Note: As of July 10, 2024, watch faces must use the Watch Face Format in order to be installed on new watches that launch with Wear OS 5 pre-installed. Learn more about the user-facing changes in this Help Center article.

Additionally, starting in early 2025 (specific date to be announced during Q4 2024), all new watch faces published on Google Play must use the Watch Face Format.

public enum TimeDifferenceStyle extends Enum

The styling used for showing a time different by ComplicationText#TimeDifferenceBuilder.


Enum Values


Style for time differences shown in a short alpha-numeric style, with up to two significant units included.


Style for time differences shown in a short alpha-numeric style, with only the most significant unit included.


Style for time differences shown using (possibly abbreviated) words, with only the most significant unit included, that should fit within the character limit for a short text field.


Style for time differences shown in a numeric fashion like a timer.


Style for time differences shown using (possibly abbreviated) words, with only the most significant unit included.

Public methods

final @NonNull EnumEntries<@NonNull TimeDifferenceStyle>

The styling used for showing a time different by ComplicationText#TimeDifferenceBuilder.

final @NonNull TimeDifferenceStyle

Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.

final @NonNull TimeDifferenceStyle[]

Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Enum Values


TimeDifferenceStyle TimeDifferenceStyle.SHORT_DUAL_UNIT

Style for time differences shown in a short alpha-numeric style, with up to two significant units included.

For time difference t:

If t < 1 hour, the value will be shown as a number of minutes, such as 2m for 2 minutes. Seconds are not displayed.

If 1 hour <= t < 1 day, the value will be shown as hours and minutes, such as 4h 2m for 4 hours and 2 minutes.

If 1 day <= t < 10 days, the value will be shown as days and hours, such as 3d 4h for 3 days 4 hours.

If 10 days <= t, the value will be shown as a number of days, such as 13d for 13 days.

The characters used will be localised to match the default locale. If the representation of the time difference with two units would be too long in the default locale, just a single unit may be shown instead.


TimeDifferenceStyle TimeDifferenceStyle.SHORT_SINGLE_UNIT

Style for time differences shown in a short alpha-numeric style, with only the most significant unit included.

For time difference t:

If t < 1 hour, the value will be shown as a number of minutes, such as 2m for 2 minutes . Seconds are not displayed.

If 1 hour <= t < 1 day, the value will be shown as a number of hours, such as 4h for 4 hours.

If 1 days <= t, the value will be shown as a number of days, such as 13d for 13 days.

The characters used will be localised to match the default locale.


TimeDifferenceStyle TimeDifferenceStyle.SHORT_WORDS_SINGLE_UNIT

Style for time differences shown using (possibly abbreviated) words, with only the most significant unit included, that should fit within the character limit for a short text field.

The output will be the same as for WORDS_SINGLE_UNIT, except that if the text does not fit into the seven character limit then a shorter form will be used instead, e.g. 1356d instead of 1356 days.


TimeDifferenceStyle TimeDifferenceStyle.STOPWATCH

Style for time differences shown in a numeric fashion like a timer.

For time difference t:

If t < 1 hour, the value will be shown as minutes and seconds, such as 02:35 for 2 minutes and 35 seconds.

If 1 hour <= t < 1 day, the value will be shown as hours and minutes, such as 4:02 for 4 hours and 2 minutes, or as 12:02 for 12 hours and 2 minutes.

If 1 day <= t < 10 days, the value will be shown as days and hours, such as 3d 4h for 3 days 4 hours.

If 10 days <= t, the value will be shown as just days, such as 13d for 13 days.

The characters used will be localised to match the default locale.


TimeDifferenceStyle TimeDifferenceStyle.WORDS_SINGLE_UNIT

Style for time differences shown using (possibly abbreviated) words, with only the most significant unit included.

For time difference t:

If t < 1 hour, the value will be shown as a number of minutes, such as 1 min for 1 minute or 2 mins for 2 minutes. Seconds are not displayed.

If 1 hour <= t < 1 day, the value will be shown as a number of hours, such as 1 hour for 1 hour or 4 hours for 4 hours.

If 1 days <= t, the value will be shown as a number of days, such as 1 day for 1 day or 13 days for 13 days.

The words used will be localised to match the default locale.

Public methods


public final @NonNull EnumEntries<@NonNull TimeDifferenceStylegetEntries()

The styling used for showing a time different by ComplicationText#TimeDifferenceBuilder.


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull TimeDifferenceStyle valueOf(@NonNull String value)

Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)


if this enum type has no constant with the specified name


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull TimeDifferenceStyle[] values()

Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

This method may be used to iterate over the constants.