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4 Day to Night Festive Makeups with Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayons

Hey Beauties!

Christmas is over and now we're thinking of what makeup to wear on New Year's Eve. I have prepared 4 makeup looks in total. There are two day makeups and two night makeups. Both can be upgraded from day to night. Maybe you're working on that day and you can wear a day time version, but before you go out to party, you can upgrade the look to something more night appropriate. One is a silver version and one is gold. Those are in my opinion two of the most classic eye makeup looks. I also paired these with four different shades of lipsticks to give you some variety. 

Silver Day Makeup

Silver is one of those shades that will look absolutely stunning on cool skin tones. It actually looks even good on warm skin tones, if you pair it with the right lip shade. 

For my day makeup I used yellow skin toned shadow all over the lid to make it easier to blend. Then I took taupe brown matte shade and applied it in the crease. On my lid I used light shimmer silver shade. I also applied a bit of darker shimmery silver in the outer corner of the eye. The lighter silver I also put in the inner corner of the eye. Around the lower lash line I applied the same matte taupe brown shade. Then I just finished with mascara.

I used a bit of contouring powder around the outer edges of the face and I also added slight white based highlighter. For my cheeks I used coral shimmery blush.

On the lips I used light pink shade (Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon - Charming Pink).

Silver Night Makeup

To turn this look into a night time, I started by drawing an elongated eye liner with black pen eyeliner. Then I darkened the outer edge with matte black shade. On the lower lash line I used medium shimmery silver eye liner. I also put another thicker coat of mascara.

I changed the shade of my lips and chose a darker purple shade (Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon - Wild Orchid) to make it look more vampy.

Gold Day Makeup

For all my fellow warm toned people, here is one for us. I love gold every year for every occasion. I think it looks good on absolutely anyone, if you find the right shade for you.

For my day makeup I firstly used yellow skin like shade all over the lid. I applied matte brown shades in the crease as well as around the lower lash line. Gold went on the entire mobile lid and I finished with mascara.

For my lips I used medium toned fuchsia shade (Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon - Raspberry Rush).

Gold Night Makeup 

To take this one into the night, I applied a bit more of and also a bit darker matte brown shade in the crease. The gold shade needed to be intensified. I used a damn brush to make it look even more metallic and shiny. I also darkened it around the lower lash line with darker matte brown shade. Of course I also applied my usual black eye liner and another coat of mascara. 

On my face I used champagne gold shimmery highlighter and I also contoured my outer edges of the face. For the cheeks I went with my usual shimmery peach shade.

On the lips I went for a classic, but a bit darker red shade (Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon - Red Haute).

All the lip products that I used for these four makeups are from Avon and they're called Ultra Colour Lip Crayon. They sent me these a few weeks ago. They already have 6 regular shades, but those four are new editions to the range. 

They have giant pencil or crayon design. The packaging is all black with different sized stars on it. One of those are gold and then there are also ones in the same color as the lip crayon. It's super cute. 

The crayons don't need to be sharpen, you just twist it up and it comes out. Now that they still have a point, they are very easy to apply. I actually applied them all without the lip brush or lip liner. 

The regular price of these is 9.50€, but now they're 4.50€ (Slovenia) and you get 3 grams of it. 

Charming Pink

This is a classic baby pink shade. It's warm toned. 

Raspberry Rush

Bright fuchsia pink that looks like a very fun shade. It's a nice version between pink and purple. 

Wild Orchid

Medium purple shade that has a warm undertone to it. I really like this one. It's unique and especially pretty for fall and winter.

Red Haute

My favorite shade out of all of these. It's actually a bit darker medium red shade. It seems like it has a cool undertone, but it's such a pretty shade of red. I like it because it's not light and not dark. 

The texture of these is very creamy. It seems very much like a beeswax texture. They have good pigmentation, but also leave a stain on your lips. You can do a stain look, if you smudge thin layers of these on the lips. If you use it straight from the bullet, it's very pigmented full on lipstick look. 

The finish is creamy, but it almost becomes semi-matte after a few hours. I think this might be just on my lips, because they tend to get dry quickly. If yours are not as dry, they might look creamy all the time. They do cling to dry patches and are not the most hydrating formula, but are also not drying. I think those are great for those that want something that leaves a stain, it's very pigmented and still creamy looking. 

The staying power is descent. It's not like a matte liquid lipstick, but I find that because of the waxy texture these hold to the lips really well. 

I was a bit surprised by how well pigmented these are. Usually pencil lip products are more like stains or lip balms. These definitely give you color as well as creamy shine. In my opinion they are very long lasting for such product. They don't have any additional moisturizing abilities, so I find them great for those that want color. They are also easy to throw in the back and have with you for when you need to change up your look. Definitely a good one, if you want it simple and colorful. 

Pred nekaj tedni mi je Avon poslal nove odtenke Ultra Colour Lip Crayon svinčnikov. Pred tem je avon že ponuja šest rednih odtenkov. Pred kratkim pa so dodali štiri nove. 

Gre za velik svinčnike, ki se ne šilijo. Izdelek samo zavrtite in pride ven. Embalaža je črna z zvezdicami različnih velikosti. Ene so zlate, druge so v odtenku izdelkov. Zelo luškana praznična embalaža.

Dokler so nove in je konica dokaj ošiljena, se zelo lahko nanašajo. Pri nanašanju na teh fotografijah nisem uporabila niti čopiča za ustnice, niti dodatnih svinčnikov.

Redna cena teh je 9.50€, zdaj jih lahko dobite za 4.50€. V vsakem je 3 grame izdelka. 

Charming Pink - baby roza odtenek, ki je toplega podtona in spominja rahlo na breskvast podton.
Raspberry Rush - fuksija roza odtenek. Precej živahen in zanimiva mešanica med roza in vijolično.
Wild Orchid - srednje vijoličen odtenek. Zelo primeren za jesen in zimo. Precej unikaten.
Red Haute - moj najljubši odtenek. Gre za srednje temen klasičen rdeč odtenek. Všeč mi je, ker ni temen in hkrati ni svetel. 

Tekstura teh svinčnikov je zelo kremna. Zdi se podobna izdelkom z čebeljim voskom. So zelo dobro pigmentirani in na ustih pustijo barvni madež, ki zagotavlja daljšo obstojnost. Če jih nanesete v tanih slojih lahko dosežete zelo svež lahkoten videz odtenkov. Če pa jih nanašate direktno iz embalaže, izgledajo bolj kot zelo pigmentirane šminke. 

Finiš je kremast, ampak na mojih ustnicah čez uro ali dve postane na pol mat. Če so vaše ustnice v nomalnem stanju, bodo svinčniki ostali kremasti in sijoči. Barva se rada oprime suhih madežev na ustnicah zato je nujno, da jih prej dobro navlažite. Sama formula ni preveč vlažila, niti ne izsušuje. Svinčniki se mi zdijo super za nekoga, ki ima rad dobro pigmentirane izdelke za ustnice, ki pustijo za sabo barvno sled in so kljub temu še vedno kremasti in sijoči. 

So kar dolgo obstojni. Verjetno zaradi voskaste teksture, zaradi katere se bolje oprijemajo ustnic. Seveda ne gre za tako obstojnost kot pri na primer tekočih mat šminkah, je malo manj obstojno. 

Bila sem presenečena nad tem kako dobro pigmentirani so ti svinčniki. Večinoma so taki izdelki bolj lahki in podobni balzamom. Ti vsekakor zagotavljajo barvo in kremast sijaj. Meni se zdijo zelo obstojni za tak izdelek. Nimajo nobenih dodatnih vlažilnih sposobnosti, zato se mi zdijo še posebej primerni za vse, ki si res želijo barve. So enostavni za prenašanje po torbah in ima tako pri roki vedno barvit odtenek, ki spremeni vaš videz v nekaj minutah. Zagotovo dober izdelek za vse, ki si želijo nekaj preprostega in barvitega. 

Products used

Silver Day and Night Makeup

Revlon Colorstay Foundation - 150 Buff
Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer - 010 Porcellain
Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder - Transparent
Catrice Prime and Fine Professional Contouring Palette - 010 Ashy Radiance
Maybelline Colorama Blush - 101

Avon Ideal Flawless Eye Primer
Sleek i-Divine Ultra Matts V2 - Dune
L'Oreal Color Riche L'Ombre Pure Eyeshadow - 106 Breaking Nude
Coastal Scents 88 Ultra Shimmer Eye Shadow Palette - silver
Maybelline Lash Sensational Lash Multiplying Mascara - Black
Makeup Revolution Flawless Palette - Night
Essence Eyeliner Pen Waterproof - Black
Avon Always On Point Eyeliner - Molten Sky

Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon - Charming Pink
Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon - Wild Orchid

Gold Day and Night Makeup

Revlon Colorstay Foundation - 150 Buff
Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer - 010 Porcellain
Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder - Transparent
Catrice Prime and Fine Professional Contouring Palette - 010 Ashy Radiance
The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer
Milani Baked Blush - Luminoso

Avon Ideal Flawless Eye Primer
Sleek i-Divine Ultra Matts V2 - Dune
Essence All About Nudes Eyeshadow 02 Nudes - matte brown
MUA Undressed Eyeshadow Palette - Shade 6
Maybelline Lash Sensational Lash Multiplying Mascara - Black
The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer
Essence Eyeliner Pen Waterproof - Black

Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon - Raspberry Rush
Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon - Red Haute