
Note: As of July 10, 2024, watch faces must use the Watch Face Format in order to be installed on new watches that launch with Wear OS 5 pre-installed. Learn more about the user-facing changes in this Help Center article.

Additionally, starting in early 2025 (specific date to be announced during Q4 2024), all new watch faces published on Google Play must use the Watch Face Format.

public final class WeightedElementsComplicationData.Element

Describes a single value within a WeightedElementsComplicationData.


Public constructors

    @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) float weight,
    @ColorInt int color

Public methods

equals(Object other)
final int

The color of the Element, which must be used instead of the watch face's colors.

final float

The weight of the Element which must be zero.

@NonNull String

Public constructors


Added in 1.2.0
public Element(
    @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) float weight,
    @ColorInt int color

Public methods


public boolean equals(Object other)


Added in 1.2.0
public final int getColor()

The color of the Element, which must be used instead of the watch face's colors. This color needs to be meaningful to the user in conjunction with the other fields (e.g. blue is cold, red/yellow is warm). Tapping on the complication should launch an experience where the data is presented in more detail. Care must be taken to ensure the colors used are consistent with the launched experience.


Added in 1.2.0
public final float getWeight()

The weight of the Element which must be zero. The size of the element when rendered should be proportional to its weight. Weights are not required to sum to any particular value.


public int hashCode()


public @NonNull String toString()