Has it been THIS LONG?
My last post was last month and February is almost ending! I am putting an update here because I am turning 46 years old this coming February 28th! Ahh, I have been celebrating yearly birthdays on this blog for the past 17 years! I am so grateful to celebrate 17 full years with you guys! If you are a long time (I mean LOOOONNNGGG TIME) reader, please comment and say HI! I'd love to know who have been here since 2008 or early 2010s?
Remember how I started Blogging as HR Professional then studied Hair and Makeup on the side? Then I got engaged, married and turned into a mom?
My life was put on hold - but Beauty Tips sharing NEVER Stopped instead, I ventured to sharing about life and motherhood on this Blog! Today, I felt like I am in this chapter of my life where I need to update where I am as of the moment.
There may come a time *knocks on wood* that I might forget about all these memorable moments and experiences of my life so I'll just read and reread it here!
I am currently, actively working as a PR and Marketing consultants for Big Brands locally. Big companies distributing and producing Health and Beauty products, I also have other clients who seeks my help when it comes to events activation. I also do a lot of PR Coordination between clients and content creators. So most of my days, you'll see me in front of my phone, Ipad and/or Computer or laptop!
I also do a lot of hostings nowadays (Grateful for that) and I also do makeup lessons and trainings. Ahhh, this is the life I've been aiming for but of course, my priority will always be my family! My son who I takes to and from school and tutors him almost daily - whenever he doesn't understand his lessons or needs assurance of someone "testing" him.
If you are new here, you're probably wondering what I've been blabbing about. But my online persona has always been Ms. AskMeWhats. The girl who shares makeup, skincare, hair and nails tips for busy people like YOU and Me! And that doesn't stop! Whenever I do my makeup for quick hosting or event attendance, I take videos and photos to share how I came up with such look as the shortest amount of time possible, just like this one....