For over 70 years our M&A lawyers have worked with companies to navigate the complex waters of international transactions. We help clients bridge the gap between aspiration and achievement, at each stage of the deal from deal inception and pre-transaction planning, through executing and closing to post-transaction integration.

Global Private M&A Guide Global Public M&A Guide Post-Acquisition Integration Handbook
 Global Private M&A Guide 2021  Global Public M&A Guide 2022  
Key legal considerations affecting private
M&A transactions across the globe.
Key legal considerations affecting
public M&A transactions across the globe.
Practical reference tool for multinational
business acquisitions and integrations.

Global PIPE Guide
Global Take-Private Guide
Global SPACs Guide
     Global SPACs Guide
 Key insights on PIPE deals including
advantages of using PIPEs across the globe.
 Key features applicable to take-private
deals across the globe.
 Features and requirements applicable to SPACs and de-SPACs across the regions
Talking M&A   FT Due Diligence
Talking M&A on Laptop   FT Due Diligence series on laptop
Gain expert insights and uncover key topics in a complex transactional landscape   Multimedia channel exploring key trends, developments and issues shaping the fast-moving world of M&A


Succeed in M&A in Times of Heightened Regulatory Scrutiny   Unlocking and Accelerating Growth: Healthcare and Life Sciences in Asia Pacific
Succeed in M&A   Laptop image of AP HLS report
Guide on anticipated regulatory challenges in M&A transactions and advice on navigating them successfully   Explore legal insights and practical takeaways to help you unlock and protect growth

Mitigating ESG Risks   The Rise and Rise of M&A Compliance Due Diligence
Laptop showing ESG report   Laptop showing Taking Center Stage report
Key considerations for buyers and insurance solutions for mitigating ESG risks in M&A transactions   Report on challenges and risks that organizations face in compliance due diligence across M&A and joint ventures
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