Showing posts with label hairstyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hairstyle. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Hair and Makeup For The Day + Update


Has it been THIS LONG?
My last post was last month and February is almost ending!  I am putting an update here because I am turning 46 years old this coming February 28th!  Ahh, I have been celebrating yearly birthdays on this blog for the past 17 years!  I am so grateful to celebrate 17 full years with you guys!  If you are a long time (I mean LOOOONNNGGG TIME) reader, please comment and say HI!  I'd love to know who have been here since 2008 or early 2010s?

Remember how I started Blogging as HR Professional then studied Hair and Makeup on the side?  Then I got engaged, married and turned into a mom?

My life was put on hold - but Beauty Tips sharing NEVER Stopped instead, I ventured to sharing about life and motherhood on this Blog!  Today, I felt like I am in this chapter of my life where I need to update where I am as of the moment.  

There may come a time *knocks on wood* that I might forget about all these memorable moments and experiences of my life so I'll just read and reread it here!

I am currently, actively working as a PR and Marketing consultants for Big Brands locally.  Big companies distributing and producing Health and Beauty products, I also have other clients who seeks my help when it comes to events activation.  I also do a lot of PR Coordination between clients and content creators. So most of my days, you'll see me in front of my phone, Ipad and/or Computer or laptop!  

I also do a lot of hostings nowadays (Grateful for that) and I also do makeup lessons and trainings.  Ahhh, this is the life I've been aiming for but of course, my priority will always be my family!  My son who I takes to and from school and tutors him almost daily - whenever he doesn't understand his lessons or needs assurance of someone "testing" him.

If you are new here, you're probably wondering what I've been blabbing about.  But my online persona has always been Ms. AskMeWhats.  The girl who shares makeup, skincare, hair and nails tips for busy people like YOU and Me!  And that doesn't stop!  Whenever I do my makeup for quick hosting or event attendance, I take videos and photos to share how I came up with such look as the shortest amount of time possible, just like this one....

No matter how crunched I am with time, I never skip a skin prep!  In this look, I prepped my skin by removing dirt and grime after sending my son to school with my favorite Bioderma Micellar Water for Sensitive skin.  I also used my 3rd bottle of Kanebo Fusioning Solution and prepped my Lips with MAC's PREP n Prime Lips.  Estee Lauder ANR for the undereye area - the wand helps depuff my eyes!  Adding cream to fill in dry lines and wrinkles from Kanebo - this product I don't use it daily.  

Check out the rest of the tutorials and products used in this IG Reel Video.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Romantic Hairstyle


Happy Monday everyone!  I have been resting and watching K-dramas during the holiday and now I am getting back in the Busy Schedule. Though there are not a lot of brand or product launching locally here in Manila, I get busy in doing PR consultancy and preparing for Product and Brand launches for the coming months.  

That said, being busy doesn't mean I have to look haggard.  Instead, I am inspired to create cute hairstyles for busy gals and moms especially!

This reminds me of Tangled minus the extremely long hair!

I did this look in less than 5 minutes and I love the result so much I've decided to add a Ribbon.

Still works right?

I would do this on days it gets so hot and I want a change after my usual ponytail or bun style! (A quick video tutorial after the jump)

Monday, June 10, 2024

Romantic Hairstyle


Invest in a couple of hair ties and a cute ribbon, you can easily create this romantic hairstyle that works for all occasions and all ages!

I am 45, and I still want to rock this and no one can tell me otherwise :D

This hairstyle would look so much better with highlighted /balayage hair right?  

Pouf is also key and a good hairspray to set everything in place.  

Of course I won't leave you with just pictures, watch this quick video on how to easily transform your hair from DUH to BRUHHHH!!!!! :D

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


Monday, April 15, 2024

5-Minute Wavy Hair

How does having cute curls in less than 5 minutes sound to you?
Good? Impossible?

Possible for me  after this hack and of course, our timings could be different depending on the thickness of your hair and how good you are with sectioning hair and handling heat styling tools!  Key takeaway is to PRACTICE.  Because that is all the investment I did for my hair so I am used to styling my own hair even with eyes....almost CLOSED!  :P

5-Minute Wavy Hair

All you need are hair ties, a flat iron and a whole lot of skills :P

5-Minute Wavy Hair

A side profile on how C-curls help you look like you've spent an hour on your hair.  Also keep in mind the effect would be better with Layered hairs!

5-Minute Wavy Hair

Watch this video and tell me what you think!

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


Thursday, March 14, 2024

Setting with 6 Hair Rollers (For That VAVAVOOM VOLUME HAIR!)


Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Volume Hair....

Volume hair, who?


I've recently got a haircut because it is summer down here in PH.  Even with shorter hair, I still find myself suffering from limp and dull hair even after curling!

I knew the secret to voluminous hair!  You've probably seen them on Tiktok as well.  But truthfully, do you have hair rollers at home?  Or if you do, do you have at least the right number to be able to cover your whole head?

And as always, your friendly AskMeWhats neighbor have some tricks up her sleeves!  I use only a pack (usually set of 6 rollers) to cover my whole head when it comes to "setting".  Setting your hair with a hair curler when it cools will help retain and curl and volume you tried so hard to achieve with the use of heating tools.  

Think of this, after curling, your hair is still "hot" from the tools, if you just let it down, the curl won't stay as "gravity" will pull down your curls thus a lot of you are always complaining about curls that doesn't last!  

After working with so many talented hairstylists for wedding through the years, I knew the only solution is to set it with curlers or bobby pins if you don't have curlers!   The latter is quite tedious and needed a bit of hairstyling professionalism so curlers are the way to go.  Now you will understand why your grandmas or moms have these rollers during the 80's! 

For better understanding, I created a video for this posted on my Instagram account

please follow me there!

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

K-Drama Hair Tutorial


As of typing, I already cut 6 inches off my hair, I am looking at these photos and kinda missed this length as I had fun creating various hairstyles and looks but what can a "Girl Living in a HUMID country" do?

Oh well, at least I have photos to look at and maybe wait for a couple of months when the weather gets cooler and I get to enjoy such lentgh once again.

For now, here's a K-drama inspired hairstyles, a hairstyle even the poorest character can have in a perfect K-Drama land! 

K-Drama Hair Tutorial by Nikki Tiu of

Fret not, I am always in a rush just like right now as I squeeze a blog post because I enjoyed talking to all of you.  This hairstyle takes less than 10 minutes and you can do this style in ANY hair length.  So please do not come up to me saying: "I will wait for my hair to be long to do this hairstyle."

K-Drama Hair Tutorial by Nikki Tiu of

It is very important that you always protect your hair with your choice of heat protectant before you use any heating tools.  This way, your hair will maintain its' shine.

K-Drama Hair Tutorial by Nikki Tiu of

Watch full video tutorial here.

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Up do Bun That Stays


Hi guys!  

I missed you so much!  My life was such a whirlwind!  After a steady June, July was starting to pick up and get crazy because I am preparing for a lot of stuff for old and new clients.  I guess I haven't shared what I have been doing after being an HR Consultant for more than a decade.  

Ooohh, making it BLOG official!  I have been helping out brands on their PR And Marketing efforts and I have been doing this for almost 10 years!  Things got slow when COVID hits and lost a couple of clients who lost their businesses or maybe their business turned slow.

Thankfully, with God's grace, things are looking up once again and I am quite busy until this year end!  

That said, I have to look good even if I pull my hair out of my face!  :P  yeah, trying to make this transition smooth but it wasn't as smooth as I thought!!!  *laughs*

After trying out updo for so long, this is the easiest, and most of all, it stays the whole day and looks NOT BAD!  What do you think?

This type of updo looks well even with a bit of "mess" here and there.  That's the beauty of natural-looking updo bun!

You may add cute clips and ribbons based from your outfit and occasion!  

A quick tutorial I shared on Instagram reels.  I hope you support and watch it there because I am really inspired to share more of my tips and tricks in looking good no matter how busy you are!

How do I look?  
Would you do this updo bun?

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

Thursday, June 8, 2023

How To Curl With Flat Iron

This hair, is curled by a flat iron and it took me less than 15 minutes for my whole head!

You don't believe me?  

Ahm, I give up!  How can I make you believe me?  By watching this video!

It won't be perfect like what salon hairstylists do but I find this to be easiest if I wanted "some curls" and look made together before I head out!

I love long, straight hair, but I felt more confident with wavy locks!  That's just me!  But keep in mind to do this style not on a daily basis as your hair will be fried in no time!  Direct heat will always damage hair no matter how much you try to "protect" it with heat protectant!  The best protection you may do aside from using heat protectant is to deep condition your hair twice or thrice a week if you style your hair with heating tools A LOT!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Heatless Curls Using Robe Belt


I went on a staycation for my son’s birthday celebration and I was so busy making sure room decors, baloons, gifts and printoutts were all complete I forgot my own flat iron/curling iron.  

I like to look clean and made up for my son’s 10th birthday party photos so I’ve decided to curl my hair using a hotel bathrobe belt.

So it was from THIS……

To This!!!
How do you like it?
I like how different the curls came out.  It looks like beach waves and very soft and natural.

Some important important tips you need to follow:
1. Wash your hair beforehand with shampoo (NO CONDITIONER or HAIR TREATMENT).
2. If hair is too dry spritz water to your hair.  Hair has to be damp.
3. Use a long baathrobe tie, thickness doesn’t matter.
4. Best left overnight.
5.  If you don’t want to leave it overnight, you may blowdry “Tied” hair to quicken curling time.
6. Spritz with hairspray to “set”.

For you to be able to understand this tutorial better, I will include my quick tutorial video below.

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Hair Volume Clips Review


I am obviously on online shopping sites A LOT!

Can’t blame this girl.  I have no time to shop because I am already in a rush!  Even my groceries, I still do online shopping 80% of the time.  So, let me get to the point.

I like to browse on Tiktok and Instagram Reels because I find it therapeutic to learn and watch new stuff.  And yes, to “Budol” myself to shop more! :P  Thankfully, as I was able to watch a video on a Korean influencer using these velcro clips for “celebrity clients” and Kpop artists, I went straight to Lazada and found myself a pair!  

TBH, there are far cheaper similar pair but I bought from this shop since I purchase other stuff that are not available in other shops.  Soooo no more explanations..let’s head straight to my thoughts.

Take a look at this Before and After photo.

What do you think?  There is a pouf right?  I was LOLing my way in using this pair of velcro clips for the first time but look who’s laughing at the end?  NOT ME —- the velcro clips? :P

It is a bit tricky to use so you have to try and try to get the right placement for the velcro clips to make it effective.  What I like about these clips is that it won’t show up easily even if you move your head because of the “velcro” that sticks to your hair.

Available in shades Black and Brown —- I got a black becuase my hair is darker nowadays.  But brown is also good if you have color treated hair.

I am quite happy with the natural pouf and to those who felt like their hair is frizzy and think these may not be for you - you are kind a right!  But this pair is perfect for those with limp, thin hair!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Pouf Hair Made Easy


If until this very moment, you do your ponytail or bun style or any updo style without the "pouf", you are missing so much in your life !  #exaggerationBUTtrue

If you don't believe me, just take a look at this photo!

Pouf hair seems like a type of hairstyle ONLY done by professionals or to be done only during special events!  That is DEFINITELY NOT THE CASE Guys!  I used to live in China and I travel to Hong Kong almost every weekend and I have been seeing girls inside the Subway with gorgeous bun with pouf.  My thoughts?  These girls look so professional and their lives seem to be in order!  

That's when I've decided to build that extra pouf in my usual boring ponytail or bun style whenever I go out --- yes when you go out not when you are just at home doing your dishes or cooking!  

Take a look again.....



It changes the shape of my head making my head looks rounder and not FLAT --- like a baby left on a crib for hours without moving!  

How to create such pouf?
IT IS VERY SIMPLE And here's how!  It won't take more than 2 minutes of your life to watch this so please do and send me a nice comment because......I took time creating this video and editing it ! :D

Have a great day guys!

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!