it! He said to me : "We are married , ok? We have all of our time together at home in our room, those people who take lover seats are still dating and got no other chance to be so near!" hahaha... which is true but relax!!! The other thing that distinguish us from the "dating" couple is when I asked " so who is that guy? where is the bad guy? what she's doing there?" . Dating couple will explain "oh honey , that guy is ........" If us? huh my dh will say " you watch movie but still can't understand it? you still can't figure out the story is it?"




Anyway......I think it is important to keep being couple, as well as it is to be parents.

So what is your common interest as a couple with your husband and wife?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday's post

There are a lot of Adam's video that I might post or might not. From his interviews in LA, San Diego and hosting AT 40 etc.

Chances are if you are in my email list and I know that you are Adam's fans you will receive alot of links and photos from me :)
Anyway, here is one of the nicest vidlet I ever see so far, the bromance of Kradam. It is inspiring !2 people so close to each other and yet to be so different.

Enjoy and have a great week a head.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Bombing in Jakarta

This morning, I received a direct message in my twitter account and it was from my sis in the States. A short message : is it true , Ritz Carlton Jakarta ( hotel) just got bombed ?
I was like : huh? who told you? then I search on the Indonesian internet media ( and it was true. Not long after, my dad called me , to confirm the news. Yes the bomb just blasted in the 5 stars hotel ( J.W Marriot and Ritz Carlton). And my dad was on his way to office when this thing happend. Every one in my family are ok, Thanks God.

The area of the bombing is Kuningan, it is the central main CBD in Jakarta, an elite and upper class bussiness district . My dad and my sis #2 's office are around that area as well. My sis is not in Jakarta at the moment. She is in Taiwan, and I got email from her 3 days ago , that she was sleeping in the hotel in Taipei with her daughter and at 2 a.m her ex. husband , who sleep in the other room with their son,banged at her door and yelled : run.. earthquake !!! It was a shock for everyone of course. That earthquake reached 6.2 Scale. Which is not small at all. Again Thanks Goodness every one are ok.

We just planned to go back to Jakarta next month, then we will go to Bali for our vacation. But with the bombs, the swine flu cases , I don't thing any of these will actually happen.

On the Jakarta bombing attack, the suspect is the same terrorist group from the Bali's bombing incident .

Until now the victims are estimated about 10 people , and 50 others are injured during this incident.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Adam Lambert's social networks account got hacked

Apparently his social networking ( my space, facebook, twitter and email) got hacked .So to clear things out, the guys from AI 8 posted this bubble tweet on @dannygokey and @mgirraudofficial account. These guys are so funny

And this is from Michael Saver (@michaelsarver1)
"When building relationships, enjoy the things you have in common and embrace the things that make you different.Don' forget that respect should be given as well as received. We are all different in some way. That doesn't mean we have to hate."

What a beautiful quote to think and reflect it in our daily life.

Friday, July 10, 2009

His Childhood

I believe he is innocent , his childhood been robbed away from him , people used him and judged him. He is a gentle soul trapped in the very cruel world and that is sad because that is our world. We Judge, We accused , We blamed others. Finally he find his peace out of this world.

He is the King of Pop, A Legend , and most of us forget he is just a human being.

Have you seen my Childhood?
I'm searching for the world that I come from
'Cause I've been looking around
In the lost and found of my heart...
No one understands me
They view it as such strange eccentricities...
'Cause I keep kidding around
Like a child, but pardon me...

People say I'm not okay
'Cause I love such elementary things...
It's been my fate to compensate,
for the Childhood
I've never known...

Have you seen my Childhood?
I'm searching for that wonder in my youth
Like pirates in adventurous dreams,
Of conquest and kings on the throne...

Before you judge me, try hard to love me,
Look within your heart then ask,
Have you seen my Childhood?

People say I'm strange that way
'Cause I love such elementary things,
It's been my fate to compensate,
for the Childhood I've never known...

Have you seen my Childhood?
I'm searching for that wonder in my youth
Like fantastical stories to share
The dreams I would dare, watch me fly...

Before you judge me, try hard to love me.
The painful youth I've had

Have you seen my Childhood...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The art of the communication

Have you ever be in a situation when you need to give advice but it might hurt the other's people feeling? Like if a friend asked you for fashion advice for example but you truly think she doesn't look good in that particular pants ( that draw more attention to her curvious lower bottom part)?

So these are the options :
To tell her the truth and might hurt her feeling ( hey your butt look huge in that pants! you look like a clown in the horror movie!) or
you can lie because you hope she just bought that and finish the long dragging shopping trip ( wow it suits you very well! )
or you can be honest and diplomatic at the same time ( and said : you might want to consider to try other pants? Maybe it will suit you better)

Or have you ever be in situation when you got a piece of your lunch stucked in your tooth. Then some friend come to you and said it to you in a way that made you feel very bad and so embarrassed and self conscious after that? And then in some other time, the similar thing happens ( ok maybe this time you got lipstick smear on your tooth) and another person told you but the way she told you make you feel so comfortable and make it looks so normal?

So THERE ARE options to say certain things in a nicer way.That doesn't mean we need to be a push over and agree ( or not agree but we just keep quiet ) with everything other people suggested or said. There will always be disagreement, dislikes , argument, honest advice that might hurt. But we must always try to avoid to being rude in certain situation (there is exception of course)

I always say : the truth is painful. But I think that is not necessary need to be said in a hurtful way. I always believe in IT IS HOW YOU SAY IT NOT WHAT YOU SAY.

Do you ever know someone who got the charisma and the one that can influence others by just talking? Even that this person give an simple advice we can be totally drawn by it. That is someone who born with the communication talents. But communication skills is also something someone can learn or should I say must learn? Some times we didn't mean too be rude , or sometimes we are maybe just too over sensitive. But there are some people who can really make other people feel bad all the time no matter what they said. And on the other hand there are some people that can give critics in a gracious manners.

In this day, in the industry , communication skills play an important roles in business and marketing. Taken from here. See how this 2 sentences with same meaning can be deliver in much more positive manners

“Use sunscreen to help your skin stay healthy.”

“Without sunscreen you increase your risk of developing skin cancer”

or in daily cases how do you feel if someone from cosmetic counter approaches you and said :

Sales girl #1 :
" tsk tsk... your skin so dull and lack of need to use this cream"
Sales girl #2:
" you can add lustre to your skin and it will look much healhtier , this cream will help that"

Which one will make you feel more comfortable and can persuade you to buy the cream? I would go to sales girl #2!

My dad who has been in retail business all his life , gave me a very great advice when I started my online store , he said, if you explain your products to a customer you will need to explain in a certain manners , a respectful manners without making someone feel bad or show to people that you know MORE than them. Tell them in much comfortable way, explain the products in way that will make them feel that it is ok for them to ask you more questions , and that is part of your job.

This happened to me many times, New moms to Cloth Diapers asked me the same questions again and again ( the best one I can remember now is : Can I re-use the pocket diapers and just insert the new insert instead?) . So here again I choose between :

" Of course can not lar! The pocket diapers is dirty already ! How can you use that again ???) or

"It is not recommended because the urine already passed through the liner so it will be healthier if we change every thing every 3 hours"

And there are many other more examples. The other tricky situation is " email " or " chat" form.
I always feel that I must be extra careful of what I type during chatting or emailing. Because from one sentence , it can be read and interpret in many different way, For instance:
Of course I do that, I knew it ,but still he won't listen..
You can read this sentence in : angry tone, insult tone, mellow tone, or even a giving up tone.

I admit some customers can push me to the limit. But this is part of what I do, and when I can't say anything nice to them ( or replying their email) I rather don't say anything and come back to reply their email when I cooled down.

Me and my siblings often got misunderstood in emails. So that is why we need to choose the proper words and use the sentence wisely.

So this is an " ART" that we need to master it. I still failed from times to times but I try my very best. And I make sure that if it is necessary I can be quite strict and be sarcastic as I could be to someone who I think would deserve it. But I won't hurt some one close to me. The last person who I want to hurt is my close friends, and my own family.

Some times even with our own spouse we tend to be rude , we also need to learn the art of communication with our patner no matter what. Marriage without 2 way communication skills will die in no time.

So let's learn the art , shall we ladies ( and gentlemen)? CHEERS!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Father and Daughter gateaway

In Dr Sears' book, he mentioned that how important is it the relationship between father and daughter . Girls will get the first "male" impression from their dad.
This is specially for dad with pre teens or even younger girls. And it is important to have " daddy daughter date". And don not talk about school or preaching . The date will need to be just talking or let your girl to talk and laugh. Have fun!
My dh often take Indy to go for ice cream, movie, or just walk in the playground on weekend ( and this is a great excuse for mom to back off and rest) .

So during Father's day weekend , my dh took Indy for 4 days gateaway to Lankayan Island. I've decided not to follow this time, as the cost is rather high for us at the moment and also I think it will be a bit too hot for maya at this time ( mommy is lazy )but mostly just to let Indy had the full attention of her dad and I can give mine to Maya back at home. A few of my friends were pretty surprise that my dh willing to take care Indy for 4 days alone. And I said she is a big girl now. And once in a while dad really need to know how to take care their kids right? :)

Indy enjoyed it so much. She saw baby sharks, star fish, sea cucumber, many many shells, and sea turtle laying their eggs, and releasing the baby turtle back to the sea.
She learn a lot as well. She can name a few different kind of sea creature and fish and she can tell the difference between sea turtle and hawksbill sea turtle.

The Island is just beautiful and lovely. I wish we can go to Mabul and Sipadan on our next family trip! And my dh enjoyed it as well. He managed to do 6 dives in 2 days, which is a lot. She saw sharks, turtles, baracuda , and many others.

The trip to Lankayan island from KK is a flight to Sandakan, then by boat to Lankayan took about 1.5 hours. To come back they still got time to visit Sepilok Orang Utan rehabilitation center

Indy at Sandakan waiting for ferry

Napping on the boat. She will be forever Daddy's lil girl! :)

Lankayan Island
The resort lobby
View from the bungalow

I love this pic.

the roomdine with the other visitors. Indy is the only kid :)
Collapse during dinner ( too much wine?)

She certainly can strike a pose!
At Sepilok
This is my friend!

ta ta for now!!! :) have a great week , peep!


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