Showing posts with label Magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magic. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 July 2022


The following is a stand-alone story. But, in case you would like to read the previous parts, here they are-

Part-1- Are You There?

Part-2- Bewitched!


Peter knew that his daughter Anna had turned into a mannequin. 

He did not know when and how the spell would end.

Anna's phone rang. 

Her friend, William, had called.

Peter explained the situation.

William arrived.


He had got a giant spinning-wheel.

Peter looked quizzically.

Photo Prompt- Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

"The spindle had cast a spell on Princess Aurora- Sleeping Beauty. May be it will revive Anna."

William tried pricking the mannequin's finger. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

The Leaning Tower

"I wish to visit the Leaning Tower," Lini said dreamily.

Her mother nodded understandingly.

Lini had won a trip to visit Italy.

But, her happiness didn’t last as she met with the accident. 

The recovery process meant that she would miss the trip.

Photo Prompt- Anne Higa
"I wanted to paint right there..."

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Queer Intent

"But why do you want to be an astronaut?" her Fairy Godmother asked Mary quizzically.

"I have many queries for God...", Mary answered.
Photo Prompt: Magpie Tales

Saturday, 24 May 2014

It's Magic!

magic - possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powersAladdin rubbed the old lamp.

Poof! There was smoke all around!

A Genie appeared as it was a Magic Lamp!

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