Showing posts with label Devdutt Pattanaik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devdutt Pattanaik. Show all posts

Monday, 17 November 2014

7 Secrets Of The Goddess

I loved the title '7 Secrets of the Goddess' & the resplendent book-cover of Mr. Devdutt Pattanaik's latest book. Thus, I became interested to read & volunteered to be a part of the BlogAdda Book Review Program.

Mr. Devdutt Pattanaik, a doctor, consultant  & mythologist, juggles many roles with ease. 
I have been planning to read his previous books such as '7 Secret of  Shiva' & '7 Secrets of Vishnu'. Thanks to BlogAdda, I got introduced to the latest book of the author.

As I haven't read any of his previous books, I cannot compare his latest offering with the previous ones. This is an advantage.

However, I committed a mistake of judging the book from its cover. On the cover, seeing a beautiful Goddess (from the book, I learnt later that she is Goddess Balambika- the daughter of humanity), I felt the book is only about Indian Goddesses.

7 Secrets of the Goddess - Book (Cover)
'7 Secrets of the Goddess' has the word "the" in the title.

 It's not about one particular Goddess. It's about the Goddesses all over the world.

'Never judge a book from its cover'- I again reminded myself.
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