Showing posts with label GRWM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GRWM. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Hair and Makeup For The Day + Update


Has it been THIS LONG?
My last post was last month and February is almost ending!  I am putting an update here because I am turning 46 years old this coming February 28th!  Ahh, I have been celebrating yearly birthdays on this blog for the past 17 years!  I am so grateful to celebrate 17 full years with you guys!  If you are a long time (I mean LOOOONNNGGG TIME) reader, please comment and say HI!  I'd love to know who have been here since 2008 or early 2010s?

Remember how I started Blogging as HR Professional then studied Hair and Makeup on the side?  Then I got engaged, married and turned into a mom?

My life was put on hold - but Beauty Tips sharing NEVER Stopped instead, I ventured to sharing about life and motherhood on this Blog!  Today, I felt like I am in this chapter of my life where I need to update where I am as of the moment.  

There may come a time *knocks on wood* that I might forget about all these memorable moments and experiences of my life so I'll just read and reread it here!

I am currently, actively working as a PR and Marketing consultants for Big Brands locally.  Big companies distributing and producing Health and Beauty products, I also have other clients who seeks my help when it comes to events activation.  I also do a lot of PR Coordination between clients and content creators. So most of my days, you'll see me in front of my phone, Ipad and/or Computer or laptop!  

I also do a lot of hostings nowadays (Grateful for that) and I also do makeup lessons and trainings.  Ahhh, this is the life I've been aiming for but of course, my priority will always be my family!  My son who I takes to and from school and tutors him almost daily - whenever he doesn't understand his lessons or needs assurance of someone "testing" him.

If you are new here, you're probably wondering what I've been blabbing about.  But my online persona has always been Ms. AskMeWhats.  The girl who shares makeup, skincare, hair and nails tips for busy people like YOU and Me!  And that doesn't stop!  Whenever I do my makeup for quick hosting or event attendance, I take videos and photos to share how I came up with such look as the shortest amount of time possible, just like this one....

No matter how crunched I am with time, I never skip a skin prep!  In this look, I prepped my skin by removing dirt and grime after sending my son to school with my favorite Bioderma Micellar Water for Sensitive skin.  I also used my 3rd bottle of Kanebo Fusioning Solution and prepped my Lips with MAC's PREP n Prime Lips.  Estee Lauder ANR for the undereye area - the wand helps depuff my eyes!  Adding cream to fill in dry lines and wrinkles from Kanebo - this product I don't use it daily.  

Check out the rest of the tutorials and products used in this IG Reel Video.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

GRWM: Event Makeup Look in 30 Minutes Less


Hi everyone! 
Gosh, it is almost a month that I last updated here!  Where did the SUMMER VACATION went?

If you follow me on Instagram #ShamelessPlug , you know that my son had his first Holy Communion (for Roman Catholics) and did you know that kids had to attend 3 days Catechism classes while parents need a 2-3 hours session separately? 

We also had a reconciliation day so that covers the whole week of August!  Aside from that, I managed to grab a couple of PR Consultancy opportunities so that kept me super busy as well.  

Anyway, before I go any further about my personal stories, you are probably here for the Get Ready with Me look in 30 minutes less!  Now that you know my schedule, you know that 30minutes is the only available period of time for full face makeup look.

When in rush, it helps to use a pop of color on lips like RED or Deep Burgundy.  A loud lip statement would make your overall look unique.  It looked like you spent a lot of time doing your makeup but in reality, you just did a bit of lipstick swiping!

Makeup used:

MAC Prep and Prime
@itcosmetics Your Skin But Better CC Cream (available @sephoraph )
@kikomilanoph Active Foundation Stick
@lauramercier Loose Setting Powder in Banana
@bobbibrownph Perfectly Defined Long Wear Brow Pencil
@hourglasscosmetics Bronzer and Blush
@kaneboglobalph Eyeshadow Palette
@kpalette_ph 24H Real Lasting Eyeliner started using Brown then Black
@makeupforever Aqua Liner Pencil
@prettysecretph Mermaid Mascara (fave!)
@maccosmeticsph Velvet Teddy and Locked Kiss Ink in Vicious
@maccosmeticsph Fix+ Lavender

Monday, November 21, 2022

GRWM: A Classy Look


When we speak about creating a "classy look", what will you come up with? 

I would immediately think about Audrey Hepburn, maybe clear skin, deep set eyes and defined red lips?  But in recent years, and also being in my 40s, my kind of Classy Look changed into something more clean, fresh and youthful.  

I guess youthful is the keyword. 

This is my version of a classy look, as easy and minimal makeup as it looked, I actually used this much makeup....

Makeup used:
* Hourglass ambient soft glow foundation (@sephoraph )
@narsissist Unhibited Eyeshadow Palette
@hourglasscosmetics Ambient Lightning Universe (@sephoraph )
@maybellinephshop Falsies Lashlift
@bobbibrownph Crushed Lip Color in Cabana

I would also call this a Bridal Makeup Look.  A tad bit lesser in application but close to what I would do when I get married again!  Maybe I'll add a pair of false lashes, wear contact lens and add more eyeliner.