Showing posts with label rodent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rodent. Show all posts

Friday, 26 May 2017


This amigurumi Chinchilla is one piece measuring 22cm from nose to tail and 2cm tall.

You can find him in my Ravelry store

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Little Guinea Pig

This little Guinea Pig is totally one piece.

You will need:
  • Crochet hook
  • Yarn needle 
  • Yarn (approx 20g or 60m)
  • Black embroidery thread or 4mm safety eyes.
  • Soft toy filling
Stitches and abbreviations used:
(I am from England but use US crochet terms)
  • MC - Magic circle/ring (sc unless otherwise specified)
  • Ch - Chain 
  • SC - Single crochet 
  • Inc - Increase stitch (2 single crochets into one stitch)
  • Dec - Decrease stitch (single crochet 2 stitches together)
  • DC - Double crochet 
  • ST - Stitch 
  • FLO - Front loop only 
  • BLO - Back loop only 
  • HDC - Half double crochet  
  • SLST - Slip stitch 
  • FO - finish off
  • PC - Popcorn stitch 
Other things to note....
  • This is worked in continuous rounds. It is helpful to use a stitch marker to keep track
  • The number in ( ) at the end of each round indicates the total stitch count for that round
  • *  * indicates repeated series of stitches
  • Use invisible decreases for a neater finished product
  • Stitches in [ ]  are worked into one stitch
  • Stuff with filling as you work. 

Beginning at nose in brown yarn:
1. MC (4)
2. *Inc* (8)
3. 2sc, inc x4, 2sc (12)
4. 4sc, inc x4, 4sc (16)
5. 16sc (16)
6. 8sc, inc x4, 4sc (20)
7. *4sc, inc* (24)
8-9. 24sc (24) - Place eyes between rounds 6 and 7 
10. 11sc, [FLO - 2sc, 1hdc, 1dc], [FLO - 1dc, 1hdc, 2sc], 5sc, [FLO - 2sc, 1hdc, 1dc], [FLO - 1dc, 1hdc, 2sc], 4sc. (24) - The stitches in [ ] which make the ears are counted as one. 
11. 11sc, 1sc into each of the next 2 BLO left over from previous round, 5sc, 1sc into each of the next 2 BLO left over from previous round, 4sc (24)
12. *5sc, inc* (28)
13. 5sc, - change to white -, 1sc, inc, *6sc, inc*x3 (32) - This hides the colour change on the underside
14. 32sc (32) 
15. 2sc, FLO - PC (using 5dc), 5sc, FLO - PC (using 5dc), 23sc (32)
16-18. 32sc (32)
19. 16sc, *1sc, dec*x4, 4sc (28)
20-24. 28sc (28)
25. 10sc, - change to brown -, 18sc (28)
26-27. 28sc (28)
28. 20sc, inc, 3sc, inc, 3sc (30)
29. 30sc (30)
30. 2sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 11sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 11sc (34)
31-33. 34sc (34)
34. 10sc, FLO - PC (using 5dc), 5sc, FLO - PC (using 5dc), 17sc (34)
35. Skipping over the PC stitches in the previous round - *6sc, dec* (28)
36. *5sc, dec* (24)
37. *4sc, dec* (20)
38. *3sc, dec* (16)
39. *2sc, dec* (12)
40+. dec x3, FLO - PC (using 3dc), dec x2, decrease last st of this round and 1st stitch of next round together. 
FO close hole. 

Sunday, 23 April 2017

One Piece Mouse

This Mouse is totally one piece and requires no sewing

If you have any question or corrections please let me know as I will greatly appreciate any feedback! Also if you do try out this pattern, please post a picture as I will love to see your recreations.

You will need:

  • 3mm crochet hook (Can use 4mm if preferred)
  • Yarn needle 
  • Yarn (approx 20g or 60m)
  • Soft toy filling

Stitches and abbreviations used:

(I am from England but use US crochet terms)
  • MC - Magic circle/ring (sc unless otherwise specified)
  • Ch - Chain 
  • SC - Single crochet 
  • Inc - Increase stitch (2 single crochets into one stitch)
  • Dec - Decrease stitch (single crochet 2 stitches together)
  • DC - Double crochet 
  • ST - Stitch 
  • FLO - Front loop only 
  • BLO - Back loop only 
  • PC - Pop corn stitch (using 5dc)
  • HDC - Half double crochet 
  • TC - Treble crochet 
  • SLST - Slip stitch 
  • FO - finish off
Other things to note....

  • This is worked in continuous rounds. It is helpful to use a stitch marker to keep track
  • The number in ( ) at the end of each round indicates the total stitch count for that round
  • *  * indicates repeated series of stitches
  • Use invisible decreases for a neater finished product
  • Stitches in [ ]  are worked into one stitch

  1. MC (4)
  2. inc x2, 2sc (6)
  3. 1sc, inc x2, 3sc (8)
  4. 2sc, inc x2, 4sc (10)
  5. 3sc, inc x2, 5sc (12)
  6. 4sc, inc x2, 6sc (14)
  7. 5sc, inc x2, 7sc (16)
  8. 6sc, inc x2, 8sc (18)
  9. 7sc, inc x2, 9sc (20)
  10. *4sc, inc* (24)
  11. 24sc (24)
  12. 7sc, [flo - sc, 2hdc, 1dc], [flo - 1dc, 2tc, 1dc], [flo - 1dc, 2hdc, 1sc], 5sc, [flo - sc, 2hdc, 1dc], [flo - 1dc, 2tc, 1dc], [flo - 1dc, 2hdc, 1sc], 6sc 
  13. 7sc, 1sc into the 3 blo left over the previous round, 5sc, 1sc into the 3 blo left over the previous round, 6sc (24)
  14. 24sc (24)
  15. *4sc, dec* (20)
  16. *4sc, inc* (24)
  17. *5sc, inc* (28)
  18. 28sc (28)
  19. in pink FLO - PC, change to grey, 3sc, in pink FLO - PC, change to grey, 23sc (28)
  20. 28sc (28)
  21. *6sc, inc* (32)
  22. 32sc (32)
  23. 32sc (32)
  24. 32sc (32)
  25. 32sc (32)
  26. *7sc, inc* (36)
  27. 36sc (36)
  28. 36sc (36)
  29. 36sc (36)
  30. 3sc, in pink FLO - PC, change to grey, 5sc, in pink FLO - PC, change to grey, 26sc (36)
  31. 36sc (36)
  32. 36sc (36)
  33. *4sc, dec* (30)
  34. 12sc, *1sc, dec* x6 (24)
  35. 12sc, dec x6 (18)
  36. dec x2, 6sc, dec x4 (12)
  37. *dec* (6)
  38. + continue with 6sc in each round until tail reaches the desired length. FO